

Both Malgor and Gunter looked as if they had gone through a lifetime of torture, especially the beast king; he was in a much worse shape, his strength had reduced by a lot in such a short time.

"W- W- Why are those two here? And just what happened to them? You aren't... the one who turned them into something like this, right? You just found them in that condition, right? Right?"

Rios asked hastily, her heart pounding madly just by looking at those two. He was reminded of how terrifying Jayden actually is.

"I need your help with something," Jayden said, while ignoring all of her questions.

"Hooo, so how do I help you?" Rios released a long breath and finally calmed down a little, as it seemed Jayden was not going to hurt him for now at least, but still, seeing those two powerful beings in such a state was just terrifying.