
Escape to Elysiums

A teenage girl discovers an enchanting animated world she enters when she sleeps, where everything is perfect and easy. As she become more reluctant to return to her real life, she must learn to balance the allure of fantasy.

Angel_Miebai · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Emma Parker stared out the window of her high school classroom, her mind miles away from the droning voice of her history teacher.

I was one of those dreary autumn days where the sky seemed perpetually gray, matching her mood.

Life has become a monotonous cycle of school, homework and sleep.

The occasional spat with her parents or an awkward encounter with her classmates who didn't quite understand her.

She sighed, doodling in her notebook.

Her pencil dances across the paper.

Sketching whimsical characters and fantastical landscapes.

A dragon here, a floating castle there.

Drawing was her escape, her secret world where she could create anything her heart desired.

Little did she know, her imagination was about to become more real than she ever dreamed possible.

The bell rang, jolting Emma back to reality. She quickly gathered her things and headed to the next class.

Blending into the sea of students.

She heard her best friend Lila, caught up with her in the hallway.

Chattering excitedly about the upcoming school dance.

'I wonder how someone would get so happy over a dance?' Emma thought.

Everyday she wonders how Lila became friends with her.

Lila is loud and friendly and always has a smile on.

While Emma is different.

"Are you going, Emma?" Lila asked, her eyes sparkling.

Emma shrugged.

"I don't know. Dances aren't really my thing" She replied.

"Come on, it'll be fun, you might even meet someone special," Lila teased, nudging her playfully.

Emma smiled weakly.

"Maybe I'll think about it."

Nodding her, Emma watched Lila skip away.

"So much energy," Emma said while shaking her head.

She has always wanted to be like Lila, her parents love her because of her friendly personality.

"Oh, well, maybe in the next life I'll be like her," she said with a chuckle before entering her next class.

As the day wore out, Emma's thoughts drifted back to her drawings.

She couldn't wait to get home, retreat to her room, and lose herself in her sketches.

Finally the last bell rang, and she bolted out of school, hurrying home as fast as she could.

When she arrived home.

She yelled greetings to get mother and father.

Only to be stopped by her mother.

"Emma, we need to talk about your grades." Her mother said.

Emma groaned inwardly.

Another lecture about her slipping grades.

She tried to listen, but her mind was elsewhere.

Imagining the world she wanted to create.

"Emma, are you even listening?" Her mother's voice cut through her thoughts.

"Yes, Mom. I'll do better, I promise," Emma replied, though she wasn't sure she meant it.

Giving her mother a quick hug, she rushed towards her room.

Praying her mother doesn't call her back.

Closing the door behind her. With a sigh of relief.

She slowly took off her uniforms and headed towards the bathroom for a quick shower.

Her eyes closed when the water ran down her body.

She felt free now, no longer in school, no longer having to talk to people she didn't like.

No one lectured her about her grades.

All she wanted to do now, is to draw and sleep, something to take her mind off reality.

With a sigh, she walked out of the bathroom, her towel wrapped around her.

Grabbing her big top and some shorts.

She sat at her desk,pulled out her sketchbook, and started drawing.

Her pencil moved effortlessly, bringing to life a new world

"What should I name this?" Emma asked herself, while using her pencil to tap her chin.

"Elysium!" She said happily when she picked up a word.

"Guess listening in class does pay off," she thought with a chuckle.

As the hours passed, Emma's eyelids grew heavy. She yawned, fighting sleep, but eventually, she couldn't resist.

Her head dropped and she fell into a deep slumber, her pencil still in hand 

The sound of birds chipping made her wonder where she was.

Letting out a yawn, she used her hand to rub her eyes.

Taking a breath, Emma opened her eyes, only to see colors and flying fairies.

Everything looked like it had been plucked from her sketchbook-

This was the city she was creating a few minutes ago.

She blinked, trying to make sense of her surroundings.

"What the heck! Am I dreaming?" She wondered aloud.

"Not quite," a voice replied.

Emma turned to see a small, glowing cat hovering beside her.

It was a pixel, a character she has drawn many times.

A tiny, mischievous guide with Large, expressive eyes and shimmering wings.

"Pixel?" Emma gasped.

"You're real?" She asked with wide eyes while taking two steps back.

"As real as you are here," Pixel said with a wink.

"Welcome to your animated world, Emma, welcome to "Elysium"

It said with a little spin and laugh.

But still Emma couldn't believe this was real.

Emmal looked around in awe.

"I can't believe this.. How is this possible?" She asked.

Pixel shrugged." Magic, imagination, who knows? But this is your world Emma. You created it."

Emmal felt a surge of excitement.

"So I can do anything here?" She asked.

"Anything, your little heart desires," Pixel confirmed.

While floating upside down.

Emma grinned, her mind racing with possibilities.

She started to explore, marveling at the beauty of her creations.

She saw dragons flying in the sky, fairies dancing among flowers and having little fights.

Again, she keeps wondering why she added them to her drawings knowing fairies are little evil minded creatures.

But this was everything she has ever dreamed of and more.

For the first time in a long while, Emma felt truly happy.

She ran through the fields, laughing and playing, her heart light and carefree.

She didn't have to worry about school, grades or fitting in.

Here, she could be herself, and that was enough.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the landscape.

Pixel flew up to her.

"It's getting late Emma. Time to go back." It said,

Emma's heart sank."Do I have to?I don't want to leave." She said softly.

Pixel gave her a sympathetic look.

"You have to return to the real world but don't worry. You can come back her every time you sleep "

Emma sighed, reluctantly nodding.

"Alright but I'll be back soon." She said happily before patting pixels head.

Pixel smiled." I'll be waiting."

Emma closed her eyes, and when she opened them again.

She was back in her room, the morning light streaming through the window.

She sat up straight and the pencil that was in her hand was now on the ground.

Feeling a strange mix of emotions.

She quickly rushed towards her bathroom to get ready for school