During his training trip, Naruto is given a scroll which holds the secrets in how to seduce and ensnare women. A scroll he uses at first on the women and kunoichi around him but soon on the Shinobi... The NARUTO story is not mine all credits are to be given to the author Lemon Sage. Enjoy this Story.
Naruto stood over the cemetery plot where D had been buried. It was getting dark, and much as he feared a good portion of the citizens of Paradise City were at each other's throats once more. However, this time things felt much worse although Naruto attributed that feeling to the fact that this time both sides were using D as the excuse to fight each other. After D's murder the woman that had been Megumi had disappeared and since her fabricated history had her portraying a citizen of Fang Country many from Claw were convinced that her fellow countrymen were covering for her.
Therefore, the more people from Fang denied hiding her, the angrier the people of Claw grew. That wasn't to say everyone was falling back into their old habits, the two respective leaders of the Paradise City, Bass and Kanbei, were doing what they could to stem the hostility. However, while the two men had been able to keep their respective countrymen in line, the dust-ups were happening more and more frequently and seemed to be growing larger each time. Having passed through the City on his way to the cemetery he was sure that it was only a matter of days, if not hours, before the city would erupt into a full-scale brawl over the issue. Naruto knew that if that happened it would likely spread out of control as he had little doubt that Iwa had agents in the City to make sure that it happened.
In truth, Naruto found his resolve to continue with his ambition rather shaken by the whole ordeal. He wasn't sure if it was worth the time to continue trying to end the bad blood between the various shinobi villages and countries, if it was so easy to reignite the hostility between them. As what happened to D showed him, he and his lovers were taking a considerable risk since their goals could have them facing off with people directly opposed to them. People, who wouldn't hesitate to kill him or his lovers in order to make their own ambitions a reality.
Naruto felt the pang of betrayal that had been his constant companion since leaving Vegetable Country. He closed his eyes and once more viewed the memory of being stabbed in the stomach before falling to his "death." Looking away from D's headstone, his gaze drifted back to the city to focus on Tatsugorou Tower. The fifty story building which had been built as a symbol of a new era of understanding between the two countries now stood as a mockery with its broken windows from the angry citizens of both sides. Seeing its current state, he couldn't definitively say if it was worth the potential risks that they faced to achieve a peace which appeared to be so fleeting.
Naruto felt disappointed in himself for thinking along such lines, but even though he had faced a similar scenario with Maki, it had been easy to look past it as he had never really felt in danger. Now though he couldn't claim the same in light of the fact that if he had been D, while Naruto was confident he would have survived the attack. He couldn't be sure that he would have seen it coming as he had with Maki. He supposed a part of what had shaken his faith was that D's death reminded him in a very real way that there were enemies out there that could and would strike at him and his lovers from out of nowhere. That they could be in danger just for trying to bring unity the various shinobi villages since there were people that actually preferred the discord as they often reaped the benefits from it. Knowing that next time he might not be so lucky and seeing how easily Paradise City fell back into chaos, Naruto wondered if it wouldn't be best to simply gather up his family and find a quiet spot to live.
Still despite the current shakiness of his resolve to continue, he knew there were bright spots to be had. Haruna for example, had surprised him by offering the Watari a place to live within her borders as well as the right to build a shinobi village. The reason she had given was that all the Watari that had attacked the Flower Village had died in that attack, having likely been killed by Sora as their corpses had also been used in the Reanimation Jutsu that they had used to assualt Vegetable, and as such those that remained couldn't necessarily be punished for their peers' actions. Moreover, she felt that as many of the Flower Shinobi had also shared a status as wandering ninja for a time, they more than anyone would understand the desperate actions shinobi might take in order to find a place they belonged.
Naruto knew that it would be sometime before the Watari were accepted by their new home, but he did see it as a positive sign that the people of Vegetable had not rejected the idea out of hand. Yet, until they had that trust, the Watari would be operating under the watchful eye of Anko, who was being permanently assigned to Vegetable for the foreseeable future as a bodyguard to Haruna. Naruto smirked as he knew that wouldn't be the only service that his purple-haired lover would be performing for the Daimyo.
Naruto's amusement faded as the reality faced by Paradise City once more began to press in on him. Before he could give the matter more though he heard some call out, "Please stop, you're killing him!" He recognized the voice although it was the first time he had heard it in person. Turning he saw Mila being held by a man that worked in the Claw mine who went by the nickname "Rig." Naruto knew the man was quite popular among the Claw faction of the village, although D had harbored some dislike for the man. Primarily since he had tended to be one of the main instigators of the flare ups in violence that D had broken up, something the man was doing presently as he encouraged another mine worker named Maul in his beating of Terumi.
"Please stop it," Mila pleaded as the powerfully built Maul brought his meaty fist down on Terumi's skull.
