
Who is better?

' Thank you, I'll ask you more about it later. ' Jayden said and then raised his head to look at his wives and family members, they were all waiting patiently for his words with anticipated expressions.

" Sorry I can't bring you all with me, it will be too dangerous, I can keep myself safe but if you all go with me then it'll be extremely difficult for all of us to survive. "

The expression of all the women immediately became sad, they knew that this time Jayden is going to be away for a long time, and they would have to stay here stuck in this Kingdom and goddess Damuda's world, both of which place wouldn't be much beneficial to them now, so there strength would stay at the same level for a long time.

They knew that Jayden's decision was for their own good, that's why they couldn't even argue, just when their mood was becoming more gloomy, Jayden spoke again: