
Scaring Mother with my Dragon

" Kill that bastard haa haa " Han shouted, clutching his broken feet.

Hearing the order from the head servant, all five of Han's lackeys began to move towards Jayden, menacing expressions on their faces. 

" Hahaha, break both his legs. " Han shouted, cruelty visible in his eyes.

Jayden waited for them to approach, he was surprised that he could no longer see the level on top of their heads. Instead, he could feel a different kind of energy emanating from their bodies.

" Wang Jin, no hard feelings, just think of it as your punishment for messing with Han. " one Lackey said, ready to throw a punch at Jayden's chest.

Jayden stood still and watched the punch approach his body slowly, he didn't even try to dodge and let the strike hit him, square in the chest.