Rig scoffed as he said, "We're doing you a favor Mila. Just like D you've been fooled by this Fang bastard's sweet words. Deep down you know it's true, hell normally you wouldn't be so easy to hold still, but here you are barely fighting to break free."
Naruto appeared behind Maul catching the man's wrist as he held it back to strike the prone Terumi again. Squeezing it painfully he said angrily, "Perhaps it's because she's afraid to harm her unborn child even as she's forced to watch you beat said child's father."
Due to the fact that the sun had set causing most of him to be hidden by shadow he wasn't too surprise as Mila appeared shocked by his arrival saying, "D...but it can't be..."
Naruto saw the hope in her eyes fade as he stepped closer and his face became visible. The jinchuriki noticed that Rig seemed just as surprised, but he believed there was also a hint of recognition in the man's eyes. Maul though grew tired of having his arm restrained so spinning to face Naruto tried to hit him with his other fist. The blond man easily avoided it before hitting Maul in the throat causing the man to begin choking. The jinchuriki then grabbed him by his face before slamming the back of his head down and into the ground. Maul went slack from the blow causing Naruto to stare daggers at Rig.
"Let her go," he warned dangerously.
Rig though decided he rather ask, "W-what the fuck is a Leaf-nin doing here?"
Mila though took advantage of Rig's focusing on Naruto to slam her elbow back into the man's ribs before spinning in his grip to slam her palm into his chin. Rig stumbled back and without his human shield decided to get the hell away quickly taking off back to the city. Naruto let him run as his gaze drifted to the two lovers. Mila was cradling Terumi's head as she said apologetically, "I'm so sorry. I... didn't..."
Terumi smiled softly before wincing as he said, "It's fine Mila. I don't want you putting our child in danger for me."
Naruto frowned as Mila nodded while wiping away tears. She looked up at him with eyes which showed her gratitude as she said, "Thank you. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't come along."
"You're welcome," Naruto said feeling unsure of himself around the two due to the feelings of friendship he held for them, especially while they wouldn't necessarily feel the same.
Something which became readily apparent as Mila's gratitude seemed to lessen in favor of her asking suspiciously, "Why is a Leaf-nin here and how did you know I'm with child?"
Naruto mentally cursed himself for his slip up, as it had been at the celebration of the tower where Mila and Terumi had pulled D aside to share the news with him. He had also apparently been the first person they told since they felt he had brought them together. Naruto wondered if they had even shared the news with anyone else considering everything that had happened since that day. Still he quickly covered for his slip of the tongue as he explained, "I have certain sensor like abilities. I could sense your child."
"I...I see," Mila said sounding obviously disappointed. Looking towards D's headstone she said, "W-when I first heard your voice I thought that perhaps..."
She trailed off as Terumi reached up to cup her face. Mila pulled it away to hold it between her hands as the father of her child stated, "We all miss him." He sat up being helped by Mila as he added, "Maybe too much. Everyone is in such a big hurry to get justice for him that they are destroying everything he stood for."
"Well if you'd just hand over the backstabbing bitch that killed him everything would be fine," the voice of Maul said although he was still lying where Naruto had slammed him. The jinchuriki stared at the man that was gazing up at the night sky. Turning to the impression of him that he had gained from D, Naruto knew that Maul was a relatively simple man, who although had started out as a person whom D had often clashed with always nonetheless had struck him as a bluntly honest person. D and him had never actually become friends, but they had developed a mutual respect.
Mila glared at Maul as she said, "There's no proof that Megumi did it you blockhead. She could..."
Terumi stopped her though as he said, "Mila, it's time to accept that Megumi likely was the one that killed D. All her things were gone, and everyone saw them leave together."
"But... but you said you believe someone was stirring things up. For all we know they might have killed her to pin their actions on her."
Terumi was about to respond to Mila's statement, but Maul stepped in while sitting up to ask, "If you believe that then why is your father covering up for her?"
"My dad isn't covering up for her," Terumi replied annoyed at having stated as much many times already. "We've been looking for her too and have even sent people to the town she claimed to be from. Nobody's ever heard of her." Looking at Mila, he said sadly, "That's why I believe she did do it. She was probably working for..."
"Enough with your lies," Maul said angrily, "Rig says..."
"Rig says a lot of things," Mila snapped just as heatedly, "He's always had it out for Fang Country ever since he first showed up at the mine. Why are you so thickheaded to realize he isn't the friend to you that he pretends to be? He just nearly egged you on into becoming a killer as well."
Mila's words shocked Maul as he looked down at his hands seeing them covered in splotches of red. "I... I..." he said suddenly unsure of what to think.
Mila seeing that she had managed to reach the large man was struck by a sudden sureness of what Rig had intended as she added, "Don't you see Maul. You were being set up as a villain in a similar light as Megumi. How do you think Kanbei would react upon finding out you beat his son to death?"
"B...but Mila, when we saw you sneaking out of town with him, Rig said that you were going to betray our plans to Kanbei and that we needed to stop you."
