
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Oriental
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150 Chs

(Chapter 2 )I'm here to fetch my little bro!

"Ah, Snow Princess is positively innocent and kind."

"Yes, given everything, she's still making great efforts to help him!"

"Lin Chen, you are so ungrateful! Being able to be Snow Princess's dog is your greatest blessing!"

Some people grumbled, their hearts were full of jealousy.

This kid, why in the world has he gotten such good luck?

"Su Huanxue, so I have to thank you?"

Lin Chen picked up the medicine with his hand, flipping it around playfully.

His lips curved into a smile.

A chill ran through him.

"Look, the previously first prodigy of Great Cang Country, going to kneel down and bark like a dog!"

"An extraordinary wonder, all rocket eyes, quick!"

The crowd was gloating.

Even Su Huanxue, also squinted her beautiful eyes.

Her heart, extremely excited!

Back then, you Lin Chen were so proud, but in the end, aren't you still going to bow before me?

But Lin Chen, let go of his finger, leaving the three-tier medicine to fall on the ground.

Then, he crushed it underfoot with one kick.

"Su Huanxue, do you know why I didn't appreciate you back then?"

Lin Chen's eyes were firm, and he spoke softly.

When the words fell, the entire scene was stunned.

Not appreciate Snow Princess?

At this critical time, aren't you still daring to say that?

"You, you're pushing your luck!"

Su Huanxue's expression was icy cold, and she thoughtsedly commanded the Thunder Two-Tail Griffin on top of her head to unleash an unprecedented terrifying pressure, similar to an avalanche.

"Crack! Crack!

In a single instant, Lin Chen had multiple broken bones.

The wounds that hadn't healed yet, burst open again!

"Because you are blindly shortsighted and bully weaklings!"

Lin Chen sneered, difficulty wiping away the blood on his lip.

His arm hadn't even touched the ground before it was snapped.

"Without a warrior's heart, no matter how gifted, your future accomplishments will inevitably be limited. Even three years ago, now, and even in the future, you will always be at a different level from me!"

Lin Chen's voice was heavy and steady.

Even though he faced an irresistible pressure, he insisted on finishing this sentence.

Each word pierced hearts!

After his last word was spit out, his bones shattered, and blood sprayed everywhere.

Even if he felt unbearable pain and passed out, he still held his self-esteem and despised the sky.

Asking me to kneel to you.

Are you worth it?!


Su Huanxue dropped two mocking words and stepped onto the Thunder Two-Tail Griffin's head.

Furious beast unfolds its wings, shrouds the sky.

Lin Chen retains a shred of sanity at this moment. He fists gnawing his nails.

Suanhuan Xue, I may have lost the battle, but I still haven't kicked the bucket yet!

There's half a year remaining, don't get too cocky!

"Pfft, even Princess Lianxue's chance is ignored by you. You deserve to muddle through your life as a lowly peasant!"

Zhao Wuji smirks and then waves his hand, "Where are the folks from the Lin family? Shove him back. He can't step another foot into the imperial city!"

The entire place falls deathly silent.

What's unbelievable is, not a single person from the Lin family has shown up!

"Even your family has dumped you. Is it not hilariously ironic?"

Suddenly, Zhao Wuji laughs uproariously.

One moment, a succession of jeering laughter drifts into ears.

Even though his bones feel like they're being ground to pieces, Lin Chen, now, felt frost creep down his spine!

He exploded, vomiting a mouthful of blood.

His whole body felt like it had fallen into a frozen glacier.

"Who said my Lin family doesn't come?"

In the crowd, a skeletal figure is desperately elbowing their way in.

This is a young lady, her face is as white as ivory due to malnutrition.

She pushes her way through the crowd, and in a soft but assertive voice, she says, "Lin Chen, he's my brother. I...I'm here to pick him up! 

"Brother scum, sister sickweak, really the perfect match!"

Zhao Wuji raises an eyebrow, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Brother, let's go home."

The girl's voice is choked up, constantly rubbing tears off her face.

Definitely fragile, but playacting tough!

"Lin Ning'er, your brother is rather stubborn. He didn't kneel, why don't you kneel for him instead!"

Zhao Wuji smirks, "As long as you kneel, I'll let you leave!"

"You mean it?"

Lin Ning'er is just a weak woman without any cultivation. After hearing that, she kneels down without hesitation.

As long as she can take her brother away, what does it matter if she kneels without dignity?


Lin Chen's consciousness is barely there. In the depths of his heart, he screams passionately.

Sounds like someone's wailing!

"Ha ha ha ha, indeed a perfect pair of siblings! A buttload of peasants! Get lost!"

Zhao Wuji throws his hand, acting like he's waving away flies.

"Brother, let's hit the road!"

Lin Ning'er rises to her feet, using all her strength to support Lin Chen and head towards the exit.

Every step is a boogie, every five steps is a tumble.

Each step, is as hard as climbing Mount Everest.

"Who dares lend her a carriage, and have nine families executed!"

Zhao Wuji's voice echoed from behind, showing no respect at all, full of disdain.

"Brother, that's okay, let me carry you home!"

Lin Ninger grinned ear-to-ear.

She neglected to wipe her tears and gave it her all, hoisting up the worthy son of Lin Clan who was about to crumble into pieces.

Oh, where was the clan? Cozied in Fanyun City near the royal city.

But let's not forget, there's a horde of miles!

Lin Ninger half-dragged, half-carried Lin Chen, trudging on for what felt like eternity for three consecutive days before they reached their ancestral grounds.

But alas, not a single glance or offer of help from the clan guards or even the cross-legged clan offspring as they passed by.

Lin Ninger was on the brink of collapse, crumbling with weariness but still managed to somehow reach their home.

Then, not even casting a glance at the comfort of a break or even a sip of water, "Brother, I'll fetch the head elder to plead for medicinal pills, hold on to hope, don't lose heart!"

Before she took two steps out of the yard, there appeared a towering figure, it was Chief Elder Lin Hongbin.

His eyes landed on Lin Ninger's face.

Though Lin Ninger had washed away her fame, a picture of a sick old man, and yet she couldn't hide her incredible beauty.

He didn't mess around, he was straightforward, "Ning'er, I know you have itching to use the medicinal pills to save Lin Chen, I can gift you an invaluable third-grade medicinal pill which, if he downs, he will definitely cling onto his life."

Lin Ninger felt a modicum of optimistic light.

"But, you gotta become a concubine of Zhang Family's eldest son."

"If you agree, the pill I'm holding here, and Zhang Family will arrive to pick up passengers seven days later."

Lin Hongbin dug out a brocade box smoothly from his sleeve.

Zhang Family, one of the big four families in Dachang State.

"So, if...if I decide not to marry, the clan won't provide any medicinal pills for my brother, right?"

Lin Ninger paused for a moment, timidly questioning.

"Yup, the clan is now in chaos, and the source of all this is none other than Lin Chen! This pill is also Zhang Family's betrothal gift, also, not a deterrent for you."

Lin Hongbin's eyes remained calm and patient.

Just for a fleeting moment, for Lin Ninger, it felt like an eternity.

"Alright, I'll marry!"

She ended up making a decision.

Lin Hongbin beamed with victory at seeing Lin Ninger's retreating back, "Guys, after Lin Chen downs this poisonous pill, he'll die for sure, and as for my two sons attending Feng Jian Sect, watch out for me."

A black-clad person emerged with a wave of his hand and snickered, "Don't worry, our sect master delivers on his word."

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