
Eternal winter(League of Legends)

Among the wastelands of eternal permafrost in Freljord, a severe people live. The birth of a child is always a celebration in such a cold place. Once an unusual child was born. In him lay a gift, and along with it the memory warrior who possessed it. !!!Is a translation, lots of grammatical errors, author is not a native speaker!!!

ValikMurigov · Jeux vidéo
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19 Chs

Chapter 6. The Southern Territories

The Bear Fang clan prospered. Success did not come immediately, however, but several years later when the seemingly insignificant pigs became a terror to Freljord. The massive beasts were capable of carrying many loads, and their indiscriminate eating habits allowed them to feed on anything, making travel much easier.

The first route into the unknown was difficult because of unknown trails, unfamiliar terrain, and other factors. There was also the problem of being met with weapons wherever they went, people remembered the raids of the Norsemen who killed and slaughtered them. It was hard for them to express their peaceful intentions, but the weapons and the beasts gave them a very different look.

For a month they wandered in search of those who were not hostile. It was not until they traveled farther south, where the cold was not so bitter and the sun blinding and burning their skin, that the uncomfortable clothing and unfamiliar climate took their toll on the traveling members of the Bear Clan. They stumbled upon the lands called Demacia. Though there were rumors of distant lands, few Freilordians had actually been there.

They were greeted coldly, but when they saw the goods they brought, they decided to take a chance and bargain, and so began the first contact, which turned into a trade route. Every year it grew, attracting people who didn't mind making money. Unfortunately, it also attracted bandits. A number of raiding clans began to seek out and plunder the caravans of goods. These clashes often resulted in heavy casualties on both sides.

To ensure the safety of the thriving trade route, alliances were formed and a share of the profits was established to be shared among the clans and other participants in the trade route. The strongest warrior in the clan, Kailen, took on the task of escorting the caravans, though it was not a satisfying task as he was away from his family for long periods of time.

After returning from a camping trip, Caylen decided to take action and asked Ingun to become a part of his life. He gave the ransom to her mother, and then they wove their lives together. The house was no longer cold, there was always warmth from the hearth and food ready to eat. They fell deeply in love, and it didn't take long. A new life began to form in Ingun's womb. Kylen was both overjoyed and tormented by his thoughts. He wanted to conquer these lands and defeat the strongest, but now he had a family. So he decided to stay with them.

The family's happiness was disrupted by constant raids by bandits. Kailen had to travel with every caravan so they could trade safely. Those who dared to attack paid dearly. Kylen did not stand still and developed his skills to become a formidable warrior. He was rumored to be a warrior who could stand against hundreds. It was said that nature itself was subject to his powers and that he had no equal among mortals.

The rumors also reached the Demacia settlements, and they began to be wary of Kailen. Only their benevolent attitude kept them from taking up arms to kill or punish the mage. With each generation, the hatred grew in the minds of the people, causing dislike and anger toward the very essence of magic.

So five years passed in endless wanderings and battles. He missed the birth of his child, the moment of its first word and its first steps. Kylen's son was named Asur, and he grew up to be a strong and healthy boy. Ingun understood her husband's absence, for the clan was more precious to her - they were already among the richest in Freljord, their village was growing.

Right now, Kylen was looking at the vast meadows that had been sown with food. The bright green grass was in bloom and gave off a pleasant scent. A strong contrast to his home, where there was almost nothing but snow. More than once, he wondered why they didn't move here, why they suffered in such an unsuitable place. Only their clan had been living well lately, but the neighbors were also struggling to make ends meet. Although these thoughts appeared, they quickly disappeared because there were more disadvantages. His magic is much weaker here, and he needs more power to create techniques. Even his body struggles, especially when the heat is scorching on sunny days.

"Kylen, you can freeze our boars, they're getting very uncomfortable," Jorund said. Only his glorious friend, who had accompanied him on almost every campaign, eased the hardships of service.

"Good," Kylen said, pulling himself out of his thoughts.

"I'm tired of this heat. It's like the underworld this year," Jorund said. Even though they were wearing light clothing now, sweat continued to drip from them. Kylen used magic to keep his body temperature constant.

"This is our last caravan of the month, and we'll be able to rest soon," Kylen said wistfully. He missed his son and his wife.

"That's right, I can go to bed with a few girls by my side and enjoy life," Jorund said dreamily. He never married and remained single. There was no one to calm the turbulence of his youthful heart, though there was one person who beat the crap out of him.

"Then I'll tell Sigrun about it," Kylen said with a grin.

Sigrun was a warrior known for her strength and courage. Despite her steely temper and impressive skills, she was a beautiful maiden. Jorund couldn't resist showing her some sympathy, but it ended tragically. Their budding relationship soured when Jorund, unable to resist, found himself in bed with another, leading to their battle, so brutal that he was barely saved afterward. Their relationship remained cold, and every time she saw Jorund with another woman, Sigurd challenged him to a duel and beat him.

"Please don't tell her," he begged. Jorund could overpower her, but he didn't want to hurt her, unlike her.

