
Eternal Wolves

"You are so beautiful," A man's husky voice says. He pushes a piece of hair out of my face behind my ear as he kisses my forehead. Electricity surges through my body. Warmth begins rushing over me. I try to look up to see his face, but it's blurry. "I want you…” He whispers in my ear as he gently licks and nips at it and begins kissing down my neck while caressing my breasts. He's making me wet and all I want is for him to never stop. "Take me," I moan, completely surrendering my body to this man and his touch. Arianna Erickson is the last of her bloodline, a direct descendant of the Moon Goddess. You'd think with such prestige to her name, finding her mate would be a walk in the park. WRONG. After multiple failed attempts year after year, the pressure is on as her 21st birthday approaches. She's racing against time, and risks being stripped of her title for it to be handed over to her cousin, Alpha Fenry Magnus. Will she be able to find him before her 21st birthday or will she be too late? Ares Cain Martin is the future alpha of the Freedom Ridge Pack and has been tasked by his father, Alpha Lucian, with finding his mate. His father expects him to start a war to fight for his claim to the throne; the same throne an undeserving she-wolf stands to inherit. As they both search for their mate, tragedy strikes, secrets are uncovered, special abilities are discovered, relationships are formed, and they begin to explore realms with mysterious creatures that could become their enemies or allies. Will their paths collide? Will they be on opposite sides? Or will their quests lead them to a future they never imagined?

Kristi Author · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
81 Chs

Chapter 61 - Interview with a Wolf

Ari’s POV

“ALEXIA!” I squeal as I hold my arms out and run towards my best friend like a little school girl.

“ARI!” She smiles, but the smile doesn’t reach her eyes. She looks exhausted, and there is a sadness in her aura that was never there before. Alexia was the life of the party, but right now, she was less than that. Maybe the travel exhausted her? I know Slick Paw is quite the distance since their pack house is located all the way in Concord, New Hampshire, but I didn’t think traveling would take so much out of a person?

“How are you Alexia? I missed you so much! I’m SO sorry for disappearing off the face of the earth like that!” I quickly jump to what I think might be the source of her lack of excitement.

“It’s okay! I understand now what was going on. Are you feeling better? You look...changed…” She observes.

“What do you mean...changed?” I question her with a curious look.