

Jayden looked at Lucas calmly while making invisible symbols filled with qi into certain patterns, creating a large array.

In the last four months, after he was able to create different arrays, Jayden started to deploy various attacking arrays that he would use in his final battle.

Lucas had a smirk on his face, as he ordered: " Kill that bug and bring his corpse to me. "

After giving the order Lucas maintained the same smirk for a whole minute, but none of the zombies standing behind him made any move. Confused and angry, he turned around and shouted:" Do you all want me to kill you first? Stop standing there and attack him. "

But no matter how much he shouted, all zombies stood in a daze.

" It's no use, they are already caught in my illusion array. " Jayden spoke, as even if Lucas knew what happened he won't be able to break their illusions.