
Erotic God

What happens when the wealthiest person in the world gets transmigrated into an Eroge game he made himself. Well a lot of things happen that you can only know unless you read this novel. Watch as Travis, traverses this world filled with countless threats. THERE IS NO YURI OR NTR!!!!! [ This is a rewrite. I hope you enjoy it, hope it doesn't flop low-key]

NOTAKING · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

First Hunt

He went out to get an understanding of his area.

After walking around for a bit, he stopped at a shop and bought some food to eat later on. He strolled through the vibrant streets, a bustling tapestry of life in the High Kingdom. As he walked, the architecture whispered tales of a harmonious blend of modernity and fantasy. Neon lights adorned the futuristic structures, creating a vivid contrast with the ancient cobblestone pathways beneath his feet.

Upon reaching Main Street, a breathtaking panorama unfolded. The Royal Families Castle stood proudly, an architectural marvel against the canvas of the city. Its towering spires reached towards the heavens, intricately adorned with ornate golden details that caught the sunlight in a dazzling display. The castle's walls, a pristine white, reflected the sun's warm embrace, creating a spectacle of radiance that captivated Travis's senses.

The meticulous craftsmanship of the castle's design was evident in every detail. Delicate carvings adorned the grand entrance, telling tales of centuries past. The courtyard, visible from Main Street, was a lush expanse of manicured gardens, a testament to the kingdom's dedication to both opulence and natural beauty.

As Travis gazed at the Royal Families Castle, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. It wasn't just a structure; it was a living testament to the history and grandeur of the High Kingdom. The play of light and shadow on its facade, the gentle sway of banners in the breeze – it was a sight that transcended mere beauty and ventured into the realm of enchantment. It was mesmerizing. He took a picture and walked back home.

After arriving at his apartment, he started thinking of the strategy of how to get the Heroines and the other cast. It might not have been hard In the game but right now it's real life and it might end in a bad way.

'To be honest I know everything that's going to happen so there's no need to stress about it. All I gotta do is just do what I do best and that is to get the ladies.'

In his past life, he was also known for having a large harem of women who always stayed by his side. He never really had any feelings for them. They were all loyal to him anyways, even when they knew that he'd probably never love them.

' In this world, I'm gonna do the same thing but differently. This time I'll slowly but surely get into their hearts and then conquer them. I especially want to get all the milfs In this world.' He thought with a smile on his face. He then made some dinner. After eating, he sat on the roof of his apartment and stared at the red and purple moon in the sky. He then went inside and slept.

The next morning, Travis got up and did some push-ups. With this body, it was fairly easy to do just about anything. Well, that's how he felt anyways; he knew that right now he's just an ant compared to the bigger in the world. There are many people in this world who could flatten him with just a thought, and until he got stronger, Travis was not gonna face them. After getting some with his workout, Travis got inside the shower where he rinsed his body of sweat. This body of his had high resistance to cold water, so Travis could enjoy a cold shower without any complaints.

'So right now it's the year 3016. Meaning the protagonist is just about to find the sword. It's also the same year his engagement with the first heroine would be announced.' he thought, the first heroine was your typical Saint but that would be boring, so Travis had made her become a yandere killing mission that had no remorse for anyone except the one she loved. Her name was Grace Johnson and was the first heroine in the game. She was really obsessed with Chris; there's even an arc where Chris couldn't get the next girl without making sure Grace was out of their way. If you didn't do this, it's either she kills the girl or kills you both. Then after she kills herself, like any classic yandere would.

'Well, I don't necessarily fear yanderes since they just need love. Well, Chris does not do anything until the academy, so I don't have to worry. Plus, the heroines are in their respective kingdoms. I just gotta try and adjust to my strength.'

Travis walked out of his apartment and locked the door. He went downstairs and left the building. When he got out, Travis glanced around him trying to see where the forest was. This forest had many monsters; it was used by the academy to train the students into getting used to fighting monsters.

It was private property, but the security around the place was very low since they don't expect anyone to break in a place that could very well be their grave. The monsters here grew stronger the deeper you went into the forest. Travis was gonna fight the first and second levels since he doesn't want to die; level three monsters don't really walk in numbers because of how strong they are. You can find a single Level three monster, and if you're weaker in level, you'll really have a tough time fighting it. But if you're Level three, you could find the fight fairly easy depending on the monster's experience. Well, we'll explain that later.

Travis walked in the direction of the forest. It was outside the Kingdom and was being guarded by some weak-ass dudes. Travis checked their levels, and they were all level one. Plus, that had batons instead of any other lethal weaponry. Travis did not go through the gate; instead, he leaped over the wall.

He saw the many rows of trees that blocked his view.

'Wow, this place is really quiet. Okay, let's get serious.' Travis's blank face turned serious as he walked into the forest.

It was really hard to pass the trees, but after a couple of minutes, he was now in a fairly open area. He looked around for anything that seemed like a threat, but he found nothing.

'Normally, there'd be some goblins or wolves here.' While he was thinking, a group of goblins were watching Travis from the trees. They all had small swords and wooden clubs as they got ready to strike him.


A war cry came from all of them as they ran to Travis. He quickly got his guard up and watched as they ran to him.

'Okay, calm down Travis, you took martial arts classes in your previous world now just use what you learned on these short motherfuckers.'

After getting mentally prepared, Travis also marched towards them. Since they were very short, Travis had to rely on his legs. So when he reached the first one, Travis kicked him back into the tree line. The other goblins surrounded Travis and got ready to strike.

'Bro, they're too short to punch. Guess my legs finna do the work.'

Travis kicked the ones in front of him first.


They all flew back, their lifeless forms crumpling to the forest floor upon impact. The echo of their demise reverberated through the trees, creating an eerie symphony in the otherwise serene woodland. Travis, with a swift and almost dance-like motion, pivoted to the side, anticipating the next wave of goblins.In a calculated response to their attempted sneak attack, he unleashed a series of side-kicks that cut through the air with precision. The force of each impact sent the goblins tumbling, their attempts at subterfuge thwarted by Travis's heightened awareness and martial prowess. As they collided with the underbrush, leaves and twigs rustled in protest, adding a subtle percussion to the unfolding encounter.

The goblins flew and crashed into a bush. 'This is easy but really boring,' he thought.

He looked around and saw the last one. There were a couple of goblins left, so Travis walked to each one and kicked them in the face. None of them could move due to the fear that has consumed them, causing them to freeze in place. Each kick he delivered incapacitated them; he smiled; he had finished his first-ever monster hunt.

'Well, that was fun, I'll go deeper into the forest and see if I can find something that can challenge me a bit,' he thought to himself as he walked further into the forest.


I simply made some changes with some details. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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