
Eternal Guardian of Mankind

Shiro transmigrated into Land of Sages. [ Was his transmigration accidental ? Or did someone plan for him even before he was born ? ] He was like a robot who lacked emotions in his past life. [ Is there any reason behind his robot-like soul ? ] If you were in the place of him, I would definitely ask you, " What would you do if the one who messed up your entire life was one of the people whom you loved the most in your life and he did it for your own benefit ? " He will have true friends and also very strong supporters, helpers, masters, and seniors too. Every path he tread will be very smooth. Universe's Karmic laws are giving him so much favor and his family is very good for him too, but karma and fate are still restraining him even if karmic laws are on his side. [ Would he be able to get out of it ? More importantly, would he even want to get out of it ? ] Moreover, his family was extremely overprotective towards him and loved him very deeply. He is the most beloved treasure for his family in the entire universe. He is also almost like the most spoiled child in the whole Omniverse. [ What is the reason ? What is hidden behind his strange family and his ignorance about his family ? ] His whole body is full of mystery. Oh, no ! The whole universe was full of mystery. There will be many interesting questions and mysteries for you to think about in this novel. Welcome to the journey of our MC, Shiro, together with his overprotective family in the land of Sages.

Sage_Tranquil · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Is it picnic or adventure ? ( 7 )

Brownie was eating the meat sticks with great relish and immerse gloating while Shiro was waiting for him to finish his meal.

' Haha, You damn pig ! Are you looking at me from the underworld that I am eating you ? ' brownie ate continuously and felt very happy at this moment.

After eating for a while, he closed his eyes and observed his inner world to see his increased strength and law energies.

But he could only notice his increased strength, not his increased law energies.

' Huh, what's wrong ? ' he thought and went forwards the pig to investigate what was happening.

After he checked that pig, he found that the violent and ferocious energies within it had already completely vanished. He also found out someone did it deliberately. Moreover, this pig beast king was a bloodthirsty-type beast originally. That's why it would be more correct to say that its whole body was filled with ferocious law energies before, and for now it didn't have even a grain of law energy.

' What's it ? Why does someone powerful enough to kill a beat king with a single strike, have to endure this kind of trouble of removing these energies deliberately ? ' he wondered. He also understand that the reason why his law energies didn't increase, was because it only had cell energies right now.

After that, he looked at Shiro and his sword. He rubbed his sweat on his forehead and thought

' What is this guess appearing in my head ? '

However, he didn't have any evidence yet, so he only decided to observe more to know the truth. His nosey trait appeared again. Even if he had to climb the Mount Meru to know the truth, he would go until he knew the answer very clearly.

" Hey , little Shiro, what are doing in this forest ? Are you trying to go somewhere ? " brownie asked nonchalantly.

" Yes, I am trying to search for a cultivation school. I want to be a sage, you know ? " Shiro strugged his shoulders.

" Oh, okay. I am planning to return the day afther tomorrow. How about you ? You shouldn't stay for a long time in this forest. If there are some dangers around us, even I won't be able to protect you safely. " Brownie continued to ask.

" Maybe tomorrow, this forest is too quiet and I don't also find any interesting thing. " Shiro explained patiently.

After Brownie heard what Shiro said, his face became more darkened. ' What the heck this human is talking about ? This forest is too quiet ? Moreover, I have just warned you that there are dangers in this forest ! Didn't you hear those sounds of riots before ?

Oh, I forgot that there was a sound-proofing law formation here. Wait, wait, wait a moment ! '

Brownie remembered something and observed his surroundings more carefully. He didn't pay enough attention to the location of the formation before, because he thought that it wasn't important that much compared to the lives of the little beasts. Only now, when he paid attention to the formation to observe, he found some strange things.

From the beginning, the formation was built around the forest entrance. Moreover, the forest entrance was also very close to Shiro and him. So, he and Shiro was now living in the core of that formation !

He also remembered that the place he lost his consciousness was in the innermost area of the forest.

' When and how did I reach this place ? Or did those black clothes men carry me to the outermost area ? Did they do that purposely ? ' he wondered.

In addition, he was more and more afraid that his guess would became true. However, when he thought of what Shiro said, he was afraid that it would be very dangerous for him if he didn't take his words seriously.

" I just told you that there are dangers in this forest ! Are you listening to me ? And with which kind of brain did you think this forest was quiet and peaceful ? You should be more cautious. " Brownie said abruptly.

" Did you say that there are dangers in this forest ? Are you sure ? When I first entered this forest, I was also very cautious as you said, but I haven't seen even a chicken until now ! The only creatures I saw are you and that fat pig. That pig is not that frightening too. Its size was very big, but I can kill it with a single strike of my sword.

Moreover, I dived into a lake before I met you. Did you know what happened to me ? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Not even a man-eating fish was there. Where are the dangers you told me ? " Shiro tilted his head without understanding what Brownie was talking about.

Brownie's face became more and more gloomy when he heard Shiro say that ' Why are my luck and his luck so different ? For me, there were many things that I suffered and experienced in this forest, and as for you, you were eating your meat sticks very leisurely. ' Brownie suddenly felt very envious.

