
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Oriental
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150 Chs

(Chapter 4)Mega Primordial Chaos Tree

Lin Chen frowned.

"So, this little tree stump, is it a magical beast?"

"Ha, you're one heck of a lucky dog! Your 'tree brother' was awakened in the nick of time when you were on the brink of death from the intense poisoning. Otherwise, your head would already be rolling all over the place!"

The little tree stump hugged her shoulders and harrumphed.

Lin Chen remained silent, looking down at his hands. He recalled, right after awakening from his bewildered sleep, he had zero divine power. But after draining Lin Yilong's life force, his domain level skyrocketed to the seventh rank of Star Devouring!

"Who are you exactly?"

Lin Chen lifted his gaze and murmured.

"Thunder Ascending Great Pangu Tree, you can call me Your Tree Bro." The little tree stump rolled her eyes, "Your Tree Bro's used to devouring stars like sweets. I'm a real badass. To have me as your magical beast is practically your jackpot!"

"Spill it."

Lin Chen tightly grasped the little tree stump and said, "Give me a feel for your stomach's capacity."

As an arbiter of beasts, the stomach capacity of the magical beast is critical. The belly is larger, proving that it can contain more spirit energy, and the speed of cultivation can only go faster. The cultivation of an arbiter of beasts is in the "bridge" between the two parties' dantians, jointly absorbing the world's spirit energy.

During this process, the magical beast and the arbiter of beasts amplify each other. Some martial arts need both parties to cast together to maximize their efficacy.

In the next instant, Lin Chen was completely floored by their formidable inner realm.

The dantian in the little tree stump looked like an endless celestial river with a wide and endless expanse. But the spirit energy in the river was practically dried up, only a sliver was flowing.

But what if, if the river could be filled, how terrifying would it be?


Lin Chen's eyes were positively blazing with excitement. He thought he was doomed when he killed the Red Raging Blood Wolf, but who knew, luck kicked him in a favourable direction again, spawning a magical beast once more. Although this little tree stump seems unreliable, it's still a glimmer of sunlight in the darkness.

Suddenly, outside sounded a bustling stampede of footsteps, it seemed like a group of people were racing forward.

Lin Chen's pupils sparked with bright light, poised to dash outwards.

"What's up!"

The little seedling lunged at Lin Chen, "You and I are merely the seventh level of the human kingdom, doesn't it just feel like running into a minefield if we run out now?"

Lin Chen growled softly, "I'm taking my sister with me!"

"Don't be ridiculous! Your sister has been betrothed off, since it's an alliance, the family would be crapping themselves to hurt her. But you, this blockhead, if you don't hurry up, you'll really be screwed!"

The little seedling pounded his chest, "As long as there is Hill, who cares about branches being burned? Can't you get such a simple principle?"

Lin Chen bit his teeth hard, his pupils flickering with many emotions.

The more crucial the situation, the cooler his brain cells got.

In the heyday, he could have actually carved himself a bloody path.

But now, staying means certain death.

"Go, run like crazy!"

The little seedling face grew pale at the increasing footsteps.

Lin Chen seized the little seedling, and his figure abruptly soared, jumping out the window.

Behind the yard was a wall, after flipping over, they would soon be able to escape the city.

Several breaths later, Lin Yilong's corpse was discovered by servants.

The whole Lin family went crazy.

Lin Hongbin immediately rushed in, seeing the shriveled corpse, he was seething with rage.

He roared fiercely, "Lin Chen, this little beast, his cultivation has been crippled, he can't have gone far, send someone to search, citywide, dig up the earth with your bare hands to find him!"

The crowd was as quiet as a churchyard chicken.

But indeed, how bizarre!

That guy was crippled by Feng Bi Mei personally, and took a poisonous pill, how did he manage to escape again?

"Eldest Uncle, I heard they're true siblings, why not parade Lin Ning'er, and execute her publicly in the city? I don't believe that little beast won't come out yet..."

A servant suggested.

"Indeed, capture Lin Ning'er, I want to chop off her head, to mourn Yilong's soul!"

Lin Hongbin squinted angrily, like a ferocious beast.

"Father, this is out of the question."

A youth frowned, said, "Lin Ning'er has become a concubine of Zhang's House, if we harm her now, how should we deal with Zhang's side? If we mess up this alliance with Zhang's House, who will explore the ruins in Ziling Mountain with us?"

He is none other than Lin Hongbin's eldest son, Lin Yiming.

Lin Hongbing's brows were knotted tightly.

The ruins in Ziling Mountain, is the key to the family rising!

This alliance with Zhang's House, Lin Ning'er is the most critical part.

Mangling anyone, she can't be messed with!

"Damn it, damn it!"

Lin Hongbin abruptly turned a deep shade of chagrin, roaring in indignation like a wild beast, slapping his palm out and blasting a gust of air into the void.

Numerous kinsmen around were so profoundly affected that their throats whistled with pain, their mouths streaming out blood droplets.

"From this day until the seventh day, she's confined like a prisoner, all information is silenced, and once she weds into Zhang Jun's family, we're clear of the whole matter."

Lin Yiming issued his command in a sullen gaze.

Then, he said coldly, "Dad, I'll personally go mess up Lin Chen back here. The Zilianshan ruins are mission critical, not a jot of goof-up can be allowed! I hope Dad will put the larger picture first!"

Lin Hongbin was shaking with rage, yelling, "Lin Chen, do you think Lin Ning'er being married as a concubine to Zhang's family is a cakewalk? Zhang Da Shao has peculiar tastes, and after seven days that weakling will be exposed to shame, living a life worse than death! And you, how long can you hopscotch?"



Inside Zilianshan, a quiet corner with no one visible.

As though it were a river, the earth's consciousness within ten miles is flowing in ebb and flow, ceaselessly drawing itself into the whirlpool.

And at the very origin of the whirlpool, it's a human and a tree.

"My big bro from the forest, your body physique is quite the disappointment! It's even more barren than barren wood, chopping it will give off a pungent stench even if you utilize it for fuel!"

Little Tree Sprout was scornful, "You tree brother have never seen such a shake, rickety body." 

It was like the veteran, tutoring an unskilled rookie in cultivation.

The desire to be urgent took over.

"With this puny physique, I'm afraid you won't last long before giving up. Come on, let me tweak your body first."

Little Tree Sprout was glowing with green light, enveloping Lin Chen.


The sound of tree branches rustling gently rang out, Lin Chen felt a warm glow throughout his body.

From meridians, skin, to bones, it seemed to be undergoing a thorough transformation.

After half an hour had passed, his eyes opened wide.

He saw numerous branches gradually blending into their own flesh and blood.

The physique is stronger than ever before.

Little Tree Sprout looked pleased with himself, "Your tree brother endows you with Wishful Wood Body, this is one of the very formidable special bodies, strength, speed, and the sturdiness of the flesh is times two, plus there will be horrifying healing techniques!"

"Special body?"

After listening, Lin Chen's pupils contracted dramatically.

He used to see in ancient books that those monstrous beasts often provide their owners with incredible benefits.

Special bodies are one of them.

It's just that these kinds of creatures are simply too scarce, maybe they only exist in fables.

"Come on, your tree brother will show you!"

Little Tree Sprout's arm instantly transformed into a sharp wooden knife, and with a slash, it sliced into Lin Chen's arm.

Block by block, like a neat operation, it removed a chunk of meat.

However, within seconds, the wound was as perfect as before.

This Wishful Wood Body, indeed, is extraordinary!

"With this special physique, it can withstand my tree brother's future rampages!"

Little Tree Sprout grinned cheekily.