
Erotic God

What happens when the wealthiest person in the world gets transmigrated into an Eroge game he made himself. Well a lot of things happen that you can only know unless you read this novel. Watch as Travis, traverses this world filled with countless threats. THERE IS NO YURI OR NTR!!!!! [ This is a rewrite. I hope you enjoy it, hope it doesn't flop low-key]

NOTAKING · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Student Council

After Travis left the campus, a couple of expensive-looking cars arrived at the gate and parked outside. The doors slowly opened, and two people walked out of the cars. One was a girl, and the other was a guy. The woman was wearing standard business attire, while the man was wearing a black suit. They both walked into the school and headed straight to the chairman's office.

These two individuals are the Vice President and President of the student council. They had both left for their holiday when schools closed, and now they're back. However, the chairman hadn't arrived, so they had to reschedule their meeting with him.

"Ryan, how was your holiday?" the guy asked as they walked in the hallway.

"They were pretty fun. Got to spend time with my family. How was your holiday, Lucy?" he returned the question.

She began thinking about what she could say to Ryan since many things had happened during her holiday. When she was about to talk, Lucy was interrupted by Ryan entering the faculty room. He knew that the question he had asked was going to end in her talking for the whole day, so he escaped before she even started talking.

Lucy tilted her head in confusion since she didn't understand why Ryan would just go into the faculty.

"He must need something from there. Well, I should go back to my dorm room since I have nothing to do."

Her name was Lucy Gate. She's the strongest student in this school, also a third-year student. Three years ago, on the entrance ceremony, Lucy awakened an SS-tier talent. This gave her many opportunities to change her life for the better due to her being a commoner. Since then, she's been working hard to become the strongest and is now close to her goal.

Travis had returned from his apartment with his things, yet he seemed empty-handed. Well, that's because he had placed all of his stuff in his inventory. Now, how did he get this? Travis doesn't like to talk about it, but I'll tell you.

Two years ago, Travis was coming back from buying some groceries. They weren't the slightest bit heavy, but he hated carrying all the bags in his hands. So when he came back home, he began to beg the system to give him an inventory. After a whole week of begging, it finally got tired and gave Travis one. Since then, Travis would abuse this power by doing pranks on people.

He entered the dorm building. This building was split in the middle by stairs and an elevator. The left side was solely made for women, and the right was for men. The school didn't care whether y'all had sex or anything since they're all basically adults, especially the second and third years. So you could go visit the ladies' side if you wanted or a girl could pull up on the guys' side. Some tend to avoid coming to that side since most dudes are just thoughtless and horny monsters that drool at the sight or scent of a girl.

Travis's room was on the top floor at the end of the hall. Now this building was very huge, and the top floor was the 15th. Every floor had over 50 rooms, so basically, this place was huge. He stayed on the same floor as the protagonist and his rival. So Travis could befriend them fairly easily, plus he didn't really hate his character one bit.

As he was about to enter the building, Travis caught a glimpse of a girl with red curly hair that went down to her butt, her black dress reaching her knees, and her black heels. The girl looked at Travis as he stood there at the door.

The girl smiled politely as she noticed that Travis was staring at her. She also saw his handsome face. She had to admit that Travis was the most good-looking guy she's ever met, but she didn't show it. She had seen many handsome dudes, and all of them had an ulterior motive, so she became wary when she met one.

When she had reached Travis, who was still staring at her, his stare wasn't creepy or perverted, so she wasn't annoyed by it. Stopping in front of Travis, she looked up to him since he was tall.

"Why are you staring at me? Do I have something on my face?" she asked with a calm tone. She still had the polite smile on her face.

Travis smiled back as he kept eye contact with her. "What? Are you not supposed to be stared at or something?" he asked.

She grew a smirk on her face as she said, "That's something new. Most dudes would say I'm gorgeous or irresistible. You're really interesting. What's your name?" she asked.

"Aren't you supposed to introduce yourself first?" Travis replied.

She giggled a little and raised her hand in apology. "Oh, silly me. I'm Lucy Gate, a third-year student in this school. How about you?"

Travis responded, "Travis Wyatt, a first-year student in this school, and it's nice to meet you, Lucy Gate."

She nodded and said, "It's nice to meet you too, Travis Wyatt. Now then, how about we talk later? I'm currently busy with something."

"Sure, I'd like that as well. I'm also occupied with something, maybe later in the evening if you don't mind?" he asked.

Lucy smiled and said, "Yes, that'd be swell. How about we meet up at 8 pm? I think I'll be done already."

He nodded and let her enter the building first. Then they went into the elevator, there were two of them which separated the two sides of the dorm.

'Wow, Lucy is more beautiful in real life. When I made her character, I actually wanted her to be a heroine but ended up making her a side character who the MC casually bangs here and there. She's also strong too, so I have another advantage of making her my own.'

Travis reached the top floor, walking down to the end of the hall would be a drag every day, but he'll get used to it. He opened his the door and saw his new room for the next three years.

It had a small study table and chair on the left side, a two-person bed at the corner of the room, and a small couch with a TV. It wasn't the best, but it would do. It also had a bathtub, so Travis wasn't going to share the shower with nobody. So he didn't complain about it being too far from the exit or it being high up.

'Aight, let's unpack.' Travis walked to the small closet, took all his clothes out, placed all of them in, and closed it. After that, he took the small TV back into his inventory and took his own TV out. Quickly putting it up on the stands and plugging it up.

Now he has a huge TV that he can play video games on. He took the couch and put it in the inventory and took out his own one, which wasn't hard like a bench but comfy and soft.

'For such a huge school, they really put zero budget into the dorm's furniture.' He thought.

Now that Travis was done unpacking, he could do whatever he wanted. It was still 3 pm, so he had a lot of time before he could go meet up with Lucy. He didn't have to worry about the uniform since it would be delivered to his door tomorrow morning the only problem here will be food. Everyone eats together in the dorm cafeteria, and Travis hates eating in public

'I guess I'll adapt in time. Not that I have another choice. Plus, this school's food is top-tier. So I'll just roll with it.'

He turned his TV on and connected his console. After that, Travis sat there and played games, losing track of time. Meanwhile, Lucy continued with her busy schedule, unaware that Travis was settling into his room.

As the clock approached 8 pm, she finished her tasks and headed towards the agreed meeting spot.Travis, engrossed in his game, suddenly realized the time and quickly wrapped up his gaming session. He headed out to meet Lucy, curious about the intriguing encounter they had earlier.