
Beach IV


[1st Halo] [Under the amplified effect of the 7th Halo the skill duration rises from 1min -> 2min]

[2nd Halo] [Under the amplified effect of the 7th Halo Host Aura of reflection became stronger and Host now can reflect 20% of the incoming Essence that originate from hostile individuals, this also means -20% Essence for incoming Essence strength]

[3rd Halo] [Under the amplified effect of the 7th Halo Host Control over your body greatly increased, and the chances of receiving a black lash dropped from 99% to 98%]

[4th Halo] [Under the amplified effect of the 7th Halo Host Corruption 10 souls for 4 black water]

[5th Halo] [Under the amplified effect of the 7th Halo Host The Last Stand pillar Limit risen 60min -> 120min]

[6th Halo] [Under the amplified effect of the 7th Halo Host The Book of Earth space has risen 2x2 cubic meters to -> 4x4]

[7th Halo] [Light Wing Sand Creation: Light Wing Sand is unlike regular sand, it's nearly 200% lighter and much more sharper then any regular sand, it's also creates a high pitch sound when cutting or scratching on a surface]

Moving forward higher and higher to reach the actual land Cyra occasionally used force control to search her surroundings for people, sadly her detection range was greatly reduced because the wind was much weaker than at the cliff.

[Host, I suggest to lit a fire or wear warm clothes]


[Walking around in a bikini seems a bit inappropriate also if it's continues like that there is high chance that Host will catch a cold]

While fighting the skeletons and the messengers it seemed like they cut the Nano-BBB too many times causing it to change to a much smaller clothes version with lover hit box, so it wouldn't get hit that much.

Ugh I need to find people to get some blood...

Suddenly as it seemed like God heard Cyra prayers, a group of 5 appeared nearby she instantly started following them and slowly and steadily caught up to the group, they were humans but they had much higher intelligence than any other variant that she has met before them, Cyra realized that she has been detected by them so she started thinking how to attack them.. their strength was somewhat weird but she didn't think much about it, all of them had similar stats [Int: 150] this should be some race or strain pacific property similarly to her absurd body strength, their strength was equal to the Essence and Halo number, all capped at 6 or 7, but there was still 1 additional factor, she saw something similar to this back at the Dragon Clan but it wasn't absurd to such an extent there was Additional +{400} at all of their stats.

The small group indeed detected Cyra but they were more happy by that than scared, it was already scary trying to get to the inheritance ground alone but with if such a strong expert was following them their chances of success greatly increased, what made them believe that she was strong? Firstly the fact that she was literally invisible if it wasn't for the additional footsteps that appeared behind them even they wouldn't be able to sense her, second a Halo like that couldn't be obtained by just anyone.

They immediately decided to ignore her, it was simply not worth it provoking someone like that, that's why they continued forward just like nothing has happened.

The leader of the group was Dero Izuw, he was one of the elites inside the sect yet in the shadow realm he was hardly mediocre, he was lucky to be able to stay inside up until now, that's why he was thinking of how to ask for the expert help, when he suddenly saw one of his team mates head exploding it was crushed by an invisible force, after finishing of the first guy Cyra decided to test out her new weapon as such she waited for the black water to form, reached into it with her hand and strongly grabbed into something solid than pulled out the horrific Death Scythe right before everyone eyes, than a thin black shadow cut 3 of them in half leaving only the leader alive, their only thoughts were that they met a monster.

Cyra realized that the additional Essence that they had wasn't stable at all and she could easily strike them down without any worries, but she didn't understand what was the point keeping such an unstable Essence inside the body, maybe even her teacher has this.. the unknown is always worrying, but in the end she ignored it for now.

The leader was simply caught by his throat Cyra was ready to kill him the moment she sensed that he was trying to do something funny, then she let her Nano-BBB suck dry the corpse not even a drop of blood remained inside them, then she gradually turned her attention towards the last surviving member who was held by her palm.

He was still shocked that someone dared to go against the main sect leader orders, it was clearly stated that they were not aloud to kill each other they just had to force people to return until only a hundred of them remained inside the realm so they could enter the final inheritance ground.

"Talk" Said Cyra as she released her grip but stomped him into the ground.

"Cough, Cough, Talk about what?"

"Why was there only 5 of you? Where is everyone else?"

"It's safer in this stage of the.. wait you don't know?! Your not in the original top 500? Who are you? How dare you kill higher sect disciplines?"

Cyra just continued to coldly stare at him, than stomped her feet harder on his body crushing some of his ribs than said, - "Would you mind continue talking or should I continue?"

In the end he gave in, he explained that unless there was a 100 or less people before the gates of the final inheritance they wouldn't be able to enter it, he also said that killed was forbidden by the sect leader and those who Break that rule should expect harsh discipline.

After hearing all this Cyra was seemingly lost in her thoughts and losen the force that held down the team leader, this gave him enough time to eat a pill, it wasn't anything special that was what Cyra was thinking at First, but than the guy stood up like it was nothing, yet she clearly remember to break some of his bones, yet there is no reaction to that at all, it was almost like the guy didn't feel pain anymore, for a while Cyra was just starting at him waiting at his next move... the guy than took out some liquid container from his storage ring and drank the content without any hesitation.