"What plans?" Naruto asked stepping forward.
"T...to drive the Fang townspeople out of Paradise City. Rig convinced everyone that if they aren't going to produce D's killer than they don't have the right to live here," Maul explained. "When we saw Mila leaving with a bag packed, Rig said we needed to stop you from reaching Kanbei by any means necessary if we were going to succeed."
"You idiot," Mila said hotly, "We were leaving Paradise City."
Even Naruto was surprised by the revelation since he knew how much she had loved living there, although not as much as Maul. "But Bass..."
"Encouraged it," Terumi said surprising the other two men even further. "Bass and my father don't want their grandchild put in danger. They both see the writing on the wall, and my dad's influence to stop the violence is waning just like Bass's. My dad is being subverted as leader by Wong in a similar manner as Rig seems to be doing to Bass. Once those two get their way then its likely violence is going to erupt all across Paradise City."
Naruto frowned recalling the man Terumi had just mentioned from D's memories. Wong, much like Megumi, had moved to Paradise City in the aftermath of the original settlers' victory over the Bandit group known as the Redhawks along with an influx of new people from both countries. Wong had been a regular at Otose's bar and had been constantly unemployed despite the booming economy which had brought most of the other new citizens. As such he had often pestered Megumi for free drinks, who had often rather forcibly escorted him from the bar. The jinchuriki found it a little hard to believe that the same man was currently assuming control of the Fang citizens. But then again, considering the truth about Megumi, he knew that it was likely that there might be more than meets the eye to the man.
"It'll likely spread much further than that," Naruto stated pulling all three people's attention back to him. "D was killed because he was standing in the way of an Iwa plot."
"How do you know that," Mila questioned. "How did you even know D?"
"He was a friend," Naruto answered. "I heard about his murder during my last mission and came to pay my respects."
"You didn't answer her question about Iwa though," Terumi noted.
"It fits a pattern that we have noticed happening in countries bordering the Land of Earth," Naruto stated, which was true although he recalled seeing the Iwa Headband Megumi had been clutching after pushing D through the window. "Usually using missing-nin or other groups they stir up trouble in a country they are targeting. Then once things spiral out of control, Iwa shinobi under orders from the Earth Daimyo step in while claiming to be restoring order while also assuming control of the country. It would be my guess that they see Paradise City as a way to get two countries to fall." Focusing his gaze on Maul, he added, "I think your pal Rig was setting you up to be the spark that set everything off. If you had killed Terumi then Wong would have used it as a means to call for your head, which Rig would naturally refuse to do resulting in their trying to take you by force."
"You think Wong and Rig are working together?" Terumi said surprised. "Rig has lived here since the founding while Wong just moved here recently."
Naruto shrugged recalling how Kanji had been hired by Iwa to sow chaos in the Land of Noodles as he replied, "The Land of Earth can afford to be patient, and the best way to lead people astray is to place an agent in their midst for as long as possible in order to build up trust. That they sent another agent just shows how good a job D did in mucking up their plans."
Terumi stood with Mila's help and looking at the city stated, "Not as good as we could have hoped though. It looks like Iwa's going to get what they want."
"Sooner than you think," Maul said urgently while also standing, "Rig plans to lead an attack on the people of Fang tonight and force them out." Focusing on Naruto, he continued, "If what you say is true then Wong will be prepared or..."
"Or they plan for things to get out of control," Mila stated worried. "We have to warn our dads."
"I think they already know," Terumi said softly. "My dad was pretty insistent that we needed to leave tonight. I think he intends to try and stop them."
Recalling her father's solemn and determined demeanor, Mila knew Terumi was right which is why she sadly proclaimed, "If they try to interfere they'll end up like D. We have to stop them."
The two looked like they were about to head back, but Naruto moved in front of them stating, "You should do as they wish. Keep in mind that they want you two and your kid to live."
"But..." Mila began as Naruto turned away.
"Relax," the jinchuriki said giving them a thumbs up, "I'm not about to let D's determination and will go to waste." Tapping into his recently unlocked power he became coated in yellow chakra and sensing the gathering of people took off in a streak of light towards the city.
For Naruto time seemed to slow down even though he knew he was moving at an incredible pace. As such it seemed to take forever for him to reach Otose's as that was where the two sides had converged. He came to a stop as he hit a wall due to the alley he was traveling down turning too sharply for him to follow at the speed he was traveling. Standing, he groaned and looking towards his destination saw the two sides had gathered at the village square where Otose's bar sat but standing between them were Bass and Kanbei.
Each man was facing his respective faction, and at present was pushing back anyone that tried to enter into the square in order to engage the opposite group. D's memories of the two men flashed before Naruto's eyes as he recalled fighting each of them multiple times as they tried to get by him in order to settle things with their rival, which would inevitably almost have the two men working together to defeat him. He recalled having to team up with them in turn in order to defeat the hired missing-nin who had tried to trick Mila into creating an incident in the Fang Mine. He recalled how the two reluctantly agreed to end their rivalry in the aftermath of the Redhawks defeat, and in time generally became good friends and drinking partners. Particularly as it became clear to them that their children had fallen in love.
