
Eros: The Forgotten God

Three hundred years ago, the world as we know it changed. The skies were torn asunder, and magical creatures invaded our world. They killed, they captured, and half of humanity was wiped out before they could even fight back. It was an event that would forever be known as the great calamity when our world merged with that of fiction, with the mythologies that we previously believed were little more than folktales. Gods descended upon our plane, though they were weak, still, their little strength proved more than sufficient enough to deal with the stray monsters. They graced humanity with the gift of strength, with the power to fight back through their apostles, those who the gods deemed worthy of their abilities. Though this power came with a catch, the gods were all girls, and likewise, so were their apostles. The world was now a matriarchy, where men served little use than to breed. See how our protagonist, a relatively normal boy blessed with a weird ability to see the affection of those around him towards himself, survives in this strange world. WARNING: This novel isn't for everyone, especially those who aren't native English speakers, it is rated R18 not only because of the themes but because of the difficulty, so if you're 15 and feel the need to complain, please just introspect upon yourself.

Fyniccus · Fantaisie
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57 Chs

Chapter 18: Gabriella Ebba

Fiamma's voice, an antithetical tune of sovereign oath and intoxicated, enamoured whimper, ricocheted ceaselessly amidst the opulent, august and ostentatious realm, her every utterance a paradoxical contrast, an apocryphal facade of grandeur solely mangled and fragmented by the youth christened beautiful who loomed before her, his eyes of heterochromatic chroma glistening and reverent, as though accustomed to the servile performance he would be forced to execute. Without hesitation, Eros moved, his mind and body an orchestrated harmony, guided solely by reticent convictions of grandeur.

From this moment forth, he would be Fiamma's attendant, a relationship forged and dictated by the matriarchal world. Clandestine notions of foreboding boundlessly blossomed amidst the youth's ostensibly placid brain, machinations of blasphemy, transcendent, paramount and peerless upon the plain of Gaia, for the title attendant was the youth's way forward, Eros's method of allurement, for solely once he had bore witness to a relationship harrowed yet sanctified, that of a man serving myriad woman. An antecedent, Eros would be forced to counterfeit and imitate.

Sultry breath emanated from Fiamma's person, tranquil, poised, a stark contrast to her former self driven solely by judgement of lust. She waited, her eyes of ruby eternally irenic upon Eros's encroaching visage, unsuspecting and dense to the irreligious voracity that festered within his soul, sparked by the shrouded esoteric figure clandestine to the universe.

A tandem meeting, that of conjoined presences, upon Eros's arrival, Fiamma's fictitious shroud of certainty gave waste to ruinous depravity, hands unveiled, craft of ivory they lurched, a speed Eros feigned impotence towards, like tendrils they embraced the boy's phlegmatic land of snow, stirring it into a blizzard of animation, impassioned contact, a restrained fervour rebelling amidst the girl's heated headspace, like a puppeteer transferring life into an absent marionette she pulled at the youths arm, contorting his visage into numerous positions none of which favourable to the boy before deciding upon a fixation she deemed copacetic.

A Gemini visage, Fiamma's form bold and monarch, staunched with eyes haughty, transcendent, as though peerless upon the world of which she gazed, an impassioned cavalier blaze flickering within, upon her body adorned by apathetic drapes of obsidian appeared an accessory, though not one of ornamental nor paragon craft bearing body of diamond nor pear, but that presiding over cloth of foetid, sloven sanguine, with halcyon strings dyed a petulant tinge of rose. Eros, his figure of enhanced beauty, bearing a head of mottled pink and brown, appeared magnetised to the arm of Fiamma, a tight embrace upon which he possessed insufficient power to change, his torso, frail and formerly sickly transparently sewn upon the gown of which she wore.

"Let's go…." Fiamma mumbled, a sanguine shade of rose sizzling atop her lake of ivory, the antithesis to the tyrannical eccentricity of which she chimerically feigned. Aggregated steps, the culmination of the pair marched through the realm, disjointed, dissonant, a cacophonic choir of rapid motions. Fiamma dragged the boy who appeared apathetic in her grasp, his mind yet to process the impassioned position upon which he emerged a perverted fixture.

The bastion of bronze, elephantine and ostentatious, lay ajar, fragmented upon its seams, maimed and mangled, forced to exist upon profane roots of russet shade, overbearing it stood, a chaperone of light, a shepherd upon which heralded fortune, whether it be good or bad, guard to a chasmic rift, a divorce between two domains that of sovereign reality and impassioned fervour.

Yet, despite the titanic structure's daunting demeanour and all it represented, Fiamma spared the reverent craft little more than a fiery leer, a stoic affirmation broiling within her heart, before the boy's carcass appeared dragged across the extremity, dyed in the kaleidoscopic grace of myriad stained-glass windows.

