
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Oriental
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150 Chs

(Chapter 86)Senior Brother Chen made me deliver a message to you.

Su Yuwei's words instilled confidence in everyone in the room.

Many inner disciples' eyes burned with determination. 

Junior Sister, she was the number one in the Five Kingdoms talent rankings. If she believed in him, why should anyone else worry? 

Su Hongyi turned to Yuwei and, after a long pause, sighed and said gently, "Yuwei, I don't want you to bear the pressure all on your own. After all, you..." 

"Father, I understand the legacy of our sect, and I also deeply analyze our sect's future." 

As Su Yuwei spoke, she had a determined look in her beautiful eyes, "The reason why I am so confident is not only because of me, but also because of him, Lin Chen!" 

For a moment, countless gazes fell on Lin Chen. 

Lin Chen was quietly watching the excitement, but unexpectedly, he himself suddenly became the focus of the crowd. 

He cleared his throat and nodded, "Yes, I promised Junior Sister that I will try my utmost to help the sect fight for this promotion spot. Fengjian Sect is not worth mentioning." 

These words were full of confidence. 

As a new disciple that had only been in the sect for half a year, to dare to say such words, was indeed somewhat outrageous. 

However, none of the many inner disciples felt that he was being arrogant. 

Everyone saw clearly what Lin Chen had done in the past six months. 

He had already become the second most respected person in everyone's hearts. 

Su Hongyi nodded but did not continue to dwell on this. 

"We will choose some candidates first." 

He raised his head, his gaze steady. 

This time, the sect quota battle was similar to the Dragon Gate Competition. 

Five disciples would be chosen to participate, who would represent the future of the sect to some extent. Only a strong sect could nurture strong disciples. 

Therefore, every competition between sects was more or less an examination of their disciples. 

"Su Yuwei, Lin Chen, Fang Luo..." 

"Feng Mingcheng, Fan Anzhi!" 

Su Hongyi did not hesitate when he chose the first three names, which showed that he had thought this through for a long time. 

He uttered the last two names after some hesitation. 

Fang Luo was the most senior inner disciple, and his strength was extremely powerful. In recent years, he and Su Yuwei had been called the Lihuo Sect's pillar of hope, and the expectations placed on them were naturally very high. 

As early as half a year ago, he had reached the Eighth Level of the Earth Spirit Realm. 

In the past six months, Fang Luo had been in closed-door training, hoping to break through to the Ninth Level of the Earth Spirit Realm. 

It was precisely because of his long-term closed-door training that Fang Luo's reputation had not become like that of Lin Chen. 

However, in the past six months, despite being in closed-door training, he still hadn't managed to break through to the Ninth Level of the Earth Spirit Realm. 

His current realm was at the peak of the Eighth Level of the Earth Spirit Realm, only one step away! 

Fang Luo was tall and handsome, and dressed in white robes, which made him even more elegant. 

He was not surprised by his own selection. 

What truly surprised him was that his name was ranked after Lin Chen! 

That brat had only been in the sect for half a year. Although his talent was good, why would he be ranked ahead of him? 

As the head senior brother, Fang Luo was very sensitive to these things. 

He had no problem with Su Yuwei being ranked first, but why was a new disciple ranked second? 

Feng Mingcheng and Fan Anzhi were overjoyed and excited, as they were chosen to represent their sect in the competition. 

"In this sect battle, General Yan Lin and I will lead you..." 

Su Hongyi had just finished speaking when a cold laugh was heard in the distance. 

"I didn't expect your place to be so lively!" 

They saw a young man with an arrogant expression riding in on the back of a giant tiger. 

He jumped off the giant tiger and raised his hand towards Su Hongyi, saying flatly, "Greetings, Sect Head Su!" 

"Who are you?" 

Su Hongyi frowned slightly. 

Looking at the engraving on the young man's forehead, he was from Fengjian Sect! 

The question was, why had the inner disciples of Fengjian Sect come here before the sect quota battle had even started? 

"This humble one, Wen Xuan, is an inner disciple of Fengjian Sect, and is nothing more than an unknown person. It is normal that Sect Head Su has never heard of me." 

Wen Xuan smiled, then swept a gaze across the crowd, saying arrogantly, "Who is this Lin Chen? Come out." 

This arrogance was extremely impolite. 

Don't forget, this was the Lihuo Sect! 

He, a disciple of an opposing sect, dared to behave so atrociously. Where did he get such courage from? 

"I am he." 

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows and chuckled, "What do you want with me?" 

"Oh, so it turns out to be you." 

Wen Xuan's gaze fell on Lin Chen's face, and the smile on his lips was rather unrestrained, "I have no other meaning. My main reason for coming this time is to deliver a message from Senior Brother Chen to you!" 

"Chen Lingfeng?" 

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, somewhat surprised. 

Speaking of which, he should not have any connection to him! 

Did he have something to say to himself? 

Everyone else also looked thoughtful. What did Chen Lingfeng have to do with Lin Chen? 

"Kneel down and listen to Senior Brother Chen's message." 

Wen Xuan took a step forward, his tone aggressive. 

Not only arrogant, but also overbearing. 

"You want me to kneel and listen?" 

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed, a hint of coldness flashing through them. 

This Wen Xuan must be one of Chen Lingfeng's henchmen. He had come to the Lihuo Sect before the match, and who knew what he was planning. 

As for Chen Lingfeng, Lin Chen really could not figure out what connection he had with him. 

If there was any connection, it would be that he and Su Huanxue were both disciples of Fengjian, and their relationship also seemed rather close. 

"Could it be that he came to stand up for Su Huanxue?" 

The corners of Lin Chen's mouth curled up in a smile, "I just wonder if he can afford it." 

Wen Xuan sneered, "Senior Brother Chen instructed me to tell you that you must participate in this sect quota battle, because you offended Senior Sister Su, so Senior Brother Chen will crush and kill you in front of everyone!" 

The moment these words were spoken, the atmosphere in the venue instantly turned cold. 

Even Su Hongyi's face darkened slightly. 

This Fengjian Sect was really arrogant, daring to send people to provoke them like this before the match had even began! 

"Oh, by the way, Senior Sister Su has asked me to pass on one more message. She will spare your life, and let you watch carefully as she 'treats' your sister. There are too many ways to torment a woman. I hope you can endure it!" 

Before leaving, Wen Xuan smiled again. 

His gaze was contemptuous, and he did not take Lin Chen seriously at all. 

Upon hearing these words, Yan Lin's expression changed slightly. 

Didn't these people from Fengjian Sect learn their lesson last time? 

Didn't they know why Zheng Liang had died? 

Lin Chen's enemy was Lin Ning'er, and he dared to provoke and threaten her like this. 

It could basically be concluded that he was a dead man! 

As he pondered on this, Yan Lin found it rather inconceivable. 

Lin Chen had first killed Zheng Liang, Huo Fan and Sun He, before killing Feng Yu in the ancient tomb ruins! 

Why had Fengjian Sect not taken any precautions? 

"Have you finished speaking?" 

Lin Chen smiled brightly, and under the sunlight, he appeared very clean, pure, and even harmless. 

"How is it?" 

Wen Xuan turned around, his smile neither friendly nor hostile, "You are a dying person, do you still want to turn the world upside down?" 

"That's enough, then go and die!" 

Lin Chen's smile instantly turned sinister, and he fiercely stomped on the ground. 

Battle Soul Trample!