
Eros: The Forgotten God

Three hundred years ago, the world as we know it changed. The skies were torn asunder, and magical creatures invaded our world. They killed, they captured, and half of humanity was wiped out before they could even fight back. It was an event that would forever be known as the great calamity when our world merged with that of fiction, with the mythologies that we previously believed were little more than folktales. Gods descended upon our plane, though they were weak, still, their little strength proved more than sufficient enough to deal with the stray monsters. They graced humanity with the gift of strength, with the power to fight back through their apostles, those who the gods deemed worthy of their abilities. Though this power came with a catch, the gods were all girls, and likewise, so were their apostles. The world was now a matriarchy, where men served little use than to breed. See how our protagonist, a relatively normal boy blessed with a weird ability to see the affection of those around him towards himself, survives in this strange world. WARNING: This novel isn't for everyone, especially those who aren't native English speakers, it is rated R18 not only because of the themes but because of the difficulty, so if you're 15 and feel the need to complain, please just introspect upon yourself.

Fyniccus · Fantaisie
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57 Chs

Chapter 20: Class

Blinding radiance, a resplendent halcyon hue bedded Eros's tranquil form, laying with eyes of heterochromatic pairing that winced under the seraphic grace of the clandestine empyrean portrait, inconspicuous attenuated heat pressed upon every pore of the youth's exposed form, coercing his flesh of snow into a subtle effulgent shade of lambency, the dying throe of the monolith appeared bedraggled upon Eros's senses, his ears, hooded by cowl of polychromatic craft failing to detect the items forlorn declaration of metempsychosis.

Serenity, however, domineered not the mind of the youth, expected quiescent a bereft, ruinous concept, for zoetic vivacity transparently held sovereign command over Eros's every notion. Raucous sounds and inhumane, barbarous wails echoed amidst the abandoned land upon which the tandem visage of the Gemini pairing loomed, blasphemous utterances that dared not exude from mortal lips of which they appeared craft, indistinct, muddled mumblings, distant echoes of vivacious carrion corpses reflecting listlessly upon the chasmic rift that lay before the pair.

"Shall we head in?" Fiamma skittishly questioned, her visage restless, tremulous, her every motion concerning the boy who absentmindedly clung to her person, his eyes distant, a painted canvas of ornamental alabaster akin to the ostentatious pillars that spasmodically littered the prior realm. Her lips twinged, a sultry, steamy breath erupting with every second spent within the youth's forced embrace, for Eros failed to detect her utterance amidst the billowing cries from the antecedent plain. "E-Eros, I-I think…can you please let go of me now-? I don't know how much longer I can bear this," Fiamma whispered, her twin gems of ruby scintillating with a transparent libidinous luminosity.

Motions hurried erupted from her visage, a desperate attempt at sovereign rationale. Fiamma's arm intertwined with the adolescent's appeared to unravel, a fibrous degradation of flesh, an absence of blazing impassioned heat that instantaneously enraptured the mind of the dazed Eros, his eyes of incommensurable pedigree bearing a forgone spark of vivacious intrigue. "Huh?" The teen belligerently mumbled, mystified and muddled by the beauty's spasmodic gesture.

"E-Eros, we really should be heading in. I-I don't want to be late," Fiamma sheepishly stuttered, her cheeks, craft of ornate, ostentatious ivory a permanent mottled shade of variegated scarlet, her hand, bereft of carrion chain, liberated from Eros's antecedent grasp tumbled frivolously by its prior captor, mere centimetres betwixt the couple's absentminded appendages. Yet, to her words, the youth shared no answer but instead gained animation, his reticent figure, a departing visage, cowled by a shawl of advent dawn-light.

The chasmic rift, a divorce of wrought malignant iron between the realms, failed to halt the youth's advance. Within seconds, the boy lay absorbed, embraced, his figure impregnated myriad times by the paradisiacal luminosity.

Dissonant anarchy, a land bereft of deafness, a tumultuous domain upon which even the heavens discordant clap would succumb. A carnal corporeal carapace of granular earth appeared wrenched and cleaved with the boy's every motion, a sandstorm of latent dust birthed from his animated visage, its corpse elephantine, an infinite landscape sporadically littered by opaque figures, structures, neigh, a singular monolith lay dormant in its slumber, a behemoth that devoured the horizon, akin to an ouroboros a dragon that chewed upon its own tail it encircled the boy, its supernatural existence birthing him amidst the realm.

Lurid, macabre light, a reflection of the soul, drab and bland, emanated from the leviathan structure, mottled hues of halcyon gold, its origin accouched from source of prodigious august sandstone, to dreary shades of lustreless grey, birthed from body of oblique bedraggled concrete. Sanguine homogeneously painted such bereft corpse, though bearing not zoetic form of blood, but a pompous venerable figure of magnanimous craft, thrones, myriad, infinite, gilded with arms of pretentious gold and cushions of prodigal silk, a theatre destitute of spectators, where even zephyr dared not linger.