But he couldn't help correcting Shiro's ignorance because he would definitely hurt himself if he did it in the future. He was very good dog after all !

" Littel Shiro, don't be silly. I also agree that you can kill that pig with your sword, and your sword is also very powerful.

But do you know which realm it is in ? It is a beast king ! Any beast king won't be so foolish to face this kind of sword head-on. Instead of, it will make that pig beast more greedy and want to kill you more than ever. Even though your sword can't be sensed, once you hold the sword to fight, it will release some killing intents and auras. You don't have any enough strength to restrain those remaining auras. " Brownie looked at Shiro and talked to him seriously.

" if you have to fight that pig, you will not have any time to slash it with your sword, but it will definitely kill you just in one second.

Never underestimate an opponent's strength even if you are more stronger than him, littel Shiro. This is my advice for you. " he continued to warn Shiro.

" Did you say that it is a beast king ? Though I don't know which realm it is, I think it will be quite high. At first, I thought it was a normal pig that was just very big in size. " he said the truth because he actually thought like that.

" Beast kings are in the third realm, you idiot ! I have seen only you who said that the beast king is just a normal animal. However, you don't know anything about cultivation and realms yet. I can understand. " brownie nodded.

" Also, isn't my sword ordinary too ? There is no way an ordinary sword can chop the beast king, right ? " Shiro asked curiously.

" Yes, you're right. Your sword is not any ordinary sword. Even I can't guess its real grade. " brownie confirmed what Shiro asked, but in his mind, he was thinking about something only he knew what it was.

" Oh, what a surprised !

I understand what you mean. You're right. I shouldn't show this sword in front of other people and beasts, even if they are some unknown animals. Thank you, Brownie ! " Shiro looked at Brownie gratefully.

He also thought if their parents knew about this sword, but after thinking about it for a while, he only assumed that his parents didn't know about this sword because they wouldn't give it to him at all if they know the origin and power of it. After all, they are his parents. They wouldn't want him to bring many troubles and even death to him because of the gift they gave him.

" No problem. They're just the things you should know. I will explain some basic knowledge of cultivation and realms to you later. As for now, I have to take a rest and replenish my energies. Take care of yourself, little Shiro. After he said that, he closed his eyes and tried to recover his strength and law energies by himself.

Just like that, the sun gradually disappeared and the moon became dominant in the sky.

Around 9 p.m at night, brownie opened his eyes and looked around him because he sensed some life forms.

When he observed his surroundings carefully, he found out some black insects.

They had a seemingly fragile segmented body, one pair of wings, four pairs of hair-like legs and spear-like mouth. Generally speaking, they looked like the mosquitoes in the mortal world, but in term of strength and power, they were totally different.

Although they are not that strong individually, they are still quite dangerous if they formed a group. They were also creatures that lived in large groups. Every one of their group consisted of a leader who was in second realm and several hundred followers. Most of the followers were also in the final level of the first realm.

Even if they couldn't kill him or harm him, he had to take care of them. After all, he still had little Shiro near him. If he, magnificent beast king, couldn't even protect this little mortal, he would certainly lose his face. He made a excuse quickly for his good will towards a human.

However, when he looked at Shiro, he was bewildered. Those insects are darkness type creatures that would came out only in the night and would suck the blood of living beings.

But, now, Shiro was completely fine. He didn't even seem to notice those insects at all, let alone being sucked by those things.

It wasn't strange if they couldn't bite his skin, after all, he was a beast king, but if they couldn't bite little Shiro, it would be very strange. He couldn't understand why at all !

Even though, he still had to warn him about them. As for why they didn't penetrate his skin or didn't want to bite him, he would think about that matter in the morning.

" Hey, hey, little Shiro, wake up ! Come here and stay beside me. If not, don't blame me if you get hurt ! " brownie went forward to wake him up by shaking his shoulders with his paws.

" Brownie, what's wrong ? " Shiro opened and blinked his eyes while asking sleepily.

" Huh, what are these mosquitoes ? I also heard about these ' wii wii ' sounds when I was sleeping. They are indeed very annoying ! " he patted his robe, muttering quietly.

" Brownie, did you tell me to come near you ? Are there some dangerous beasts around us right now ? " Shiro looked up at brownie, but he only saw his stupefied face. At this moment, brownie's face had already been above his chest while staring at his robe and dead mosquitoes on the ground. Brownie's eyes also changed to the golden color.

But he closed his eyes as quickly as possible, and took about four steps back in horror.

' How the hell did the bugs die ? More importantly and the most terrifying thing is that ' what the hell is this robe ?!

Little Shiro's sword is very powerful, but any aura will not leak out as long as sword holder don't try to fight with someone, but this robe has extremely horrifying killing intents. Its grade was also comparable to the sword. I can't identify both of them.

Fortunately, I didn't have any hostility. If not, it would directly kill my body and soul without hesitation ! ' He thought while fear was still lingering in his heart and looked at Shiro again.

But, he didn't have enough time to think about that horrifying matter anymore because he felt that some people were rusing towards their direction with great speed.

Due to their sheer speed, he was immediately on alert, and he was trying to be ready to run away with Shiro, as soon as something bad happened to them.