
Impressing women

While looking towards the group of women, Jayden said:

" Look those women are looking at you, I guess your nunchucks really are working haa I should have brought one too, why don't you show them a trick or two? "

" Hehe definitely boss, I will buy one for you later. " Saying so Xerome looked towards the group of women and began to swing his nunchucks around.

And when it was coming from behind him the metal side of the nunchucks hit the back of Xerome's head throwing him off balance as he fell forward and his nose was smashed into the ground.

The nunchucks broke Xerome's face was buried in soil, and he was even bleeding from the front and back of his head, the women were shocked by this and they hastily ran away with terrified expressions, Xerome pushed himself up and stood up as if nothing was wrong he looked around but didn't find any of those women.