

‘’Damn, they sent a perfect bitch,’’ he spoke while he loosens his tie. The Aphrodisiac was already taking a very strong effect on Daniel, the wholesome billionaire, and he couldn’t hold himself back any more. ‘’You invited me with your open legs. I will make sure to satisfy you,’’ he spoke in his raspy seductive voice and climbed over her. Grabbing her exposed milky white leg, he started moving his hand upwards from her thigh, creasing her soft skin, giving goosebumps to her. She felt a tingling sensation she never felt before. His eyes locked on her blossom, which was rising and falling with her heavy breaths. He placed his lips on her neck, giving her a nice love bite, making her bite her lips to stop that shameful moan escaping her mouth.

SSS_Writer · Fantaisie
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5 Chs




It was a great day for the new graduates getting ready in the morning to attend their graduation and celebrate later.

''Get yourself together. You can get over with everything.'' Liya said to herself looking at the mirror for the last time after getting ready. She wasn't feeling herself anymore after catching her boyfriend cheating on her so easily. But she was a brave girl and ready to face the challenges of life after everything life had given her so far.

''Congratulations for securing the highest marks in the college Liya.'' One of Liya's teachers congratulated her when she was standing behind the stage and nodded smiling not wanting to disturb anyone else with her life problems.

''Liya. Here you are. I have been looking for you all these days.'' David spoke spotting her and marched towards her.

''' Leave me alone David before I report you to the police for harassing me,'' Liya spoke disgusted at the sight of him and started walking away till he grabbed her hand stopping her in her steps.

''Listen to me once, Liya. I feel guilty after cheating on you like that. Please give me chance. I truly love you.'' He said he was feeling guilty but now she has seen his real face. And it is not possible to fool her anymore.

''Stop trying g to fool me, David. I had enough of you. Just get it inside your brain. It's over between us.'' Liya replied angrily.

''But I love you, babe. Give me a chance. And you know very well no one even gets interested in a weird girl. It was me who choose you even without caring about your background and you should be thankful….'' He started blabbering thinking it will make her surrender, but he was stopped mid-way after receiving a nice, good slap from her making him realize he lost his last chance here.

''Go to hell, David.'' She said at last and left away leaving a fuming David behind angry and confused about what just happened to him as the Liya he used to know would have never done something to him like that ever.

Liya sat inside her car thinking of what she had just done. But instead of regretting she felt proud of herself for doing so.

After a few days, Liya was busy applying for jobs in her field waiting for a reply, and preparing to stand on her feet without depending on anyone else ever. Till she started checking her emails and found a mail from DG corp. she opened it instantly and after reading it she rechecked it and pinched herself to check if she was awake or not in a dream.

''Oh my God! I can't believe the biggest business Corp in the country finally accepted me. Well, you got the educational talent there. But how can they take in a non-experienced nob as me as their employee? But in the end, it's an interview after all.'' She spoke excited and confused but got serious at the end.

''Don't get the sad or so happy girl. We got a bigger fish to catch.'' She said accepting the invitation and her interview was set for the day after tomorrow.

She started looking for the best representation and exercises related to interviews and practicing until finally the day came and she felt a hundred emotions inside as it was her first interview, especially with such a big company.

''Mam please wait here. Your name will be called when it's your turn.'' One of the employees from the HR department who was appointed today in managing the interviewees said guiding her to her seat and leaving.

''Ms. Liya. Please enter the testing room for your interview.'' Finally, her name was called. Setting herself before entering inside she took a deep breath ready to give her best.

She was confused seeing only one person sitting inside to take an interview as usually, they had more than one to evaluate their interviewee usually.

''So, you are miss. Liya. you seem better in person, dear.'' The interviewer sitting there spoke. Eyeing her upside down. She gave a smile back feeling worried but washed away her thought as it may be a way to check their employee first.

''By the way. I am called Hendrick. But you can call me Henry.'' He said smiling like an idiot at that time.

''I am okay with calling Hendrick, sir.' Liya replied making him grunt seeing no response from her.