It also touched Naruto to see the men fighting to keep D's and by extensions Otose's dream, who watched on from the entrance of her bar, alive. Naruto watched the large and imposing Bass pick up one of his countrymen and lift him over his head. He then tossed the man into the gathered Claw assembly knocking several more over. He then shouted, "Get it through your heads you morons! Nobody is setting foot in this square tonight."
Kanbei standing behind Bass addressed his own faction, "Have you already forgotten how the Redhawks tried to divide us? Are you really going to ignore the lesson that D taught us?"
"D isn't here anymore old man," a Claw citizen said in response. "Or did you forget some Fang slut murdered him?"
Wong was the one that responded as he stepped forward, "Face it Kanbei. We will never be able to get along with these hooligans from Claw. We've tried to explain the truth to them, but they refuse to see it. In fact they were rallying tonight to force us out of our homes in order to claim Paradise City as theirs."
Rather than deny it Rig stepped from out of the crowd saying, "That's right. We refuse to share this town with you Fang Bastards any longer. Look around you, this square was where D was murdered by one of your own, but rather than turn her over to face justice you've circled the wagons in order to hide her away."
Rig nodded to a group of his followers on the far end of the line that Bass had established barring their path. The men surged forward causing Bass to move to intercept them. At the same time Wong motioned for his group to move on the opposite side. Kanbei dashed across the square to hold them back as well.
Naruto quickly realized what Wong and Rig were doing. By sending their men forward on opposite sides of the town square it had separated Bass and Kanbei. As such the two men's backs were exposed to the other side's group. Naruto spotted a man in the Fang ranks bring up a crossbow which he aimed at Bass's back. Naruto quickly took off down the alley as he sensed a second source of evil intention and as such quickly spotted the man standing in the Claw ranks aiming his own crossbow. Both men fired at the same time, but Naruto arrived in the center of the square and sent out a chakra arm towards each bolt snatching them out of the air. Retracting the arms, he snapped the projectiles shouting, "That's enough!!!"
"Stay out of this outsider, this... Hppmh," replied Wong, but found it difficult to continue as Naruto shot forth a chakra arm which wrapped around the man's face. Pulling him across the square, Naruto grabbed him by the throat with his hand and holding him suspended in the air said, "This does concern me, because while the murderer of my friend D might not be here. Those working to similar ends are."
Wong's eyes grew wide and as Naruto turned his gaze towards Rig, he produced a dagger from his sleeve. He tried to bring it down in the jinchuriki's neck, but before he could a chakra arm appeared from Naruto's shoulder grabbing the man's wrist. It squeezed the bones there painful causing one to snap as the arm lifted him higher by it. Naruto then slammed his fist into Wong's stomach sending him sailing through the air before he hit a lamppost hard enough to dent it. Naruto walked slowly towards the man, who was clutching his midsection and he said, "I know which of you aren't who you appear to be." He grabbed Wong pulling him up to his knees by his long grey hair and then making the release sign shouted, "Release!"
Wong disappeared in a puff of smoke as his henge was dispelled. Once the smoke cleared in his place knelt a man with light brown hair and wearing an Iwa flak-jacket and although when they had fought him originally, he had been dressed as a bandit and worn a mask it had been damaged during that confrontation so that those who had faced him were able to recognize him. Since that had been Bass, Kanbei, and D, Naruto could understand the two older men's surprise as they looked on at the man who had led the Redhawks.
Kanbei clued everyone in as he said angrily, "You bastard, it wasn't enough for you to try to take the City by force with the Redhawks. You tried to get us to do the work for you."
Naruto corrected the man slightly as he said, "Look closer Kanbei. This is an Iwa flak-jacket."
The man that had gone by the name Wong said, "I took this jacket off of an Iwa..."
"Save it," Naruto said cutting the man off, "Although it is pretty nice of you to try and put Iwa in the clear. Not necessarily something you would expect a hardened bandit to do. The problem is that I know there are more of you dispersed throughout the crowd on both sides."
Naruto looked pointedly at several men and women on both sides of the square. The people surrounding those that Naruto indicated quickly stepped away with the space growing larger as the blond said, "Drop your henges or I'll make you drop them." Naruto could tell the Iwa-nin were conflicted, but he added, "There's no point in keeping up the ruse. I'm guessing your commander has already accepted that this operation has failed as he's long gone."
