
Eternal Guardian of Mankind

Shiro transmigrated into Land of Sages. [ Was his transmigration accidental ? Or did someone plan for him even before he was born ? ] He was like a robot who lacked emotions in his past life. [ Is there any reason behind his robot-like soul ? ] If you were in the place of him, I would definitely ask you, " What would you do if the one who messed up your entire life was one of the people whom you loved the most in your life and he did it for your own benefit ? " He will have true friends and also very strong supporters, helpers, masters, and seniors too. Every path he tread will be very smooth. Universe's Karmic laws are giving him so much favor and his family is very good for him too, but karma and fate are still restraining him even if karmic laws are on his side. [ Would he be able to get out of it ? More importantly, would he even want to get out of it ? ] Moreover, his family was extremely overprotective towards him and loved him very deeply. He is the most beloved treasure for his family in the entire universe. He is also almost like the most spoiled child in the whole Omniverse. [ What is the reason ? What is hidden behind his strange family and his ignorance about his family ? ] His whole body is full of mystery. Oh, no ! The whole universe was full of mystery. There will be many interesting questions and mysteries for you to think about in this novel. Welcome to the journey of our MC, Shiro, together with his overprotective family in the land of Sages.

Sage_Tranquil · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

First journey in the new world (2)

After telling his son to wait for him, shin magi went to his room. His room was very clean and neat, thanks to his wife. In his room, there were only wooden bed, wooden cupboard and small wooden box. Then he opened the small box.

" haa ~ this time has finally come " he signed.

Afterward, he opened the box and looked at the things in the box with nostalgic eyes.

There were only four things in the box. They were a ring,a belt,a sword and a marrow-colored robe.

The ring was silver-colored and had very exquisite runes on it. In the middle of ring, there was a carved trident symbol. Unlike the ring, the belt was brown colored and there were many metal blocks around the belt.

As for sword, blade was white and handle was black-colored but its design was very simple like any ordinary sword that can be found in every weapon shop. Nothing can be more ordinary than this sword.

At last, the robe was marrow-colored and looked like a coarse raw cotton robe which was very big and crude. If someone wore that robe and he was unlucky, everyone who didn't know him, might even consider him as a begger.

Then he took them out of the box and went back to the living room after putting them into the small bag.


After Shin magi went to his room to find his former belongings, Suna and Inoa were talking to her son or little brother.

" My son, why do you want to become a sage suddenly? " his mother asked.

" Yes, I also want to know that " Shin inoa told him too.

" it's because of the reason you all have already known that I don't have any motivation in life. The only things that can stimulate my emotions are new experiences that never happened to me before. I even graduated from the scholar school earlier than my sister but I don't want to be any scholar or something. I want to try that so-called cultivation in order to test if I will be able to reach some height, like other people. At least, I want to try to take my lost emotions and feelings back. " he said.

" Okay, then you must try your best ! "

" By the way, mom, why aren't you all worried if I can qualify to be a sage or not? moreover I still want to know what I will need to become a sage. " he asked because he really forgot to ask this question to his dad.

" First of all, you need to find a cultivation school. So you will need to know the general knowledge about where we are now. I mean a map. You wouldn't know that before because there aren't any map related knowledge or pictures in the books you read. That's why I will tell you some knowledge.

First, the world we live in now is called Land of sages. You have already known that.

So, Second, in this land, there are four continents. I can't tell you the names of other continents yet but the one we step on is Sahaza continent. There are two dynasties in Sahaza continent. They are Sona dynasty and Furan dynasty. Our old tree village is located in Sona dynasty.

Third, there are many cultivation sects and many kinds of cultivation techniques in this continent. I heard that there are four main kinds of cultivation paths in our world. I don't know if it's real or just false news but I am sure that you will never find any other cultivation path's techniques apart from sage techniques in our continent. However you only need to find a sage cultivation school. Don't have many thoughts. Just do what you can do with your own ability, don't expect to get something that you can't get with your current ability yet. " she said.

" Then what will I need to become a sage ? please continue, mom " he reminded his another question.

" Don't hurry, my son. So ~ you asked me why I am not worried about you, right? It's because nothing special or better will happen even if I concern about you. All the things depend on fate. You already know that, right? That's very common sense and also a kind of law in our continent. Many sages have already said that too.

But what are your qualifications of fate to become a sage ? Let me tell you then, that is, you must have body of harmony at least. Every sage has that kind of body. I don't know other advanced body physiques. So the most basic requirement is body of Harmony. In Sage cultivation, it is very very special concept that every sage must have, to cultivate future realms. As for why, you must find the answer yourself because I don't know too. You can also ask your master or seniors after entering a school. " she said while looking at him intently.

After she said that words, his father also came into the room while carrying a small bag on his shoulder.

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