

" This is good, now I just need to wait for a bit longer. " Mumbling this, Jayden began to check his mobile he was looking over all the hideouts of the Coven, which he found out from the witches.

" Coven have built quite q a lot of holes for them to hide in, it is going to be fun to kill each and every one of them, and I need to handle the Nyx group too. "

He pondered and then decided to deal with the Nyx first, since Coven had recently attacked his family so they might still be on guard it would be best to attack when they least expect it.

After the passage of a few minutes, a crack began to appear in the sky and soon a rift appeared, within seconds creatures from the other side began to pour in, and as they fell Jayden just stared at them for a few seconds.

Even their body was made of a different structure than any creature in this universe Jayden felt that their bodies could be used for things other than weapons too.