

Synopsis: Adam is a vampire who has been stuck in a castle for over a century due to his vulnerability to sunlight. He spends his days alone, looking out at the world as it passes him by. He longs for something to fill the emptiness in his life, And Kai, his newly hired man-maid with the innocent look of a deep hidden secret.

elizabethany · Fantaisie
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3 Chs



The bus stopped at an abandoned stop in the middle of nowhere. I peered through the window, my stomach clenched in fear before dragging both myself and my small teal suitcase off the bus.

everywhere was dark with a red moon glinting small signs of vileness, revealed a small path.

I carefully took on a journey on the path, which led to a forest; the bitter cold wind blew frighteningly on my face, it whistling and howling sending me a warning message.

I don't know what I'm getting myself into.

I was literary in the middle of nowhere; thorns scratching my skin, tree branches slapping me as if to mock my decision on taking this job-- what could I do? It paid well-- wild animals lurking in the dark for their prey. I hoped I won't become their meal.

Soon, I stood in front an enormous black gate, that might be a millennium old; it was repulsive and intimidating, it reeked of death-- two grisly grotesques sitting at each side of the gate, I felt their stony eyes on me.

I felt surrounded by a brutal evil darkness enclosing me causing me to feel sick in the gut.

Suddenly, the gate swing open revealing an old enormous castle, reflected red by the monstrous moon hovering over it representing the rancorous melancholy behind those terrifying gates. I swallowed a large amount of saliva to push the bile down my throat.

I weakly ambled towards the castle getting the hem of my clothe stuck to a gnarled branch, that looks like a skinny witch's fingers, of a dead tree-- now homes of crows, with their red eyes watching my every step sending shivers down my spine.

The further I walked, the more fear building up within me as I would soon be consumed by those invisible eyes. Their malice expressing their ambiguity, as if waiting for my annihilation, my weakness. I wish I could turn back and run home, but I have come this far. I couldn't turn it down.

I steadily approached the tall carefully oak door. I hesitantly knocked with the door knockers.

The door swung open revealing a stern looking old man in a classical tuxedo with a towel draped over his arm.

Definitely a Butler!

" Welcome", he motioned me in with his hand.

As soon as I stepped in the door swung close making my hearth skip a beat. The butler gave me a weird look before ushering me in. I followed tightly behind him, afraid of anything that could happen at any second.

From behind, I could see he was a tall man with wide shoulders and elegant gait, despite his old age. The corridor looks like a desolate alley. the whole edifices invested with solemn melancholy. Mouldering walls of caliginous stone, rendered it silent, lonely and sublime. The faint flame of torches glows, amidst the overwhelming presence of loneliness. It represented a little hope.

The vast world beyond the gate was full of obscure luxuries.

Silent enchanting whispers cried for help behind this emptiness, deafening my ears and clouded my head with fog.

I couldn't hear what the butler but could sense he was talking. My head hit something hard which turned out to be the butler back. It was hard as a rock.

"Ow!" I moaned out rubbing my head. Is his back a rock?

I looked up to a pair of dark eyes glaring at me. "Watch where you are going!" his baritone harsh.

Cool down oldie, it was just an accident.

"This is your room from now on." He spoke.

What the fuck! A church rat would reject this room.

I wanted to ask if this was really my room but I think he was right, "Soo where is my employer?" I asked.

Instead of answering, he handed a pair of neatly folded uniform-My eyebrows raised in confusion, "Your work starts today." and he left me dwelling in confusion.

The fuck I did not sign for this shit!