

Hi, by that title you may think that I am slightly frustrated, and sweet diggity dog are you right.

So I'm working, ya know? Trying to open the building I work at before 9 am, this absolute unit of a old lady comes storming in after me. LADy iT IS 8:30, the building opens at 9

She comes in after me, and I can't be rude, I'm at work and maybe she didn't know that it opens at 9. So as soon as she walks in I put on the generic retail lady smile and say " Good morning! Just to let you know for next time, the building opens at 9am"

This bitch

THIS BITCH says " I know, I used to work here, trust me hun, I know what I'm talking about". How am I supposed to respond to that? Like???? I've been told that I can't let anyone in unless I open the building first, and I'm afraid of conflict so I just said "okay" and continued opening the building.

So some context for the next part, I have been diagnosed with a panic disorder and I tend to take things to heart a lot more then I should, do yes, I know I over reacted.

Okay, while I was just ya know, making sure everything in building is okay this lady starts shit talking me to other customers, like saying very very nasty stuff, which I will not tell you. These customers are people that I see every shift, because I work at a gym and they are regulars that I always have conversations with.

I wanted to scream at her so so SO fucking bad, but I'm at work and that would be unprofessional, so I proceeded to go to my desk and cry, like a little bitch. I didn't have any of my medication on me for when a panic attack is coming on, so I was fucked if I didn't calm myself down, I knew that. The stress of trying to calm myself down made things worse and I had to call security to come help me. My mascara was running all over my face and I looked like Trudeau on a regrettable Halloween night, when security came I looked up from my fetal position and the guard was really cute, and that made me feel worse.

Things quickly escalated, the guards are not trained in mental emergencies such as panic attacks so he stood there looking at me quite scared talking in his radio because he didn't know what the fuck to do. I got really bad and I couldn't breathe I was getting really light headed and I motioned him to call an ambulance. My mother got to my work before the ambulance did ( ambulance took 20 minutes, also keep in mind that I live in a small town and to drive to the hospital from my work it would take 5 minutes tops) I got loaded into this ambulance and proceeded to spend 6 hours in the emergency room high as fuck off of the meds they gave me. Then I went to rehearsal and passed tf out at home.

I hate boomers