
Error Isekai

All my life I've been wanting something eventful to happen, a zombie apocalypse, things that only happen in novels. One day my dream came true, I went to another world. I cannot age, I don't need food, I don't need to shower, and I heal fatal injuries in a matter of hours. I am immortal and I isekai every 100 years, I have conquered heaven and hell countless times. Until the loop stops.

notcool · Urbain
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2 Chs

G Points

Authors Note:

If you like this series can you please leave me a comment? It will inspire me to write more. Thanks!

G points = God points


" Multiversal God System? "

Through these countless years I've learnt to not be suprised, I can't remember the last time I felt excitement. But for the first time in 70,000 years I remembered the novels I used to read, just like in the beginning, a grin so wide you could mistake me for the devil showed up on my face.

"Multiversal God System, show me my abilities"


["Multiversal Travel"],




Click to view 999+ more skills.


"It wasn't lying when it said my powers were locked, I knew I had a lot but does this include the ones I have forgotten about to?"

It was then my survival instinct which I have trained over and over started screaming, I am now vulnerable.

"Time to get out of here, how do I use this? Multiversal Travel?"


Where would you like to travel to? ]


You can travel anywhere you have been before.]

"Anywhere? System, travel to the modern world."


Can you be more specific? You have travelled to 999+ modern worlds.]

"The one where I originated from."


Understood, now travelling.]

Just like the first time I isekai'd I was back in that universes body, this time 30 seconds before the bus crashed.

*" I'm back here? Wait, my powers are locked. Wouldn't I die if the bus crashed? "*

In a rush I quickly cultivated the heavenly iron body technique I learnt from a god of a murim world, but as I look around me I see children, elderly, and a mother holding her newborn.

Although I have killed and destroyed, perhaps it was because this was my homeland. But I felt every obligation to protect it.

I quickly stopped cultivating the heavenly iron body technique and started cultivating a demonic technique that takes away your lifespan called Demonic Spirit Barrier technique.

Whatever damage the barrier takes reflects on your lifespan, I was immortal before so I didn't care as I couldn't die before the 100 year mark.

As blood came out of my nose, eyes, mouth and ears and my skin turned reddish and my eyes turned bloodshot red I activated the technique right in time blocking the truck from hitting the bus.

As everyone was in awe of what just happened I was on the ground bleeding out.

"Ah fuck, I should've learnt some more powerful barrier techniques."

My eyes start to close and my vision fades to black, I wake up in a hospital.

"Oh! Your finally awake, you've been asleep for 3 days! Your family was worried sick about you."

At that time a small tunneled vision showed the face of my mother, younger brother and father. But before I could think of any of that I have to fix my internal injuries, these doctors did a lazy job, I was known as the god of medicine in thousands of worlds.


would you like to spend your G points you got from saving that bus? ]

*"G Points, is that a currency? System, tell me how many G points I have and how I can use them."*


you have 4362 G points, would you like to view the shop? ]

*"Shop? Open the shop."

As soon as the shop opened I realized that all of these items are items I possessed before.

*"Search [Tree Spirit's Heart]"*


would you like to buy the Tree Spirit's Heart for 100,000 G points? ]

"So expensive, system how can I get more G points?"


would you like to activate the G point guide? It will take 4000 G points to activate.]

"You fucking scammer, alright activate it."

Time stopped as 4 options appeared infront of me.


A - Give all your money to the homeless : 320 G points,

B - Take down the corrupt biker gang : 543 G points,

C - Join the military and assert your dominance : 732 G points,

D - Chop off your hand : 320,000 ]

*" Pick option D. "*


Awaiting. ]

Without a second of hesitation I controlled my QI to my hand, even if it was a bad amount it should be enough.


I have gained an immunity to pain a long time ago, so this is nothing.


You have been awarded 320,000 G points! ]

*" I feel dizzy, I forgot my powers are locked I need to heal up quickly. System quickly buy the Tree Spirit's Heart and use it on me. "*




Bought Tree Spirit's Heart for 100,000 G points. ]


Used Tree Spirit's Heart. ]


You have recovered all injuries, your QI has increased by 800 years.]