It was than that his strength started rapidly rising he was visible experiencing burning tick smoke flew out of his mouth, his whole body turned red, his veins became pitch black and were visible on his whole body and his body size started decreasing in an alarming rate, yet the strength kept rising higher and higher until it stopped at [Str: 800], to Cyra whose strength was already at [Str: 1200] wasn't so worried instead watched the situation unfold with great interest, she could easily take care of him by using force control, also if she didn't ran out of time with her fast regeneration times she could easily avoid actual injuries.

Dero jumped towards the air, than used his first Halo to release water in the surrounding than with her second Halo performed another jump seemingly jumped from thin air, than formed a fist from the water alongside his own fist and freeze it with his 4th Halo which headed straight towards Cyra head.

Cyra wasn't rest either until Dero was playing around with water she already pulled back her bow and waited to his arrival, seconds before the clash she released her arrow and blasted of the upper half of Dero living a dead corpse behind, as the ice shattered there was a pulling force that sucked her towards the ice and a razor sharp ice spike eventually penetrated her shoulders which than shattered since the Halo caster was no longer around, Cyra body was regenerated rather fast and forced out the slowly melting ice.

What happened?

[ Possibly a 5th Halo, but because he already died origin or purpose is unknown]

I remember we already talked about pills yes?

[Yes, Host]

Explain me the long way... I wanna know everything.. also why didn't u said anything about this?

[Host i won't explain unless it's necessary, probably Host strength was weak to the point to don't be able to sense the pills effect, but what I said that time was true, these affects only last for a stage and after breaking through the next stage they need to eat them again but the drawbacks will increase]

What are these pills, what has he eaten?

[Humans has long sought to improve their body strength or performance, the cultivation world has found the most body friendly methods to increase their strength, but it's still deadly for some extent and in a very unique way at that, also Let's not forget about the fact that these are drugs with very serious side effects, I won't be going through every single existing pill simply explaining the 4 main types]

[The first type is called [Body Strengthening Pill] they are consumed to gain bigger and stronger bodies the cultivators consume a lot of energy to begin with but this pill forces their body to over consume, anything than can bring energy to the body will be taken without any limitations, the pill instant effect is that it alone can increase the individual strength tremendously, they also so add sugar to the mix so the individual feel energetic and euphoric together with a sweet taste in their mouth.

- The side effects: The person often becomes angry and highly aggressive also on long term usage there is a chance that the individual becomes highly delusional and ignoring their surroundings, this happens because the pill starts blocking certain neutron connections inside the brain as time goes on.

- Solution: there is also a possibly to avoid the side effects by intensive training or directly bleeding out the substance, it should appear as black or dark blue blood]

[The second type is called [Wisdom Pill] this is a stimulant that is helping to rise intelligence by enchanting the person attention, memory and learning abilities.

- This pill has no side effects on its own but coupled with the body strengthening pill most conditions that effect the brain will become permanent.

- It's also worth nothing that the this way accrued intelligence doesn't increase the person thinking abilities to actually utilize the learned information]

While the system was explaining Cyra checked out the guy storage ring, and she managed to find hundreds of these so called pills many in different colors, she also found the liquid container that the guy used to drink from there was a few similar, but after opening one up she realized that it was simple mineral water and nothing special.

[The third type is called [Essence Pills] these are the most basic pills yet they bring the most benefit to the body, by strengthening the immune system, rising the blood flow towards the heart and reducing pain, also slightly decreasing bleeding this effect can actually stop bleeding if enough consumed, lowers stamina consumption and blood pressure, over all its benefits the body greatly because it's removes impurities from the body and with that increases a person lifespan, also after taking the pill the individual ability to bring Essence into their bodies will be further enchanted for a few hours.

- Because of these effects the other pills side effects easily getting ignored since this healing pill is simply good for everything but in reality it doesn't effect the brain at all]

[The 4th and last type is [Forbidden medicine] this is referring to a publicly acknowledged drug that can cause the feeling of fear from being chased or burning alive which will cause adrenaline overflow, in small does it even can be beneficial for example yellow or orange pills but in overdose such as red or black it will be kicking up the balance of the immune system placing the body under immense strain, starting from yellow all the way up to black it will reduce the feeling of pain accordingly { -20%/ -40%/ -70%/ -100%}

- after eating it's necessary to wait a few minutes to the medicine to take effect and reduce the pain received by the body, each pill would usually contain the same material just in different doses, to actually activate the effects it should take a few minutes in yellow or orange case, but with red and black it suggested to drink fresh water to instantly ignite the medicine effects.

- {Yellow Sparks} lits at fire randomly through the body but gets put out relatively fast, increasing the consumer strength by 10% for a short amount of time, usually curable and only minor strength drop that usually last a few days, or can be replaced by directly eating pills.

- {Orange Flaring} Burns fast capable of increasing the strength of the consumer by 20% but the damage to the body will be permanent and can't consume pills any longer during this stage.

- {Red Burst Charges} Burns insanely fast and rises the body temperature to the point where the consumer could melt their surroundings by the heir they release from their bodies, also worth noting that this will increase the strength by +50% survival chances are slim because the water has already evaporated from the blood also the lifespan of the person will be shortened and they will face rapid again during the pill taking.

- {Black Flash Powder} when ignited it will burn through the whole body under seconds in a chain reaction burns every black substance left from pills and drastically increase the body strength to its limit +100% , there is no chance to survive this since the person literally will be burnt alive.]