
I love you.

Manhattan; 8:00 a.m.

A woman in her twenties wearing a sleeveless, knee-length dress is reading a book while sipping her coffee in the lawn of her beautiful house.

"Bella" a voice came from behind.

She stood up and walked towards him with a cheeky smile "yes my dear hubby".

"Bella, please help me pack my stuff. I have to leave for an important meeting immediately."

"But George, tomorrow is our 5th wedding anniversary" she became sad.

"I promise baby, I'll be back before midnight." He replied.

"Why do I feel like we are growing apart George?" She complained.

He became pale. "You are just overthinking. You know that I am doing all this for you. I want to give you the best life. Also, mom and Lili are planning to buy a house of their own. They might need a little help."

Bella felt guilty for her thoughts, " I am sorry George. I shouldn't have overreacted."

"It's okay " he replied

"I love you" she whispered and kissed his cheeks.

He just nodded and smiled in response.

"I'll do the packing now. I'll ask Auntie Mia to prepare breakfast" saying that she went to their room.

George called someone" Is everything ready for tomorrow?"

"Okay, see you then. Goodbye!"

Meanwhile in their room Bella found a giftbox in George's bag. She opened it and found a beautiful infinity ring.

She screamed in joy and felt guilty that she doubted on her husband who was planning to surprise her with this ring. She also thought to plan something beautiful and grand for him. She wore the ring and found it a bit loose but she ignored it and continued packing.


Meanwhile, in Brooklyn

"Noah, wake up. It's already 8 in the morning. You have a flight at 10." A beautiful voice called out.

"Just five more minutes, love" Noah replied in a sleepy voice.

"Enough Noah, I have to leave. I am getting late. Please wakeup or I'll leave right now." She frowned and turned to leave; Suddenly a hand caught her arm and pulled her towards the bed.

"Where do you think you are going without my good morning kiss?" Noah said with puppy eyes expression.

"I can't get late because of your laziness Mr. Williams. I have a very important exhibition in Chicago today." She spoke in an annoyed tone.

"Sorry love, please don't be upset." He kissed her forehead.

"It's okay" she got up and started picking her things up.

"Are you sure you aren't forgetting anything?"

Noah asked while holding a diary.

She turned towards him and panicked "Noah, just give it back"

"I wonder what secrets are you hiding from me" he teased her.

She became angrier "just give it back. It's none of your business."

"Okay okay, calm down. I was just messing with you." He replied as she snatched the diary away from him.

He held her from the back and whispered "Erika, I love you"

"Let me go now. It's getting late." She smiled

He let her go but suddenly remembered something "Oh wait, Tomorrow is your birthday."

"Don't worry, I'll be back by midnight" she replied.

"I'll be waiting" he kissed her hands.