''Your education and grades seem quite promising. But as you can see that you have no experience in work before, so you got to impress me here if you want a chance further.'' He spoke further staring at her.

''How can I impress you, sir? I can assure you I am willing to perform well in any task regarding my major.'' She replied confidently.

''Well only doing those takes won't get you the job darling. You need to have many other talents. Especially the talent to make your boss satisfied.'' He spoke getting up from his seat and sitting on the table facing Liya.

''I am sorry, but I don't get what you mean by that.'' She said confused by his actions.

''don't play hard to get a chick. I have many other people to select as well. You just need to make me happy, and the post will be yours.'' He said grabbing her shoulder and staring at her meaningfully.

''Are you out of your mind? How dare you insult me like this. You need prosecutors to work in your place instead of graduates.'' She spoke removing his hand angrily.

''You lost your mind, didn't you? But it's okay. I like it when girls act hard to get. Trust me I can satisfy you very well.'' He said grabbing her hand and creasing it on his chest taking it into his pants.

''See. I am already hard…'' he was saying till she lost her last ounce of patience and slapped him as hard as possible. She felt disgusted about getting used to it like this. Before waiting a single second, she grabbed her bag and ran outside hiding her tears from everyone till she knocked into a hard rock built.

''I am sorry.'' She said wiping her tears without looking ahead and making her escape. She didn't look at the face at the front, but that person saw her and was standing there bewildered.

''Mi Amore. It's fate. But why was she crying?'' the person was none other than Daniel green who came to attend a business meeting in his company. He went inside seeing everyone gathered around while an employee of his was yelling angrily.

''Good morning, sir. We will clean the mess. So sorry for the inconvenience.'' Hendrick said seeing his boss and CEO of the company.

''What happened here?'' Mr. Daniel asked in his cold tone sending shivers to everyone standing there.

''A crazy interviewee destroyed the peace here sir. We will get everything settled.'' Hendrick replied when Daniel spotted a field on the ground having his newly found interest picture on it.

He picked it up and read her name and understood she left here crying because of a reason.

''Sam. In my office.'' He ordered his assistant and went straight to his office.

''' What are you all looking at? Get back to work.'' Hendrick spoke angrily while everyone else was already aware of his pervert acts very well.

''I want the footage and every testimony about this incident,'' Daniel ordered his PA.

''Sir. I will get it managed. No need to waste time on such a small thing.'' Sam spoke confused as his boss had never taken interest in such small matters before.

''Just do what I asked you to do.'' He replied and anger event in his word.

''So, miss Liya. I found you at last, and this time I will not let you escape.'' He spoke staring at the resume he picked up earlier.

After a few hours, Hendrick was called into the CEO's office, and it was unusual as he didn't communicate with many employees directly before.

''You called for me, sir,'' Hendrick asked giving a proud smirk as it felt like an achievement to make it to the boss's office.

''You are fired for misusing your power and harassing a future employee,'' Daniel spoke with gritted teeth as he was mad and angry after knowing his girl was harassed like this.

''Sir. That bitch tried…'' he made the biggest mistake of his life by calling Daniels's woman like that and in an instant, his feet were above ground as Daniel grabbed him by his neck.

''You called your death for calling her that. You son of a gun.'' Denial spoke giving him an evil grin.

''We sent the appointment letter to her. But chances of her rejecting our offer are higher sir.'' Sam said after coming back to the office and noticed some of the furniture missing and came aware of his boss's anger from before.

''If she rejects then send our official team for the apology. I want her here as soon as possible.'' Daniel spoke happily inwards on getting her finally.

''But sir you already have a PA,'' Sam spoke confused about his boss's orders today.

''Another won't hurt.'' He replied gesturing him to leave while receiving all other personal information about her by his most professional tracker.

''See you soon baby girl. Can't wait to have you back in my arms. I didn't sleep once as I did with you after.'' He spoke staring at her pictures.

Liya felt quite calm after taking a cold shower. She couldn't believe a big company with that High reputation had an employee like him. she checked her phone and saw another mail.

''Are they trying to play with me again?'' she spoke in rage getting up.