
Essence of Love and Sin

[Mature Content] "It's not lonely anymore because you are behind me. In those obsidian black eyes, how I wish to drown in their deepest depths. Bury my dark soul there and be a part of you. Let it melt mercilessly while you mould it into whatever you desire. With no complaints, till the end of time." After those heartwarming words, silence filled the air while the two souls were lost in each others eyes. ************* Her only desire was to meet her grandfather. But what happens when the desire turns into an almost impossible task. For sure meeting the king of one of the most powerful kingdoms is not an easy task. Jasmine has to go through him in order to see the king. Who is he? Deimos is his name. No one knows what position he holds in the king's council but he is the only one whom the king listens to or rather the king is afraid of. Jasmine gets entangled in his mysterious and dark life. Her heart, body and soul are swept in and she surrenders to the unknown fate. She conquers his darkness and becomes the only light in his dark world. But this is just the beginning. Faced by shocking events, one after another, Jasmine has to make one final decision. More so, no matter what decision she makes, Deimos is hellbent to keep her with him. Even if it means destroying everything on his way, whether a person, celestials or demons. SHE IS HIS, ONLY HIS. His sweet curse. *************** Cover is not mine all credit to the real owner.

GraceDaniels · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
15 Chs

Chapter 5:Haunted Castle

It was already midnight when Jasmine woke up. The full moon was at its finest peak displaying the gentle light. It was like a wraith-silver disc hanging in the lonely sky. Millions of stars were sprinkled behind it, a few large ones but mostly a multitude of little white pin pricks. She was standing by the window of the castle watching them silently, every now and then a twinkle catching her eye. Her lips had formed a curve, and her black eyes had a rare glow in them. She wished every night was like things.

A frightening growl broke the peaceful silence startling Jasmine. It was an animal's growl, and she was sure it came from downstairs. Fear engraved her but she remained calm.

She had overslept and did not know if Lord Deimos had returned. If he had not, then that meant only housekeeper Albert and her were in the house. She shook her head forcing away the negative thoughts.

She walked towards the door and held the lock opening it. Before she walked out, she grabbed a lamp that was nearby. As expected, the hallway was dark not even a glimmer of the moonlight penetrated in.

Her steps were slowly and wary. She felt life leaving her with every move. She tried to listen to any sound or movement but there was none. It was more like the growl she heard was just a fragment of her imagination. Nevertheless, she walked forward till she was standing at the center of the hall. Her lamp was the only source of light in the horrifying darkness.

She spent the next few minutes looking around but the hall was empty as ever. She even checked the door but there was no sign of break in. It was locked. Jasmine let out a sigh of relief thinking maybe the animal was outside the house.

She turned to head back to her room, but she bumped into something hard. The lamp fell from her hand and turned off. Her heartbeat increased as her mind turned off. She looked up and the only thing visible was a pair of hot red eyes. Her body trembled terribly because of what she was witnessing. Jasmine was dead sure she saw a flash of fire in the eyes, but it disappeared quickly as it came.

Never in her life had Jasmine encountered such a thing. Whatever it was, it was far from human or any animal she knew of.

It took all her strength to step back. Her steps were unsteady, but she kept moving. Her eyes were still glued on the mysterious creature.

The creature did not move but then, it let out the same growl Jasmine had heard earlier. She staggered knocking off some things she couldn't see. She let out a gasp. Her chest was heaving up and down nonstop.

To her fear, she heard footsteps approaching. The thing was already walking towards her. Even in her frightened state, Jasmine could clearly hear the steps were that of a human, but this thing was nothing near human.

She swallowed when it stopped right before her. She closed her eyes tightly waiting for the worst. Her heart almost stopped when she felt something on her neck. It was a hand. It was so rough and big. Suddenly, she felt something growing out of its fingers. She was sure she felt claws trace her neck. Hot sweat dripped under her armpits. Jasmine felt like this was the end of her.

She waited for the claws to cut her neck but before it happened, she felt something like wind flash pass beside and the claws had left her neck.

She let out a heavy breath she had been holding. She gasped trying to catch her breath. She was sweating profusely like someone who had come from a run.

Slowly, she opened her eyes scanning her surroundings. To her relief, whatever that thing was, it was gone. She could not see those scary eyes anymore. She run upstairs trying to find the room she had been before. The place was dark so she could only touch. After a while, she held a lock and entered the room immediately. She leaned on the door, still trying to catch her breath.

After a few minutes of struggle, she calmed down, but the fear was still lingering in her mind. That night she had experienced a real nightmare she will never forget in her life. She cursed herself for agreeing to come to this haunted castle. She had a bad feeling the moment she laid her eyes on the house, but she had no courage to leave.

Then something suddenly crossed her mind. Housekeeper Albert. Where was he? How come he didn't come out even though that thing made a loud growl that filled the whole mansion? Or was he used to it? Was this the reason no one else was allowed to live in the mansion except him? Did Lord Deimos bring her here to torture her for scheming against him? Would she be able to leave this place alive?

Countless questions crossed her mind but there was no one to answer her. She moved from the door and walked two steps forward, but she couldn't see through the dark. She remembered she had drawn the curtains while watching the moon, but they had been drawn back. She felt a slight fear in her heart but kept moving forward. She tried to remember how the room looked like. There was a table on right corner of the room on which the candle and lighters were. She walked to that side slowly her hands stretched forward until she hit something wooden with her right foot.

Jasmine had never felt such happiness in her life. Happiness of being able to find light in darkness. She stretched her hands, but she couldn't touch the table. She bent down and down and down, till her hands landed on something hard and at the same time soft. It was hot and felt meaty. She moved her hands around it trying make out what it was. Her hands moved downwards until it held a fabric. She pulled it a little bit, but it didn't move. She let it go and was intending to move further downwards but something held her hand. A lamp was turned on then a familiar voice followed.

"What do you think you are doing, lady Jasmine?"