Several of the shinobi reacted as he expected sending a look to where Rig had been standing. The gesture was especially telling on those of the Fang side of the conflict that he had marked as Iwa-nin looked towards were the supposed Claw miner had been. Knowing the jig was up the shinobi did as Naruto commanded causing the people to react angrily as the Iwa shinobi appeared from the smoke of their canceled henges. Naruto felt both relieved and disappointed as after searching the faces of the kunoichi present he didn't spot the woman that had been Megumi. Tossing Wong to the closest shinobi, Naruto commanded, "Get the fuck out of this city! You tell the Tsuchikage and Earth Daimyo that Paradise City is off limits."
One of the shinobi asked threateningly, "What gives you the authority?"
Naruto didn't answer as he instead smiled as the shinobi noticed that both the residents of Claw and Fang were staring at them in a threatening manner. They then began pelting the shinobi with thrown projectiles of whatever was handy forcing them to flee. Naruto watched them go confident that for now, the Tsuchikage would leave Fang and Claw alone especially as word spread that the rumors about how Iwa was the cause of the unrest along Earth Country's Western Border could no longer be denied. Naruto considered leaving, but had the air knocked out of his lungs by Bass as he slapped it against his back.
The large man said cheerfully, "Pally, let me be the first to buy you a drink. You really saved our asses today. It was like the second coming of D."
Kanbei placed his ever-present cigar back in his mouth before lighting it. Studying Naruto with his one good eye he said, "It certainly was. I'll let Bass buy the first, only if I can buy the next. Any friend of D's is welcome here."
Before Naruto could refuse Mila and Terumi appeared with the woman throwing her arms around the jinchuriki as she said, "Thank you. I'm sure D can rest peacefully now."
Naruto looked at the people of Paradise City and saw the two groups apologizing for their recent actions. Feeling the doubts that had plagued him about his ambition fading he smiled as he stated, "I'm sure he can too."
Mila nodded seeing D once more in the smile that Naruto wore. Placing her hands against her stomach, Terumi sensing what she wanted to ask placed his hand over hers as she inquired of the whiskered man, "As D's friend...do you think he would be happy if we named our child after him?"
"I'm sure nothing would make him happier."
Terumi then quickly inquired, "Then will you be the godfather in his place?"
"Hey you louts," Otose shouted to everyone present having heard the exchange, "We're drinking in celebration of Mila and Terumi having a child and in honor of their choosing a godfather and name. Everything is on the house tonight."
Although Naruto hadn't officially agreed, Otose's pronouncement seemed good enough for everyone as they began to proceed to her bar. She remained behind to say softly, "I'm glad to see that D returned home." She gave him a pleased smile which caused Naruto to see her as the youthful woman she was in the pictures hanging in her bar for a moment. She quickly turned away shouting at the people crowding into her bar to make way. Naruto smiled as he saw the people who moments before had been at each other's throats coming together in celebration of the new life which would inherit the name and will of the person who helped bring it about.
Hana stepped out of her office at the animal clinic where she worked most of the time. She had a hard time not growling as she entered the waiting room to find Koreshige sitting inside it. Still having returned from her mission in Vegetable to learn that her brother had been hospitalized by the man, she nearly leapt across the room to tear out his throat. Her resolve not to, wasn't helped any by the man's smug smirk which conveyed that he knew she was thinking as much. However, despite how her skin crawled as he ran his eyes over her a part of her was also flattered by the once over.
She grew angry at that part, but felt it was due to her Inuzuka blood which despite his having made an appointment to check out his canine partner seemed to sense he had other things in mind. Still at present the part of her that wanted him gone as soon as possible said tersely, "Let's go."
Koreshige stood before patting his leg, "Let's go Bull." The massive dog lying on the floor next to him stood in response to the order.
Hana ran her eyes over the animal looking for anything wrong with it from its walk. Bull had a large black head and was cream colored body, and was massive even for some of the larger nin-dog breeds coming to the waist of the unusually tall Koreshige. Despite finding that in the few times she had taken care of Bull, the dog shared none of its master's worse traits and was loyal to a fault, Hana asked, "What brings you here today?"
Koreshige began to say, "Well I..."
"I wasn't talking to you," Hana snapped growing more annoyed as the large muscular man seemed amused. Bull began to respond to her conveying that he felt fine so she said, "Then I take it you brought him in for a check-up." Hana grew annoyed as Koreshige remained silent since she knew the man was aware that she was now talking to him. "Well..."
"Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't sure if you wanted me to speak," Koreshige said smugly. "Yeah, I figure its time I have Bull stud some bitches so wanted him to get a quick once over."
Guiding the nin-dog up on the table located in the center of the office they entered, Hana said under her breath, "We'll definitely make it quick."
Koreshige heard her though causing him to come up behind her and grab her ass. "Now doc don't you think that enough with the coldshoulder? I wanted to see you as well."
Hana spun finding herself pinned between the table and the physically imposing man as she said angrily, "Are you out of your fucking mind? If you hadn't of faced Kiba in an official challenge you'd find my teeth buried in your neck right now."
