
Eternal Guardian of Mankind

Shiro transmigrated into Land of Sages. [ Was his transmigration accidental ? Or did someone plan for him even before he was born ? ] He was like a robot who lacked emotions in his past life. [ Is there any reason behind his robot-like soul ? ] If you were in the place of him, I would definitely ask you, " What would you do if the one who messed up your entire life was one of the people whom you loved the most in your life and he did it for your own benefit ? " He will have true friends and also very strong supporters, helpers, masters, and seniors too. Every path he tread will be very smooth. Universe's Karmic laws are giving him so much favor and his family is very good for him too, but karma and fate are still restraining him even if karmic laws are on his side. [ Would he be able to get out of it ? More importantly, would he even want to get out of it ? ] Moreover, his family was extremely overprotective towards him and loved him very deeply. He is the most beloved treasure for his family in the entire universe. He is also almost like the most spoiled child in the whole Omniverse. [ What is the reason ? What is hidden behind his strange family and his ignorance about his family ? ] His whole body is full of mystery. Oh, no ! The whole universe was full of mystery. There will be many interesting questions and mysteries for you to think about in this novel. Welcome to the journey of our MC, Shiro, together with his overprotective family in the land of Sages.

Sage_Tranquil · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Adventurous Shiro ( 1 )

Black clothes men arrived around the place Shiro and Brownie lived and hid behind a tree very quickly.

After that, one of them said to other men beside him.

" Quick, quick ! don't spend more than 3 seconds "

As soon as he finished his speech, they built a circular formation that was enveloping Shiro, with a speed of light !

All the deeds they did only took about three seconds. Afterward, they returned with the same speed they came.

But before they left, a man spoke some words to Bronwie.

" Little brownie, you're very clever and kind ! I will give you some rewards later. Thanks for taking care of our little prince. "

" Let's go and search for those damn bugs that are disturbing our prince. Kill them all ! " one of them suddenly shouted and disappeared into thin air.

At this moment, Brownie was in a state of not knowing what to do, and he was still preparing to run away with Shiro. He even had taken a running stance. Once he felt some hostile feelings from them, he would run away without hesitation while bringing Shiro with him.

He was a beast king after all. Moreover, most of his techniques were specialized in hiding and running ! He even had an ability to run away from a beast Saint. In terms of physical power, beasts were said to be superior to humans. That's why he was confident.

But even if he was so fast, his mind couldn't still process what exactly happened in time because they were many times faster than his imagination. It's very likely that he forgot they were from Mortal temple due to his anxiety. Mortal temple's cultivators had no rivals in this world when it came to martial arts or raw physical strength.

However, he was in daze the whole time, looking at them and listening to what they said.

At first, they appeared out of thin air with extreme speed and hid behind a tree. It was the first thing that made him look at them in bafflement and put away his thoughts to run temporarily.

' Why are they hiding behind a tree ? They can just restrain their auras completely and easily with their terrifying strength. Simple and also straightforward. If so, none of us would be able to detect them ! Are they retarded ?

After that, one of those black clothes men said a sentence without preventing him from hearing. He also saw that they built a law protection formation within two seconds.

' Why are they in a hurry like that ? Also, no more than three seconds to built such a formation ! How monstrous they are ! That kind of formation is only used when there are life-and-death emergencies in some middle class organizations.

Is it possible that some dangerous beasts is going to our direction and they came to save us ? They don't also prevent me from hearing what they said. Are they trying to send me a warning or some informations ? ' lookin at them, Brownie's brain holes are continuously being too deep without the end in just a mere second.

' Wait ! What can be the warnings they gave ? ' he thought of Shiro and also a frightening guess appeared in his head.

He didn't take too long to know the truth of his guess and his previous conjectures because he heard what one of them said to him directly.

' What the hell ! Shiro is their little prince !? What is happening ? Is this little mortal a little prince of those cruel black clothes men ? ' he was too scared out of wit.

' Moreover, at least one colony of those bugs will be doomed for sure tonight. ' he thought because the words they said before they left were too horrifying. He also believed that they would surely do what they said ! There was even a potential that if some kind of bug or beast continued to disrupt Shiro's sleep, a fullscale annihilation would definitely occur tonight !

While his thoughts were running wild, he heard Shiro said to him.

" What is happening to you, Brownie ? They are just some mosquitoes. You don't need to be on alert to this extent, okay ? "

He looked back to Shiro and asked, ignoring what Shiro told him previously.

" Shiro, who are you exactly ? "

" Me ? I am just a simple boy from a village near this forest. Why did you ask ? " Shiro was still sleepy right now.

" Hmm, Are you not a prince or someone like that ? " Brownie continued to ask.

" What kind of nonsense are you talking about ? My mom and dad are just ordinary farmers... Hmm, I think. Okay, let's continue to talk tomorrow. As for now, I will go back to sleep. Good night, Brownie. " Shiro yawned and waved at Brownie and continued sleep on the ground. They didn't have any bed or even some straws. So, they only slept on the ground under a tree.

" Ah, okay, Good night Shiro " Brownie waved back at Shiro subconsciously and continued to think about Shiro, while laying down on the ground. As for this night, it wouldn't be possible for him to sleep anymore.

Brownie closed his eyes and recalled everything he had been through and found something he didn't think about seriously ' Yes, that's right ! Ever since I met him alone safely and very leisurely in this forest, I should think of that, but any normal being will not think that any random mortal they met coincidentally, is actually a little prince of some terrifying empires.

What is more strange is that there isn't any empire, in this world, which is so strong like that, and has cultivators from Mortal Temple. Aren't they from Mortal Temple ? So, who's Shiro ? I have never heard of that Mortal Temple had its own empire too. Is it their secret organization ? ' Brownie's mind was in a terrible mess currently.

' However, I was so lucky that I didn't have any bad intentions towards little Shiro before. ' Brownie was amused at his own good will.

' What father said is right ! A good man will always get back the good karma. ' Brownie nodded very self-satisfyingly.

' Now, I knew the things I was confused before. First, Shiro seemed to be in a vacation to find a cultivation school himself or he himself didn't know the truth of his own family. It was also possible that he actually thought that his family was really ordinary people. ' Brownie made many conjectures on his own.

'If so, those black clothes men won't hurt the beasts in this forest, right ? Oh, that's right ! They never hurt any beasts who aren't vicious. As for they beat down some beasts, I think they did that because they were afraid that those beasts would attack little Shiro when he entered the forest.

Haha, how clever I am ! I could decipher their actions very easily. ' he continued to rack his brain and smiled.

' And secondly, he could eat that pig beast king with his mortal body. They must remove the ferocious energies for him to eat.

When I was fighting with that damn pig, I heard a shout of little Shiro. I think they came to us to kill the pig and give it to Shiro to eat. Hmm, it is very reasonable, and just now little Shiro said ' they are very annoying', so they came immediately to kill the bugs that were disturbing him.

However, no matter how I thought about it. They went to extremes even if they were worried about Shiro. They're really strange. Even some people like holy sons of four core pillar organizations, won't get any better treatment than him. No, no, the treatment for them is not even worth mentioning compared to little Shiro.

In the end, the question is , who is you, little Shiro ? ' Brownie really wanted to know the truth.