
Erotic Odyssey: The Hentai System In An Eroverse

In a bizarre twist of fate, Mason finds himself transported to an unimaginable world of countless ecchi dimensions after a fateful encounter with the notorious Truck-kun. What was once a mundane life quickly transforms into a mind-bending journey through an eroge multiverse where hentai reigns supreme. Equipped with an otherworldly power known as the Hentai System, Mason embarks on a quest to master the art of pleasure and conquer each lascivious realm he stumbles upon. With his trusty system, he navigates a realm filled with seductive succubi, mischievous monster girls, naughty college girls and captivating princesses. As Mason progresses, he finds himself entangled in steamy encounters, from intense one-on-one escapades to tantalizing activities. Yet, amidst the passionate entanglements, Mason remains steadfast in his quest to climb the ranks of this hentai universe. His golden finger ability, granting him an unparalleled advantage, proves to be a formidable asset in this erotic odyssey. But not everything is as it seems. Behind the titillating façade lies a hidden mystery, one that unravels gradually as Mason delves deeper into the secrets of the Eroverse. As he explores the depths of desire, he unravels political complexities, rivalries among factions, and a sinister force threatening to take control of his soul. Support me on ヘ paypal.me/dicksonwaeyde https://ko-fi.com/drazs

Dickson_ · Fantaisie
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39 Chs

Could I hug you both?


Roseline's slap against Hikaru's face resounded in the open clearing where all students had gathered to witness a surprising humiliation of their guide and the stunning beauty of his fiance who was dressed in a green dress with white frills around its hemline and her fiery red hair was pulled back into a ponytail tied up by a gold ribbon alongside a matching bracelet and necklace made from gold which nestled comfortably in between her mouth-watering cleavage that made her appear even more beautiful than she already looked, if possible.

The gold necklace had some of the students envious of the luxury it had to be close to the beautiful woman's skin. A few of them stared at the shiny golden jewelry.

The crowd gasped at Roseline's actions while some were left speechless by what they saw; however, most couldn't help themselves from laughing hysterically after seeing how embarrassed Hikaru appeared right now for having been caught in a sticky situation.

Mason rubbed the sleep off his eyes as he walked toward the crowd gathered around the scene. His body tensed momentarily when he felt a hand on his wrist, only when he recognized the hand belonging to Fiona, did he relax and smile.

"How could you sleep with all the commotion that is happening right now?" Fiona asked him, "Grant was also worried but reluctantly had to leave for some business dealings in his father's company as usual."

"I needed all the sleep I could get." Mason chuckled lightly, rubbing the back of his neck.

'Planning and plotting a perfect counter plan for this situation isn't that easy. Benefits of a memory wipe, Judith wouldn't remember what happened yesterday, and that scumbag wouldn't have the balls to speak up without no backing.' He completed in his thoughts with a grin.

Fiona narrowed her eyes at him for a moment before giving a light sigh, "Just don't make it a habit or you might just miss out on all the juicy content." She said softly before smiling at him.

Fiona looked back at Hikaru who was still standing there holding his cheek which Roseline just slapped earlier; however, it seemed like this wasn't enough since she continued slapping him repeatedly until finally stopping after seeing Mr. Hugh walk up towards them both.

"That's enough, Miss." He said sternly before swallowing his words when he was met with a hard and twisted glare from her eyes as if daring him to say something else or even worse do anything about what happened in front of everyone present here today.

"How dare you, Hikaru! How dare you rape an innocent girl and disgustingly have me hear that sickening sound, you fucking asshole!" She yelled out loud causing the crowd around them all to gasp loudly at hearing such harsh language coming from someone so beautiful yet filled with anger alongside being able to hold back tears while glaring into his face making sure not to miss any part of it for later on should she need proof against him which would be used as evidence during court proceedings. "You're nothing but a filthy pervert who needs to rot in prison where no one will ever find your body again."

Hikaru's eyes widened slightly upon hearing her words; he had wanted to explain what had truly happened but at the sight of Mason watching him from among the crowd with a smirk and a shake of his head, his heart leaped up into his throat choking off whatever explanation was about to come out of his mouth before Roseline continued yelling even louder than earlier causing Hikaru to cover his ears trying desperately not to hear anything else that might cause more pain inside himself. There was no way he could speak up, if she could react this way to the supposed audio, there was no way in hell he would be able to redeem himself with the framed pictorial evidence with Mason.

"Serves him right," Fiona whispered under her breath while looking at Tiffany who looked shocked by the news whilst looking down as her body trembled slightly alongside feeling sickly nauseous from hearing such words coming out of someone they had come to realize was Hikaru's fiance.