Koreshige smirked bringing his face closer to hers and although she meant what she said, she found the scent he was giving off was affecting her. She tried to push him back but he barely budged due to how powerfully built he was. Koreshige grabbed her wrists pulling her into a kiss which caused Hana to stiffen but then she began to relax into it. However, thinking of her mate gave her the strength to pull free and slap Koreshige.
Quickly moving away from him, she said, "Get out!"
Koreshige once more smirked while touching the tender side of his face before saying, "I don't hear a lot of conviction in your voice. Do you know why? Because the animal inside you wants me to bend you over and take you like the bitch in heat I know you can be. It also knows it isn't going to get another chance to be with a true alpha like me. You might want to claim it's because of what I did to your brother, but this is the Inuzuka. Your brother thought he was an alpha so I had to remind him what it takes to be a true one."
"Just like my mother reminded you," Hana said snidely wondering why his presence was effecting her so especially when she had Naruto. However, a part of her suspected it was because she wanted to be desired as an Inuzuka woman since for so long her not exhibiting the canine like features the clan was known for was the reason she had never been approached by the men of her clan. Another part suspected that it was because when measured against her mother as Naruto's lover she found herself lacking. Naruto never claimed anything of the sort, but deep down Hana always was of the opinion that had her mother succumbed to her desires for their shared lover first. Then there would have been no reason for Naruto to claim her as well.
As such finding herself desired by Koreshige, even though she knew it was likely to further his goal to become clan head, was causing her Inuzuka's lusts to kick in. While she might despise him as a person, the animal part couldn't deny that she was drawn to him as a mate, since he had been the clear alpha male in the clan before Naruto. Hana was disgusted at herself for even feeling tempted, but she continued to breathe in his scent deeply unable to deny herself it. Digging her nails into her palms to try and clear her head she said, "G...get out...please."
Koreshige chuckled softly before saying confidently, "Sure, I'll leave Bull overnight. I'll be back tomorrow to pick him up. We'll finish our little discussion then."
Hana didn't reply but shivered as Koreshige gave her one last appraising glance before leaving. Sadly, it wasn't for the same reason as she had under his gaze moments earlier.
Mikoto walked down the streets of Konoha and was able to feel the eyes of the villagers on her. Not that she could fault them as ever since Kushina's return from Vegetable, both the existence of her and the red-head had become public knowledge. Mikoto and Kushina had quickly been informed by Tsunade that due to Uzumaki's appearance during Naruto's mission they had to put in place a cover story to explain both of the seemingly dead women's return. Mikoto had pointed out that she technically didn't need to come forward, but had learned that Naruto had wanted her included in most of the scenarios that his lovers had planned to explain his mother's return.
Mikoto smiled as she recalled Kushina having been shocked that her son had always intended for her to get her own body, and more to the point had left the task to his lovers in order to keep it a surprise. The Uchiha felt a similar sense of gratitude to him especially as he had not only intended for her own return to the village, but had also managed to clear Itachi's name. Naturally, this meant that the rest of the Uchiha had their names tarnished as the details of the true reason for the Uchiha massacre came to light. This included Mikoto's as although she had first informed the Third Hokage of it, she had ultimately sided with her clan in the end.
Still, the reason she was enjoying the afternoon sun and had not been returned to prison was tied to the return of the Fourth Hokage's beloved wife. The story surrounding Kushina's homecoming started with the revelation that she had been the container of the Kyuubi before Naruto. The truth behind the night of the fox's rampage was revealed with the fact that rather than dying Kushina had survived the extraction although in an extremely weakened state. The cover story was that it had been Root who had made off with the body reporting that she had died while keeping her hidden away while in a coma so Danzou could someday use Naruto's mother against him in order to control him and by extension the nine-tails power.
Kushina had been found after Root's defeat in a hidden chamber of Danzou's mansion, and Tsunade had tasked a recaptured Mikoto with protecting her. Some on the council, at least those not aligned with Naruto that was, when they had heard that had naturally questioned Tsunade on how she could trust Mikoto considering her taking part in the Uchiha Rebellion as the night of the attack on their clan was being called now. Tsume though had quickly leapt to Mikoto's defense surprising the Uchiha. The Inuzuka had pointed out that faced between choosing between family and the village, she was confident that most would side with their clans. The other leaders conceded the point, but still wondered if it was wise to trust a woman could obviously still hold a grudge against the village with Kushina's protection. Tsunade had been prepared and called Seven into the room who detailed for the Council how Mikoto had planned to work against Danzou as she had been confident that his plans would threaten Kushina's child.
Considering Seven's role in thwarting the Prison Rebellion the rest of the critics had fallen silent. It had then been explained how Mikoto had watched over Kushina at Kiyomi's until she had recently awoken. Kushina's recovery was attributed to her being above ground to be caught in the recent Chakra Wave that had hit the village along with Suna and Kumo and she had taken off in a desire to see her son. She had arrived in Vegetable in time to see Naruto get captured, and then help him escape.
