
Escape from Konoha

IS A TRANSLATION: Everything has to be studied to understand the meaning. Traveler Chiba Shiraishi picked up a book called "The Will of Fire" I opened it and saw that the things in it were nutritious and that the history of the village of Konoha was ageless, but the words 'will of fire' were written all over the crooked pages. Baishi couldn't sleep anyway and picked up the book "The Will of Fire" again. After reading it carefully in the middle of the night, he could see the words in the cracks, and the two words - Multilevel Marketing was written all over the book! With hesitation and fear in Shiraishi's heart, he decided that sooner or he should escape this Multi-Level Marketing brainwashing organization called Konoha! Link: https://h5.imiaobige.com/novel/244227.html?fbclid=IwAR1ByATbRm_A47hOF6fyLTBEgKDbQAxE4ECqX3VyNxNy9eJ19xomi0uQ75A

Yuahiu · Anime et bandes dessinées
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60 Chs

Scientific training techniques

Since that day, Shiraishi didn't want to casually invite Ayane to dinner.

Because that could mean you're broke.

That female appetite, I, Chiba Shiraishi, would like to call her the strongest!

Time passed so slowly, and the days passed day by day.

Because of the ramen incident, the relationship between the three people became much closer.

After all, there was great friendship in eating ramen together.

Shiraishi's performance in class is still not that attractive. Compared to the two talented girls at the same table, her performance can only be described as mediocre.

One month after another passed.

This month, Shiraishi and Ayane have become closer, but her relationship with Ruri has progressed the most.

Of course, it's a very pure friendship.

After all, Ruri is the only person who knows he hides his true strength. If he shows his true strength, he can rank in the top three of the class.

The reason for the closer relationship with Ruri is that after school in the afternoon, Ruri often goes to Shiraishi to train her physical skills.

And this kind of physical skill exchange, whether Shiraishi or Ruri, is extremely beneficial for both. Constantly improving each other's skills.

Although Shiraishi has little experience in actual combat, he can learn from Ruri. Ruri has a private teacher in the Uchiha family who teaches her fighting skills, and these skills are also passed on to Shiraishi so that Shiraishi can gradually approach her. The actual combat level of the two grew mutually.

Baishi's growth was beyond Ruri's expectations.

Upon communicating with Shiraishi in-depth, she found that she could no longer suppress Shiraishi gradually. It is estimated that soon, she will completely fall under his physical abilities.

This is unbearable for the genius Ruri Uchiha.

Every week, an elite teach their fighting skills. In just a month or two, she defeated all of her opponents, vastly surpassing her peers, which made her Uchiha genius name indelible.

Therefore, the initiative must be regained and he must be pressed under her abilities.

Earn the prestige of the Uchiha clan.

"Why is your strength growing so fast?"

Ruri has big doubts in her heart.

In her opinion, Shiraishi must be hiding something that could quickly grow stronger.

Otherwise, a civilian cannot maintain the same growth rate as her.

"Huh?" Baishi was surprised for a moment and said, "Me?"

"You can't grow up that fast. You must be hiding something."

"I didn't."

Ruri was still looking at Shiraishi with suspicious eyes.

"Well, I've been cultivating according to my method all along."

Shiraishi said seriously.

He didn't hide anything.

Ruri taught him so many fighting skills, he was so grateful, if it wasn't for Ruri, her strength wouldn't have grown so fast.

"Your method?"

Ruri found a blind spot.

"Yes, I have a set of scientific exercise programs for my body size that can improve my dynamic vision and neural responsiveness."

Shiraishi answered honestly.

"I want to learn your method"

Upon hearing Ruri's request, Baishi didn't refuse either. If he changed to someone else, he needs to think about it. However, his strength could grow very fast, and all thanks to Ruri.

Of course, Shiraishi can't be mean when people treat him with sincerity.

He took a small notebook out of his ninja bag and placed it in Ruri's hands.

Your scientific exercise plan is recorded in this notebook.

Ruri opened it and looked at him seriously, the strange her face became when she looked down.

Because it's very common.

Most of the exercise methods written by Baishi are not secrets. Many of them are known as Ruri. Except for some strange training methods, Ruri is unclear.

Can you get stronger by exercising as described above?

Ruri had a big question mark on her heart.

Baishi knew that Ruri was suspicious because the fitness program he customized for himself was not difficult to create, but some of them were difficult to do, but most were easy to understand.

However, Shiraishi knows that this is the most scientific exercise program that adapts to the human body.

But compared to these scientific exercises, Shiraishi said that the chakras of this world were incredible.

Why Chakra can become fire, thunder, and storm... These are all very interesting places.

Compared to the magical use of Chakra, Shiraishi feels that her scientific exercise program is superficial.

This scientific exercise method only serves to improve Shiraishi's dynamic vision and nerve reflex ability, as well as to maintain body flexibility and a certain ability to counterattack.

Compared to the magical energy called Chakra, it is very common.

Baishi could understand Ruri's doubts.

"If I exercise according to the scientific exercise program above, will I get stronger as fast as you?"

That's what Ruri worries about.

"Well, according to my physical growth. I have to change the training plan every month."

Shiraishi said so.

Ruri nodded.

What is suitable for Shiraishi may not be suitable for her.

Then Ruri took a serious look and said, "Customize a training program that is right for me."

She wants to try the Shiraishi method, whether or not it is effective.

"Could be... it's just..."

"What you do not want?"

Ruri's black and white eyes immediately turned dangerous, glowing with a strong light.

"Oh, that's not why, but if you make a scientific exercise plan that suits you, you should start with your body... uh, to put it simply, only if you understand the other person. Your physical condition can be adapted..."

Baishi's eyes suddenly looked unnatural, and he scrutinized Ruri's small body intentionally or not, and then quickly backed away from him as if in fear.


Ruri's cold face suddenly turned red.

She understood very well the hidden meaning in Baishi's words.

Ruri took a deep breath and looked at Baishi with cold eyes as if she was looking at a dead person.

"Come and play."

"Oh? Good! Huh? No, no, what did you just say? Play...Play what?"

Shiraishi was surprised.

Thinking that Ruri would back down in the face of difficulties, he didn't expect her to say that.

"Come and touch me! If you dare touch anywhere else, you're dead!

A fierce threat to Shiraishi.


In the end, Baishi planned a set of scientific exercise programs for Ruri.

Before Ruri left, she said that if the exercise program didn't work, he would die!