

"Do you understand everything now?" Jayden asked.

"Yes, but how do I see the missions? And will there be some kind of punishment if I fail to complete those missions like in the story?" Zeus asked; they were standing in a rather desolate area, so there was no one around.

"You just need to repeat these words as loudly as you can two times: Oh God of Green Hat, I follow thy path, allow me to be your successor and let me have the highest green hats."

Zeus listened to the words; after thinking for a few moments, he nodded his head and replied:

"I understand. You have certainly done a great job in preparing all this for me; I'll reward you with one of my greatest treasures."

Zeus spoke, then taking a deep breath, he shouted:

"Oh God of Green Hat, I follow thy path, allow me to be your successor and let me have the highest green hats." Then Zeus paused, and after a moment, he repeated: