
Rumours and Threats

Inside a place that could only be defined by the word Dreamworld, sat a beautiful goddess, clutching her head, an annoyed expression on her face. A frown appears on her gorgeous face, as a voice kept ringing in her ears.

" Hello Hello, mic testing, mic testing, one two three one two three. Damuda, Damuda, if you're there give me a sign, can you hear me, Damuda."

" The ugly duckling stays quiet, give me a sign that you could hear me, Damuda Damuda. If you don't respond, I'll curse you that your future husband cheat on you. " the voice in her head continued.

" Fine, fine, you win. Now tell me what is it about? " she said, while looking at a screen, that displayed the picture of a young man driving a car.

" I want to know what do you want in exchange for... " his voice trailed off, before continuing again: " letting me bring my wives along with me. "