Mikoto smiled again as she recalled how Kushina had then promptly moved into Naruto's apartment. The Uchiha also had moved into the Hidden Eddy Inn although she occupied an apartment by herself at present. She licked her lips which suddenly felt dry as she fantasized about perhaps now giving into some of the desires her laying with Naruto had awakened. However, she put a brake on such thoughts especially since despite what she had thought the idea of talking to Kushina face to face about wanting to be with her son felt even more daunting now that she was free of the seal.
Mikoto felt the eyes of the villagers fade as she entered the training ground which contained the Memorial Stone. She looked at the recently engraved name of her eldest son, and felt a wave of gratitude to the man most responsible for Itachi's return to the light in the eyes of the village. Knowing that in those same eyes that to most of Konoha, she was perhaps only a few steps removed from the rest of her clan, she promised her eldest that she would live a life that he would be proud of. Kneeling, she placed the flowers she had purchased from the Yamanaka flower shop down in front of the stone before running her fingers along the spot that bore Itachi's name. "Hello Itachi," she said lovingly, "I know you weren't the type to place must stock in being recognized for your actions. But, you truly deserved to have your name recognized by the village because of everything you gave up for it. I just want you to know that I too have found a vessel bigger than the Uchiha in which to place my hopes. You were right to shun us, but I'll make you proud with this second chance. That is my promise to you. I love you, and I hope you can forgive your family for the suffering we put you through."
Mikoto stood and headed back to the village while contemplating how she could best help bring about the goals of the person she owed so much to and had chosen to follow.
Kushina sat at the table hoping that Naruto would return to the village. She doubted he remembered their promise, but as today was his birthday she had wanted to spend the day with him. Still, she couldn't say she would be too surprised if he didn't show up since the only thing indicating that he was on his way back to the village had been the giddiness that his lovers had exhibited that morning telling her that he was close.
Kushina looked around the apartment which was huge by most standards as even the one she had shared with Minato even after he was Hokage would be considered tiny in comparison. She looked towards the kitchen area where sat the cake that she had baked for the occasion. Kushina was touched that considering her son's lifestyle, he still had insisted that she move in with him. Kushina was still a little nervous about the arrangement since although she knew there were plenty of places where Naruto could entertain his lovers, the idea of hearing the cries coming from his room at night did make her worry she would be tempted further.
She had considered joining Naruto on his journey to Paradise City since he had appeared emotional downcast, but he had insisted that she return to Konoha so they could enact the plans put in place for her return. Upon realizing that Naruto had always intended for her to one day occupy a flesh and blood body again, Kushina did feel rather foolish for nearly allowing herself to fade away as she had. But, with a new physical form came the return of the old physical urges which although she tried to keep from centering on Naruto so she could be a mother to him. She nonetheless found her fantasies centering on him most of the times. The rest tended to be remembrances of her time with Minato, but they didn't carry the same emotional impact that they once did. She could only attribute it to the fact that whereas their son had stubbornly refused to give her up. Her husband had seemed all too willing.
She understood why Minato had considering his duties as Hokage, but as a woman Kushina couldn't help measuring his actions against Naruto's. She heard the doorknob jingle as a key was inserted in causing Kushina to grow excited. She wondered how she should greet her son, considering doing so with the cake she had baked him in hand. A less innocent thought appeared as she pictured herself kneeling naked in front of the door with as soon as he spotted her saying, "Happy Birthday, Honey." She'd fall back onto her butt spreading her legs for him before inviting him back into her body by asking, "How would you like to celebrate it by exploring the place you came from?"
Kushina briefly wondered how Naruto would respond, but banished the thought from her mind. She then moved to stand at the door which upon his throwing it open she said, "Welcome home, honey!"
Naruto smiled and Kushina could see that whatever had happened in Paradise City had helped Naruto resolve what had been bothering him. "It's good to be home," he said happily. "Mmm, what smells delicious?"
Kushina's face practically glowed as she said, "I baked you a cake."
"Really," Naruto said a little surprised, "What's the occasion?"
Kushina laughed as she said, "Today is October Tenth. Happy Birthday!"
Naruto's face registered his surprise before he replied, "I... I can't believe I forgot." He quickly grew apologetic as he said, "Our promise, oh man I can't..."
His mom pulled him into a hug as she said, "Honey, it's alright. You're here now, let's just enjoy it."
"You're right mom," Naruto said pulling her tighter against him. "It feels good to finally get to hold you in my arms for real."
"Mmm," Kushina moaned a little internally finding her son's earthly scent arousing, "you have no idea."
Koharu watched from the couch in Tsunade's office as the Hokage paced back and forth in front of a dozen shinobi from the Torture and Interrogation Department. The blonde woman's brown eyes bore into those present furiously as she demanded angrily, "Can any of you tell me how it is that someone could place a bounty on Naruto's head without our hearing the slightest whisper of it?"