The disharmonious tune of Gemini steps upon a body of alabaster, appeared quiescent, gagged and reserved, little more than a muffled throe of wretched affliction, for the boy no longer marched upon the land of sanctified marmoreal, but stepped upon a carcass of hyperborean ascendancy, a ground of sodden iridescence, a domain lorded and sovereign by myriad planks of Bocote. A glacial Gelidness enwrapped the youth's conjoined form, asphyxiating his every notion. Breath turned frigid, clouded despite the paradoxical heat of the antecedent room, an effluvium of Siberian craft, its progenitor, the empyrean realm above, caged and contained amidst walls of cultivated lustrous limestone, titanic and elephantine, a ceaseless display of blasphemy against the heavens, a soul-draining realm of fictitious reverence.

And it was upon such structure, ostentatious yet meretricious, that Eros befell such sight, the genesis of luminosity bearing body of pigmented glass, lacerated and mottled, a sole aperture of vitiated form, impregnated by infinite iridescence. The visage of a woman, ethereal and indistinct, possessing a face enigmatic, unknown, shrouded by supertemporal drapes, infinite, all-embracing, eyes of mottled hue gazed upon the virgin youth, uncaring, apathetic to his existence, lethargic, languid torrents of profaned shade exuded from her portrait, anaemic, fueled solely by the newly risen sun, a fact that resonated within the youths head with monstrous prominence.

"Fia-" The boy started, titular intrigue flooding his every thought. Eros had to know, demanded to apprehend the gospel that wracked his mind, yet before he could spout such a dreaded query, his voice would find itself ensnared, fractured amidst his oesophagus by a spasmodic clamour, the grating, blood-curdling howl of motion, that which rivalled Fiamma's dissonant entrance, a cacophony that exuded not from behind the youth, but before him, for a chasmic tear ruptured the body of limestone.

Upon hinges of wrought iron appeared a monolithic portrait, a cadaverous visage bearing a corpse of ebony upon its face of nebulous stygian craft, that of gothic horror, writhed tendrils of metallic flora, polished yet without scintillation, a vapid leech upon the world of polychromatic reverence of which Eros bathed. Rigid lilies, a lurid, unearthly reflection, unsanctified and blasphemous, disseminated upon the barbarous creation, a combative whore against the hallowed luminescence, blossoming solely at the chasmic seam of divorce between twin realms. Dreary light, a sole shade of fuliginous, vaporous achromatic alabaster, spread forth like an effluvium, empowered by a non-existent zephyr.

And it was from such a titanic structure, macabre and dreary, that Eros saw it, from the maimed cleavage of the domain, appeared a figure, a girl. Silken threads, a resplendent shade of halcyon, sloven and untidy, as though freshly woken, they transgressed upon the beauties flesh of porcelain, lying languidly upon the collar of her obsidian drape, the garments of Enuma esper academy listlessly encompassing her voluptuous visage, unchanged, a replica of Fiamma's, hands, diaphanous, recherché akin to that of an unprofaned, unadulterated marionette pushed unfastidiously upon the gargantuan bastion of ebony, her palms, capistrate obscured from the youths heterochromatic gaze.

Shadowed sunless eyes, a virulent shade of emerald, befell the boy, a polychromatic unity, one that instinctually summoned forth the use of matchmaker, for within the passing of a second, unfurled a translucent piece of parchment.

{+20% Affection}

{Name: Gabriella Ebba}

{Age: 17}

{Race: Human}

{Ability: Enhancement}

{Love: 20%}

An impermanent sensation of paralysis ceased hold of the youth's mind, his eyes, mottled in colour appeared transparently affixed upon the beauties ephemeral visage, from her body of virgin flesh to her lips, a rapturous provocative shade of virtuous pink, Eros perceived all, the mild tint of rose that scintillated upon her plain of porcelain, unobserved by his Gemini companion, to the venomous glimmer that fluctuated behind her twin gems of emerald upon the glance of Fiamma.

A jarring notion, a lurch from Gabriella set free the youth from his manacled observations, her adumbral bags of dusk momentarily releasing a leer at Fiamma, who returned such notion in kind, a contrived contortion straining upon the extremities of Gabrilla's perfect pink lips. Gabriella's orifice performed animation, yet, soundless quiescent reigned sovereign, as though her every utterance lay crippled, mangled and maimed amidst her throat, incinerated by Fiamma's vehement sneer. Muffled steps, strangled by the ostentatious arched realm, emanated amidst the domain, a faint wake courtesy of Gabriella's departing visage, her back staunch, straightened to a perfect degree, while her right hand, petite and exalted, loomed augustly by her side, spasmodically twitching, grasping for a construct that appeared not by her person.

*Bang* The vaporous, miasmic light appeared sealed, constrained by the monolith of ebony. Mottled hues littered the realm, compelled into an insincere serenity, for distant footsteps echoed not, while Eros's lips breathed a question, a query set forth by the new dawn light, and Fiamma's eyes that were without penumbra.

"Where have you been?"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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