
The Absolute Power

"I ran after Eric, only to see him passed out on the ground."

"Huh? What?" Angelica was confused by the sudden development.

"Paul used the chloroform on him," Rudy stated.


"Not going to lie, I was scared when I saw Eric on the ground because there was no way I could have taken Paul one on one, especially when he had the napkin drenched with chloroform."

"What did you do then?" Angelica asked curiously.

"My brain had stopped working. It might sound like I was a pussy, but you just freeze in moments like that. I didn't know what to do. But I knew one thing for sure, and that was 'if' I didn't fight back, many bad things would happen. Paul could literally kill Eric and me and do… who knows what he might have done to mom…"

"So I grabbed the knife from the kitchen and dashed at him with all my remaining strength. Paul tried to make me smell the napkin, but I had held my breath. There were only two possible outcomes, and neither of us knew which one."