
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Oriental
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150 Chs

(Chapter 124)An ant looks up at the sky, not knowing how large the world is!

Chu Hao did not speak, but he quickly recovered.

He laughed out loud and said, "How much do you want?"

Now that Lin Chen had spoken, he could not lose any face.

"Take all the spirit jade you have. That's ten-to-one odds. You put in one piece of spirit jade, and you get ten back!"

Lin Chen's mouth curved into a bright smile.

He had been very relaxed from the start.

He did not care about this life-and-death battle at all.

Chen Zilei was indeed stronger than Chen Lingfeng, but so what?

He had been improving all this time.

Tuntun had been eating so much spirit jade every day for a reason.

"Your appetite is quite big."

Chu Hao smiled wryly and took out a bag from his interspatial ring, raising his hand and throwing it towards Lin Chen.

Lin Chen took the bag, and after carefully counting the contents, he sighed, "Brother Chu, you are really generous. You want to bankrupt the Chen family!"

"Do you really have that much faith in him?"

When Chu Yinfei saw this, he could not help but ask, "That bag contains all your belongings. You just gave it to him. Aren't you afraid of losing everything?"

"Just wait and see."

Chu Hao stood with his hands behind his back, smiling increasingly mysteriously.

Chu Yinfei raised his eyebrows, feeling that his elder brother was acting strangely.

Why did he trust a country bumpkin from the Five Kingdoms so much?

Before this, Lin Chen had killed Chen Lingfeng, and when the Chen family pursued the matter, Chu Hao had actually risked his life to save Lin Chen.

Even when the Chen family threatened to go to war, Chu Hao had not backed down.

What was the relationship between his elder brother and this kid?

"I counted a total of 100 four-star spirit jades. If you are paying ten-to-one, you will owe me 1,000 four-star spirit jades. Tch, tch, can your Chen family afford that?"

Lin Chen teased.

"Oh? Are you saying that you are certain of your victory?"

The Grand Elder sneered, "You little brat, you really think highly of yourself!"


Chen Zilei moved his body and stood proudly on the viewing platform.

He stared at Lin Chen with cold eyes and said, "Come up and die!"

"Wait a minute, what if you lose and can't afford these 1,000 four-star spirit jades?"

Lin Chen raised a hand and said seriously, "You have to offer some collateral. Otherwise, knowing the way your Chen family acts, if I default on my debt, where can I, a poor boy with no backing, go to settle the account?"


Chen Zilei sneered, "The Chen family has a long history. How could we ever refuse to pay our debts? Besides, there are so many eyes watching. What are you worried about? Could it be that you are afraid?"

"Stop talking nonsense and take out your collateral!"

Lin Chen's expression was indifferent. "Whether or not I accept this life-or-death battle is up to me. If you keep babbling on, I'm going to quit right now!"

"Very well, I'll produce this token!"

Chen Zilei's expression turned grim. "This token represents my identity as the second young master of the Chen family, and it is worth no less than 1,000 four-star spirit jades!"

1,000 four-star spirit jades was not a small sum!

Even for the Chen family, it represented at least a year's worth of income!

Someone from the Chu family walked up to the ring and took the token.

After examining it, he nodded, indicating that there was nothing wrong with the token.


Lin Chen laughed out loud and produced his 100 four-star spirit jades.

Then, he walked up to the star viewing platform.

The strong wind blew, making the young man's clothes flutter.

His handsome face seemed resolute at this moment.

"This is a life-and-death battle."

Chen Zilei smiled cruelly. "From the moment you step onto the star viewing platform, there will be no way out. The two of us will fight to the death. I, Chen Zilei, shall show the entire Eastern Plains Region on this viewing platform that you, Lin Chen, are nothing but an ant! I can crush you easily!"

"Don't talk so big."

Lin Chen coughed lightly and said, "If I'm just an ant, then what was your brother, Chen Lingfeng? If his spirit is still around, he'll be furious to know that you're insulting him like this, saying he's not even as good as an ant!"

"Shut up!!!"

Chen Zilei was furious. Chen Lingfeng was his biological brother, yet he had been mocked by Lin Chen time and time again.

His anger was rising!

He deserved to die, he really deserved to die!

Today, he must kill Lin Chen, only then could he comfort his brother's spirit in heaven!


In the next instant, a terrifying wave of energy erupted from Chen Zilei's body.

The exaggerated spirit energy surged out in all directions like floodwaters.

Everyone's expressions changed when they felt Chen Zilei's aura.

Liu Jiaojiao, who was in the audience, felt cold sweat drip down her palms.

She took a deep breath and whispered, "Chen Zilei's realm has actually reached this level... He is only one step away from the tenth level of the Earth Spirit Realm and can enter the Heaven Spirit Realm. With this, how can Lin Chen possibly fight him?"

Although Liu Jiaojiao supported Lin Chen wholeheartedly, the gap between their realms was too great.

At this point, she had no idea whether Lin Chen's combat power alone could make up for the difference!

"Peak of the tenth level of the Earth Spirit Realm!"

Many of the onlookers exclaimed softly.

Even the expressions of the Chu family members turned solemn.

Chu Yinfei's eyes were sharp, and he could not help but murmur, "Chen Zilei has also reached the tenth level of the Earth Spirit Realm like me. I thought... I was the only one among the three of us who had reached this level. Unexpectedly, he had been hiding his strength all along!"

Then, he raised his head and looked at Chu Hao. "Brother, with such a disparity, I really can't see how Lin Chen has any chance of winning!"

However, Chu Hao smiled as usual and said calmly, "Don't worry, the battle has not begun yet!"

Chu Yinfei shook his head. He felt that his elder brother was being too stubborn!

If Lin Chen killing Chen Lingfeng had been a miracle, then facing Chen Zilei now was like extinguishing the last spark of that miracle!

At the peak of the tenth level of the Earth Spirit Realm, what could Lin Chen possibly use to fight?

"I will let you see the disparity between you and me!"

Chen Zilei could not help but show a flash of killing intent in his eyes.

He had waited for this moment for a long time.

Today, on this arena, he wanted to completely wash away the shame of the Chen family!

"So what if it's the peak of the tenth level of the Earth Spirit Realm?"

Unexpectedly, Lin Chen, who had been silent all this time, smiled calmly. "To me, this kind of realm is nothing to brag about. Since I could kill Chen Lingfeng, I can definitely kill you! An ant looking up at the sky, not knowing how large the world is. This is ridiculous!"


The entire venue was in an uproar.

Lin Chen's words were extremely arrogant.

Chen Zilei was the second young master of the Chen family, one of the four young masters of the Eastern Plains.

His talent was well-known.

Now that his realm had reached the peak of the tenth level of the Earth Spirit Realm, he was only one step away from reaching the Heaven Spirit Realm.

Yet Lin Chen dared to call him an ant?