"I can't say, but perhaps you should temper your appetite, and perhaps with a proper apology she would forgive you," Kylen said. As they talked, they came to a camp of boars, who were now lying in the mud to cool off. Using magic, he created small particles of ice that began to fall. A small snowball filled the space, and the animals happily jumped into the snow and wallowed in it. Dragal approached his master and asked for a treat. Kylen made an icicle and put it in the pet's mouth.

"Do you think she will forgive me?" Jorund asked.

"Probably. If she didn't love you, she wouldn't react so strongly to your antics, and she won't let anyone near her," Kylen replied.

"Then all is not lost. All right, I'll give it a try," he said. He didn't mind taking the snow and wiping his face with it.

The rest of the team was in town, buying and selling goods. Kylen, on the other hand, stayed out of town to avoid assassination attempts because of his magic. A few skirmishes, especially by rabid fanatics, had displeased the authorities. So they stayed with their boars, which were not allowed in either. They were huge monsters that could swallow a man whole. When they stood in the middle of the street, it caused panic among the people.

Most of Demacia's cities were not large, only a few buildings were made of white stone, the rest were made of wood. The walls around the city were just beginning to be built, and only a small portion had been completed.


Their team was already starting to get delayed, trading usually took much less time. If they didn't show up, they would have to follow them. After waiting a few more minutes, they finally spotted their comrades returning.

In the southern parts, they carried the goods on horseback, which was more convenient and faster than using boars, but further on, everything was loaded on them because horses are not capable of being in cold regions and walking in deep snow. As they made their way to their own, they noticed the less than cheerful faces of their comrades.

"Did something go wrong?" Kylen asked.

"Everything went as usual, but in the next six months, trade with us will decrease, perhaps even stop altogether," replied Hurt, who had become the chief of trade affairs. "Outlaws from our lands slaughtered several villages and took everything. It happened a little to the west, and far from our route, but they are afraid they will come here, too."

"I mean, they know we defend the route and fend off attacks on a regular basis," Kylen said, confused.

"Yeah, it hasn't been a problem. But they had some kind of rebellion involving the magically gifted. Their armies are busy putting down the rebellion. To make matters worse, Demacia is not a whole state, and many people decided they could control more land than they had and started attacking their neighbors," Hurt said.

Demacia oppressed those who had been gifted with magic since childhood, and any manifestation of it was immediately found. The unlucky ones were put in chains and sent to the mines and heavy construction. They were given only a few spoonfuls of broth to eat, and the conditions were inhumane. They were used to build the architecture of Demacia, literally digging their bodies into its foundations.


"So we could lose our food supplies? - Kylen asked.

"That will not be a problem, the villages will still sell us food, but the rest might be difficult. They're also talking about charging us a percentage, I hear they want a cut of our goods for trading in their territory," Hurt said sadly.

"We need to talk to the leader, we'll find a way out," Jorund said.

"Yes, let's hit the road," said Hurt.

The party headed back to Freljord. Their route had been traveled many times before and had caused no problems. On the way, Jorund decided to approach Sigrund, but she deliberately pretended not to notice him. He already looked like a real man, with a thick beard and a scarred face, but he still did not dare to speak first.

"Stop following me and say what you have to say or I'll break your legs and put you in the cart," Sigrun said angrily.

"I just thought I'd keep you company, the road goes faster when we talk," Jorund said.

"I'd rather have the company of a troll than have you by my side," the girl replied, still unfriendly.

"Don't get too excited, I've been thinking about a lot of things and realized I've made a lot of mistakes, and I've just decided to apologize for everything I've done to you," he admitted sincerely.

"You dare to ask for an apology? You have no honor. You swore to me that you loved me, and as soon as the Rock appeared near me, all your feelings vanished," Sigrun replied bitterly.

"I know, I'm an asshole. Don't hold it against me, I'll make it up to you," Jorund said.

"You are unbearable, I don't believe a word you say," she said, and turning around, she struck Jorund's leg with the hilt of her axe, causing him to stumble and fall to the ground.

Kylen saw the situation and helped his friend up.

"Do you think it worked?" He asked.

"Well, there's progress, so she'd be beating a blade over your head," Kylen joked.

"Yes, to the trolls," replied the friend without malice.

The journey back home awaited them. They walked on, hoping that all would not be bad and the trade would continue. But their fates were already being decided.


A few miles away, in Freyleyord, the gods gathered to decide the fate of mortals. A huge bear stood on two legs, its eyes lightning, its teeth like sharp knives gazing from its mouth. The Fury of the Storm, the demigod Volibir.


He was filled with unbridled rage at the despicable weakness of the tribes of Freljord. Those who dared to deny their customs and fight, deserved the right to live. In his rage, he decided to help his followers conquer the clan that dared to call itself Bear Fang. They became like warm-blooded creatures, living in wealth and comfort. Well, they would soon learn of their sins.

I didn't go into detail about the event because I decided to skip it. The approximate date is now the 11th year since the founding of Noxus. Demacia is now a mostly developing state, where everything is just beginning to form and build. There is no unified monarchy or government. In short, there are separate city-states and independent settlements.

Noxus currently has only one main city fortress and has just begun to engage in warfare to expand its territories.

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