
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Oriental
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150 Chs

(Chapter 108)It's my turn!

"Lin Chen, have you ever felt the sensation of all your sect's hopes being obliterated in an instant?"

""Have you ever felt the feeling that the sky is falling..."" 

""Have you ever had... the feeling of being deeply betrayed and stabbed?"" 

Su Yuwei posed three questions in a row, with increasing agitation in her voice. 

Her beautiful eyes were filled with rage. 

Lin Chen could sense Su Yuwei's anger and murderous intent! 

On the side, Chu Hao also sighed helplessly. "In this world, good people often go unrewarded. If I were to use metaphors, the 'Lihuo Sect' is like that righteous person who tried his utmost to be kind to Meng Dongsheng, but ended up in this situation in the end." 

Lin Chen remained silent. 

He knew exactly how it felt to be stabbed in the back! 

Because he too had experienced it. 

He had done his utmost and devoted himself entirely to being good to his family and fighting for their honor. In the end, after an accident, his family was the first to abandon him. 

The only one who had gone to the Imperial City Square to take him home was Lin Ning'er, who was seriously ill! 

Where were the rest of his family now? 

Lin Chen had experienced the pain of betrayal, so he understood how Su Yuwei felt. 


Lin Chen spoke in a deep voice. 

He was eager to know what had happened next. 

"That betrayal reduced all the efforts of our Lihuo Sect to nothing! Under the attention of everyone, I saw the corpses of dozens of fellow sect members on Duan Tianya, and in that moment I felt that this world truly was...unreal!" 

Su Yuwei composed herself and gradually calmed down. "You must understand how much pressure our Lihuo Sect has been under for the past ten years. After the sect's hopes were dashed, our sect suddenly transformed into a joke!" 

"Since then, our sect lost its position as a second-rate sect. My father led some of the elders who were still willing to follow him to the Five Kingdoms. Here they took over a sect that was on the brink of bankruptcy and renamed it the 'Lihuo Sect' to continue surviving." 

Su Yuwei spoke with solemn expression. "The Lihuo Sect and the sect that ranks first in the Five Kingdoms that you know about are the foundations we have laid over the past ten years, but regarding the East Sword Pavilion and the dozens of corpses on Duan Tianya, there have been many questions. This is a past that our sect cannot touch, a past that aches our hearts every time we mention it!" 

Her words were resolute. 

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes. "What does Meng Dongsheng's betrayal have to do with my sister's poisoning?" 

"It does." 

Su Yuwei continued. "There is a young sect master in the East Sword Pavilion named Zhong Chen. When he was born, he caused celestial phenomena and was an undeniable genius. He was a dual beastmaster from birth. Even if he were in the Dongyuan Domain, he would certainly be one of the rare geniuses!" 

"However, the East Sword Pavilion emphasizes swordsmanship. The young sect master is a dual beastmaster. Although he is remarkably skilled, he knows nothing about swordsmanship..." 

"At that time, the sect leader of the East Sword Pavilion traveled far and wide and arrived in the Five Kingdoms. He discovered a little girl with a natural sword bone. He immediately conceived an idea. If the sword bone could be completely transplanted into Zhong Chen, wouldn't it be possible to create a supreme prodigy who could accomplish great things in both beastmastery and swordsmanship?" 

Speaking up to this point, Su Yuwei sneered. "But the little girl was still young at the time, and her sword bone was not yet fully developed. If it were forcibly removed, it would only cripple her sword bone and cause her to lose her vitality, so the sect leader came up with a plan. Poison the little girl! Let her body nurture her sword bone, and then more than a decade later, take it. The entire plan was flawless!" 

"And your sister is that girl. When I treated her before, her sword bone reacted violently. It was clear that it was about to mature. Once her sword bone matures, the East Sword Pavilion will learn of it. They will definitely come and take her sword bone!" 

Su Yuwei sneered. "The East Sword Pavilion, they are truly shameless, wicked to the core!" 

"East Sword Pavilion..." 

Lin Chen's eyes suddenly erupted with intense killing intent. 

Those bastards! 

They would actually do such a thing to a little girl. 

Where was their conscience? 

As his killing intent intensified, Lin Chen's expression grew savage. It revealed an endless murderous aura. 

Last time, Su Yuwei had said that within a year and a half, the poisoner would come and take her sword bone. 

Looking at it now, as her sword bone neared maturity, the one-and-a-half-year timeframe had obviously been significantly shortened. 

"At most three months, the East Sword Pavilion will receive the news." 

Su Yuwei said coldly, "So, whether it's you or the sect, our fundamental goal is the same. Our common enemy is the East Sword Pavilion!" 


Lin Chen uttered each word with a sinister expression. "East Sword Pavilion, you're really ruthless, but if you dare to lay a hand on my sister, I'll make sure you...die without a burial ground!" 

"Lin Chen, the East Sword Pavilion is one of the strongest sects in the Dongyuan Territory, and it's extremely difficult to deal with them." 

At this time, Chu Hao sighed. "Now that the Lihuo Sect is weak, it's obviously impossible to confront the East Sword Pavilion directly, unless we can think of some other way!" 

"As long as I'm here, there's no need to bother." 

Lin Chen smiled savagely. "In the beginning, I promised my little senior sister that I would help the sect attain the position of a second-rate sect. I fulfilled my promise in just half a year. This time...if the sect can protect my sister in the early stages, then within half a year at most, I will completely overturn the East Sword Pavilion and make them cease to exist, becoming history!" 

"I will also retrieve the bodies of those senior brothers who sacrificed their lives for the sect on Duan Tianya and give them a proper burial!" 

Lin Chen's words were resolute and resounding. 

He truly needed the sect's protection now! 

The East Sword Pavilion was formidable. Even in the Dongyuan Domain, they ranked highly. 

Right now, he and his sister had no one to rely on. They could only count on the sect. 

As long as the sect could buy him enough time, he would certainly repay them tenfold! 

Su Yuwei's beautiful eyes landed on Lin Chen. After a long while, she slowly spoke up, "You know, have you been kicked in the head by a donkey? Why are you so foolish?" 


Lin Chen was surprised. 

"You are now a disciple of our Lihuo Sect. How could we not protect you?" 

Su Yuwei sneered coldly. "Regardless of whether it's you or your sister, if the East Sword Pavilion wants to touch you, they must first step over the ruins of our sect!" 

These words were spoken in a very calm tone. 

But the meaning contained within them caused Lin Chen to feel an overwhelming surge of passion. 

It was as if his entire body had been instantaneously filled with strength. 

Recalling that time when Su Yuwei had been willing to face Chen Yun for his sake. 

Lin Chen's heart felt like boiling oil, with endless agitation rising within him. 

This was the rule of the Lihuo Sect. 

This was the spirit of the Lihuo Sect! 

In the past, so many senior brothers and sisters had fought to the death for the dignity of the sect. Now, it was his turn!