
End of competition

" Go back for now, I'll talk to you later. Also, keep fighting the Devils until I return, if I found you being lazy then you will get double the punishment. "

Jayden said, and immediately teleported Xerome away, then he observed Xerome until he returned back to Damuda's world.

Xerome knew he had just messed up big times, he didn't expect the old woman to use him to kill the prince, but now he have to follow whatever Jayden said or who knew what he would do.

Seeing the murderer of their prince suddenly disappear, all the guards were on alert and they immediately surrounded Jayden, then one of them shouted:

" Where did the other one go? let's capture him and bring him to the king at least, maybe we will be able to save our lives. "

As he spoke, all six of them tried to grab Jayden.

He just snapped his finger and all six of the guards were frozen, unable to even move their fingers.