
Escapee's Revenge

At a school full of the talents of the future, reserved only for awakened teenagers with S or higher level abilities, Lysander was viewed as the lowest of them all. With an S Class regeneration ability that causes him immense pain despite being able to recover from anything, he had essentially zero combat power. This led him to be tormented by the students in his class, and he would be led to experience a fate worse than death, emerging with the burning desire for revenge.

petroL6 · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

"Beat his ass Calix, it's not like he's gonna die or anything!" Shouted a young man with a group of other young men next to him.

The person who was 'having his ass beaten', was a seventeen year old boy with dark brown hair and brown eyes named Lysander. His body seemed quite muscular, but there was nothing else that was special about him at first glance, and this was why he was being absolutely destroyed by Calix.

Calix was one of the many people who bullied Lysander, thirteen to be exact, and he was generally viewed as one of the lower level grunts if you will of the group that tormented him. 

This was due to the simplicity of his ability, as despite having incredibly high strength, to the point of being accepted into such a prestigious school such as Aurora Academy where only talented awakeners with a minimum of an S class ability could study and train, he didn't have much else going for him in terms of abilities. 

It may seem confusing as to why Lysander would be present at such an establishment, due to his normal looking body, and inability to attack with any powers such as super strength or lightning bolts, but there is a good reason. This reason is also the same one that led to him being the main victim of bullying in his year, he did have an ability, just a very unfortunate one.

Lysander was able to regenerate from any injury that he may receive. While this ability may seem powerful, there was an unfortunate drawback, as every time he regenerated, his entire body was filled with immense pain.

Due to his inability to die, the other students decided he would be the perfect punching bag to torture for their own enjoyment. 

It was not as if Lysander had not attempted to fight back, it was just that the result was always the same when he did, and on this day he decided that he was going to try.

Some of the most powerful punches on the entire planet were being thrown at Lysander, and he could feel his bones breaking continually and regenerating to keep him alive, which was arguably more painful than the initial breaking of the bones. 

However, he couldn't stand it anymore and attempted to stand up to his oppressor, he clenched his fist tightly, and swung at Calix attempting to hit him in the jaw. Despite having super strength, he did not have super durability, so it was still possible for him to be injured, and a minor injury was all that Lysander was looking to inflict, as there wasn't much more he could do in his current state.

However, this weakly thrown punch was simply put down with ease, as a fist connected with his arm, snapping it in two entirely.

"Fuck!" Lysander shouted out, he knew there was basically no reason to attempt to fight back, as it always made it worse for him, but he had tried anyway just in case and been met with the same fate as always.

This beating continued on, until a bell rang out that signalled for the beginning of the last class of the day, which was unfortunately combat training.

After already being through more than enough pain for one lifetime already, Lysander picked himself up once the group of goons had left, and started to drag himself to class, his body healing from the injuries as he went, not without intense pain though.

When Lysander finally got to his class, which was on a field outdoors, he was not greeted nicely, "How is it that every single time you need to be at a lesson, you somehow manage to be late? You're useless, the only reason you're allowed to be at this school is because of the S class ability and over rule, but you can barely even be considered a D class is my opinion." His teacher shouted in his face.

"My apologies sir, I'll try to be on time next lesson." Lysander replied, knowing refuting the claim would be pointless. 

The teacher turned away from Lysander, and faced the rest of the class, "As you all know, it is combat training today, so each of you will need to pair up with a partner to spar with."

The faces of Lysander's bullies lit up when the teacher said this, and they began to chatter amongst themselves about which one of them would get to abuse him without consequence.

After a few seconds of decision making, one of the bullies began to walk towards Lysander. It was Jax, one of the worst enemies for Lysander. He had dark skin, and bleached blonde hair that was very short. The reason eh was such a bad opponent for Lysander was due to his SS class ability of Electrokinesis. It was incredibly painful for Lysander when he was attacked by Jax, and he wasn't looking forward to it, as he would be unable to try and fight back due to paralysis. 

Lysander was essentially forced to fight against him, and the battle was immensely quick, as before he could do anything, a flash of electricity came towards him, and his vision went black.

When he woke up, his entire body was in massive amounts of pain, and he was in a hospital bed that he recognised as the school infirmary.

This was a regular occurrence, so he got out of the bed, and began his walk home. Both of his parents were working at their small restaurant, so neither of them could get him. 

The walk didn't take long, but when he arrived he was greeted by a terrible sight.