"This isn't over," Roseline told everyone watching in the crowd surrounding them before turning her attention back toward Hikaru, "My family and I will take this to the police. I'm going to make sure your name will never be remembered as anything other than that of a perverted freak who doesn't deserve to live." She yelled out loudly making sure not to miss a word of it as she recalled the sound she heard last night.

"Roseline, please don't do anything rash," Hikaru said softly in an attempt to stop her from doing so.

"Rash? Did you just call me rash? If you didn't force yourself inside her and rape whoever that poor girl was or controlled that useless thing in between your legs then I wouldn't be angry." She said with her hand reaching out towards his collar while searching his eyes before pushing him away from her side. "Now get the hell away from me, you disgusting excuse for a human being or I'll do something much worse to you than this."

"Alright everyone," Mr. Hugh called out hurriedly, "return to your rooms and get packing, the camping trip is officially over."

The crowd dispersed after hearing their teacher's voice. Roseline stood there watching the students as they left but turned around once they were out of sight before taking a deep breath and looking at Hikaru with her eyes full of rage and pain, "you should've never done this to me," she told him with a trembling voice filled with hurt and regret.

Hikaru felt as though his heart would burst open from how much pain he saw in her eyes. He reached out towards her as if to grab hold of her hand and touch her skin but she quickly turned away and started walking away without looking back once again while he remained standing there feeling as though he had just watched her leave forever. His eyes closed tightly as he tried not to let any tears fall down his face. He felt as though he were falling into a bottomless abyss and his heart plummeted even more after seeing her leave with Mason by her side, offering comfort while wearing a smile that only made things worse for him.

He took a step forward when he felt someone's hand touching his shoulder gently making him turn around to see Mr. Hugh standing there staring at him with pity-filled eyes. He had his hands clasped together behind his back in a gesture of concern. "It's alright Hikaru," he said softly, "I know this is hard but it's best for everyone involved that you cooperate with the authorities. You did your best in hosting us but the damage has already been done and I can't help but feel I failed my students. Could you please tell me who the student in question is?"


With a day gone by since their arrival back in the city, Mason spent all of his free time enjoying the little moment he had with his parents, a feeling he had always craved and dreamed of since he was young. A feeling that he was finally able to experience thanks to this wonderful gift from his system's second chance that he had been given at this very moment. He felt as if he had finally won the lottery in a sense and that he deserved the little moment that he had been granted after years of waiting and wishing for it. He was even more excited when he saw his mother smiling as she stared at him with pride after seeing him perform exceedingly well in his studies as always and doing well in all of the exams that he had taken with ease.

"C... Could I hug you both?" He asked with a shy smile on his lips and a blush on his cheeks which only made them look redder than usual as he spoke, "Please? I need this."

'My time is limited here and I don't know if the next one I'll get will have such a loving family or a family at all for that matter.' Mason thought with a bitter smile on his lips, 'so it's best I enjoy this moment while I have it.' He said to himself with a sigh of sadness as he awaited their response.

His parents smiled widely in response with his mother reaching out and hugging him gently before stepping back from him with a soft kiss on his forehead, "you've grown up so fast," she told him with a slight blush on her face, "it's so nice seeing you smile more often than not."

"Thank you, mom," Mason said before looking at his father who came up to hug him before stepping back as well.

"It looks like you're doing great here," Mason's father told him with a smile. "I can see why Fiona likes you so much."

"You knew about Fiona?" Mason asked with wide eyes that grew even larger at hearing such a confession from his father. "When did you know about her?"

"Remember the time you were at the hospital..." He answered with a wink, "That's right, she was there." He said with a slight smile, "I'm surprised you managed to get–"

His words were cut short by a nudge on his side by his wife who gave him a small scolding look, "Weren't we just about making dessert? How about you help me with it while Mason has a bit of fun with his girlfriend?"

"Wha... why? We have servants for–"

Again his words were interrupted by his wife's narrowed eyes, "I can cook a bit better than these servants, dear." She said with a teasing tone, "You should know that by now." and quickly grabbed hold of his hand and dragged him towards the kitchen making Mason give a light smile.

"Say hello to Fiona for us, dear." His mother called out after him before looking back at her son. "Don't be long; we still need you here for dinner."


Author's Note

~ A little wholesome moment wouldn't hurt, right?

If you've read this far, 400 power stones=3 bonus chapters, if I get a huge turn up, I can dish out more chapters (aside the usual 2-3) in a day.