Still, such egregious sight failed to enrapture the ever-encroaching boy, for Eros's eyes lay elsewhere, fastidiously fixated upon the now refulgent visages that antecedently abdicated his gaze. Girls, an agglomeration of espers, their enumeration bearing figure of fifteen, ceaseless sparks erupting from their sequestered visages, their faces indistinguishable from the youth's current placement, yet, it would be the following sight that would make Eros's heterochromatic eye's demur, for amidst such gathering of indistinct beauties appeared figures bearing antagonistic forms, two corpses, that of males, their features aristocratic, comely yet they fell short when put against the approaching youth's, for their faces, once handsome soured.

'Two? There are two males in Fiamma's class…I thought there'd be more.' Eros inwardly commented, his mind attempting to recall the faces that leered at his perpetually approaching form, his visage closely chased by Fiamma's sovereign figure, her eyes once more glistening with an impassioned contemptuous cavalier blaze, 'I don't think I've seen these two before, they must have already been someone's attendant before I joined the F-rank class,' yet, no matter how much the adolescent scoured his reticent stifled mind recognition of either face failed to appear.

And it was with such thought that Eros's ceaseless advent concluded, for his steps, sedated, soothed by the quilted earth, lay poised, serene in their place by Fiamma's side. Stares innumerable befell his alluring visage, hearts antecedently paralysed released sporadic palpitations conjoined by a torrent of {+10 Affection} notifications, yet Eros paid such resplendent notions little heed, his eyes drawn elsewhere to the figure bearing a head of silken, splendiferous gilded gold, a doll-like beauty with skin of porcelain, the visage of Gabriella Ebba, her eyes a virulent, venomous shade of emerald, impermanently locking with Eros's heterochromatic couple, eyes that would soon be greeted with yet another notification, one that lay accompanied by a disentangled sheet of translucent parchment.

{+5 Affection}

{Name: Gabriella Ebba}

{Age: 17}

{Race: Human}

{Ability: Enhancement}

{Love: 25%}

'So she's a B-rank esper as well,' Eros rhetorically answered, intrigue sparking amidst the forefront of his reticent mind while his stagnant, apathetic heart released a tumultuous thump. Still, their intertwined gaze was fleeting, and within the passing of a millisecond, the youth found his intrigue returned to its prior equidistant place, that of the two leering teens.

Hair of blackened ink rested atop a gangrenous vessel, spindly, lanky, the former of the two towered over Eros's 177cm visage, with a height surpassing 185cm yet a build that failed to compensate for such domineering presence. His face appeared perfectly sculpted, with little deficit to be detected from but a mere glance, yet, upon Eros's scrutinisation, myriad fissures in such fictitious presence lay transparent, his eyes, a deathly, lurid shade of unsanctified blue seemed sunless, encased by a realm of stygian darkness upon his anaemic flesh, the teen's sculpted face seemed gaunt, with chasmic ridges aggrandising his scrupulous features.

A geminate prophesied fate that befell the latter of the twin adolescents, whose otherwise enchanting figure appeared plagued by such foetid depraved symptoms. Instinctually, Eros's heterochromatic gaze shifted, the apple of his eye transferring to the two figures that loomed listlessly behind the pair, sultry hands that entwined upon the anterior teens' collarbones. Twin beauties, the former bearing head of chatoyant satin brown, her locks opulent, glassy, a tidal wave of silken strands that slovenly fell upon the midmost point of her back. Her skin a prodigal ostentatious shade of pure white, yet, such features, exquisite and affluent, appeared mundane when contrasted with the monstrous item that dauntlessly brewed atop her silken head.

A rapturous divorce of reason, a construct classified as inhumane, a horn, grandiose debauched and perverted staunchly perched upon the precipice of her person, sunless, a nebulous tenebrous pigmentation, its frame arched, akin to that of a frenetic impala, still, such loathsome feature wasn't but a singular staple upon her person, for the very hand that grasped the ink-headed teen, possessed such crepuscular starless colour, in place of nails appeared claws, a gauntlet of nameless craft.

{Name: Areata Olivia}

{Age: 17}

{Race: Human}

{Ability: Keratin manipulation}

{Love: -30}

Immediately upon spying Eros's intrigued visage, the gaunt faces of the Gemini teens shifted, for from lips dried, desert of fundamental aqueous nectar did they move, a broad, vested, entitled sovereign smirk, that of ascendent antipathy an unrivalled hatefulness for the virgin youth who appeared placid before them. "Hahaha! Is this…thing, the attendant you've been endlessly boasting about, Fiamma, a failed prodigy whose ability serves no use for the continuation of your gift? Are you an idiot!" The girl bearing the title Areata shrieked, a broad, sadistic smile permanently plastered upon her demonic visage.

And it was with such laughter, shrill, dissonant, the antithesis of harmonic, that Eros understood the plight of the congregation before him, the miasmic malady, the enemy of zoetic vivacity, for the relationship antecedent in front of Eros was one deprived of passion, a void nugatory of love.

The twain adolescents served a tantamount purpose…to breed.

They were merely livestock adopted by the beauties for their abilities. To father a prospective child, to cultivate a gift, one more potent than any precedent generation, their lives had been saved by such rudimentary purpose, and yet now, a sense of monarchal paramount preeminence scintillated amidst the pits of their mind.

If you have an idea for an esper ability feel free to let me know!

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