
Essence of Unwanted Adventure: A Multiverse Story

I've always sought to be better, to be more, that is the purpose of this adventure the ROB told me. That is what I thought even before being dimensionally displaced. But now I want to do what I have always sought to do live and thrive. (All properties, characters, and settings mentioned belong to their original creators) ( Except chapters in the middle or end of the day)

EzioAuditore_1 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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53 Chs

New Fanfic

Finding Purpose in the Multiverse.

Hey guys, I hope you're all doing well! During my break today, I was brainstorming some ideas and I came up with a new concept for the main character in our story. Instead of starting with seven essences, what do you guys think about having a quest mode for our protagonist? Let me know your thoughts!

For example, our main character is dropped into the world of let's say dxd or Dc with only one essence to start, where he is given a quest, and if he completes the quest, he gets another essence and is then taken to a new world. What do you guys think?

(ROB Insurance Essence is given for free)

One possible quest for the main character would be to assume the role of Riser Phoenix, either during his childhood or his marriage ceremony. The objective of the quest could be to surpass the main character of Dragonic Deus or to steal his harem, depending on the creator's preference. After completing the quest, the main character would have the option to either remain in that world for as long as desired or move on to the next one.

Each novel will receive at least one chapter per day, so you don't have to worry about missing any updates.