*" Now that I think of it, why did this give me so many points? "*


the arm of the vulnerable successor of the multiverse is valued at 320,000 G points, it is also a gift. ]


self-harm will no longer be an option from now on. ]

"Mm, interesting. Now to get rid of all this blood."

For this I have to use one of the most useful techniques I have ever learned...


A small spirit came out and cleaned the blood that surrounded me and quietly returned.


Both my parents come rushing into my room, I was lucky they came after I cleaned up the blood. I need to start increasing my senses. As they embrace, I tell them I was fine and stand up unarmed. The doctors didn't think much of it, because my sub conscious was hiding most of the serious injuries, as it has been trained to never show weakness.

My family head back while I wander the streets for the first time in a long time.

"Stop it please! I don't have any money!"

As I turn around I see a young lady in an alley getting harrased by 2 gangsters.

"Don't worry lady, you can repay us with something else keke."

My heart didn't ache easily, I walked away unconcerned. But then it happened again, that feeling, the obligation to protect them.

"Ah, fuck it."

As I appear behind the gangsters I grab both of their heads smashing it against each other, their heads explode against each other. And disappeared in that very instant, the lady stood there in shock. For some reason, my heart ached with so much excitement for no reason at all. The more I used my strength the more joy it brang me.


would you like to view your stats?]

"Stats? Show me."'


Strength - 93,

Stamina - 84,

Speed - 390,

Vitality - 842,

QI - 800 years


Although my powers are locked, my cultivation techniques aren't. Which explains why my stats are so high even though the average for a human being is around 20 for each stat. Although my stats were fairly high I felt the need to make them even higher.

*" Heavenly Cultivation Technique "*

-- 2 hours later


all stats increased by 999+.]

"Show me my stats"


Strength - 4,320,

Stamina - 3,293,

Speed - 6,483,

Vitality - 18,383,

QI - 830 years


"System how do I unlock my abilities?"


would you like to unlock an ability using G points?]

"Yes, unlock the heavenly body I had possessed."


Insufficient G - Points!,

Cost - 300,000 G points. ]

"I need 80,000 more G points, huh."


a small delay has appeared because of the sudden growth of the Multiversal successor,

you have gained 800 G points for saving the daughter of an influental CEO. ]


you have obtained 100 G points for taking down a gangster (2x = 200 G points) ]

"Huh, 100 G points for one gangster"

A nasty devilish grin ran across my face, in one moment I was ontop of a building, the other I was moving across the city at extreme speed.

*" 12 Senses Cultivation Technique "*

The instant I started cultivating this technique I was able to check where the nearest life forms were.

--// scene shifts to a boy surrounded by gangsters

"Hey kid, you owe our friend here some money",

"I don't owe you any money you fucking villains!",


All the gangsters present there started laughing.

"If we are Villains? Where is the Hero? Childish fucking brat, you need a beating"

The gangster walks toward a boy who seemed to be around the age of 16 with a iron bat.

As the boy braces for impact a fast figure catches the bat and destroys it with one hand.

"Found you~ kekeke"

In that moment when the gangster looked back it is as if he saw the devil,

In one swift move I grab his head and swing him towards the other gangsters at extreme speed, flinging them into the road.


You have killed 10/20 of the gangsters! ]

"Some of you are still alive? keke, I'm gonna be swimming in points"


As all the bystanders watch in awe and fear as I kill the remaining gangsters, the crowd starts running away screaming.


you have killed 20/20 of the gangsters! [2000 G points] ]


you have saved and inspired the victim. [10 G points] ]

*" A-a-a-AMAZING! Is that a Hero? Did he get reverse Isekai'd? Is he an immortal? Does he have a system? "*

Although the boy tried to say all these words all he could do was think of them, although his mind was alright his body was shivering in fear.


18 bystanders have ran away from you in fear [180 G points] ]

"Fear? So what happens when I destroy thi-"

Before I could complete that sentence the obligation to protect this world begun stirring up my heart once more.

Sirens are heard in the distance.