Her angry gaze turned towards Ibiki as he said, "Upon doing a review of our available intelligence, it would seem that we had some prior warning of the bounty."
Tsunade stopped in front of Ibiki as she asked, "Who?"
"What do you mean?" Ibiki said finding some sweat appearing on the back of his neck.
"Who failed to pass it along?" Tsunade queried, her tone leaving little to the imagination that the person in question would likely soon wish he had never been born. "I know you aren't a fool Ibiki. Therefore I'm of the opinion that the reason I didn't know about it is because you didn't. So tell me who."
Koharu was able to identify the young man that was apparently responsible for the failure as he paled noticeably. The Elder couldn't fault the man since Tsunade was not holding back on the anger she was radiating. Although, in comparison to the fear and anguish she had displayed when Naruto had simply disappeared from the Chakra Network that connected his lovers it was relatively small. After reading in Kakashi's report how Sora had targeted Naruto as a result of a bounty placed on him, those emotions had turned to anger which she was now unleashing on the T and I department.
Still even Tsunade's response was tame when compared to Yuugao's, who was taking her Anbu squad and wiping out every suspected bounty office located within a hundred mile radius of Konoha. Ibiki being the department head that he was bore the brunt of his leader's ire as he said, "The end fault lies with me, Milady. Recently a lot of my old staff has retired or moved on to new positions to fill gaps left from the Invasion. I've taken some of the brighter genin and chunin that passed my first test in the last Chunin Exam, but its obvious more training is needed. The lead was dismissed because it was believed no one would be foolish enough to try and capture an S-class shinobi and jinchuriki alive."
Tsunade glared at Ibiki a moment longer, before moving in front of the chunin who had reacted making it clear that she knew exactly where the fault lay. She kept her gaze directed towards Ibiki though as she said, "You better make damn sure those responsible get that training." Her glare settled on the Chunin for a moment before turning away and asking, "Now are there any other gaps in our intelligence that you feel the need to inform me of."
Koharu saw a rare sight as Ibiki actually appeared hesitant to speak. Sensing that the reason was due to the fact that whatever the news was it might send Tsunade's anger to even higher levels which she might unleash on the Chunin, Koharu suggested, "I believe we've kept Ibiki's subordinates long enough. We should let them get back to work while Ibiki fills us in."
"Whatever," Tsunade said with a dismissive wave. She turned back to face them while crossing her arms over her chest as she glared daggers into the quickly retreating Chunin's skull.
With them gone, Tsunade did calm down as she asked, "What is it?"
"Due in part to one of the more... intact prisoners that Yuugao sent back, we have learned that there was a second bounty placed on Naruto. Only unlike the first, this time the bounty wanted him dead. Moreover it was for a far higher price than the first,"
Both women paled with Tsunade closing her eyes to verify her lover's location. Feeling him back in the village, she breathed easier. "What is your opinion on this second bounty?" she asked.
"I believe that the hunch that Naruto had which Kakashi mentioned in his report was accurate. It is likely that Kabuto placed the first to set the events in Vegetable Country in motion. The request also appears to have been destined for Sora and his team specifically which might suggest an interest in the monk."
"I find that highly unlikely," Kiyomi's voice cut in after she appeared in a burst of flames.
"Who invited you?" Tsunade asked annoyed.
"You did by having your emotions flaring all over the place," Kiyomi countered, "Sensing your sudden fear for Naruto's safety I wished to see if it was warranted."
Tsunade scowled, but relented as Koharu stated, "We could use her expertise. Why do you doubt Kabuto was interested in Sora?"
"Unfortunately that might no longer be the case," Kiyomi replied worriedly. "However, I believe my newest houseguest was the one Kabuto originally intended as the prize in his latest scheme. Her being nothing more than hair attached to a corpse and her chakra draining abilities seemed all but giftwrapped for Kabuto's interest in Naruto's ability to return people back to life. Furthermore, unlike the attachment he carried to and for those close to the other women that snake has placed before him, Naruto wouldn't feel the need to protect her. If anything, I imagine Kabuto thought that Naruto would undoubtedly escape, since the requirement that he be taken alive would work in his favor. Kabuto could then make off with Fuka to study her at his leisure."
"If that is the case it might benefit us to let rumors circulate that we have her to bait a trap for him," Ibiki suggested, but as soon as he did he knew that all three women while they might agree with the plan felt that the man they shared would go against it.
Tsunade voiced the opinion as she said, "While I'd like nothing better than to let that bitch get dissected by Kabuto. Naruto would never allow it."
Ibiki still found the experience of seeing his leader basing a keen strategy on what her lover would think rather strange prompting him to ask, "Why not?"
Koharu answered as she explained, "Because we couldn't guarantee her safety. Kabuto has slipped through our fingers several times already. Plus, he's gone up against Naruto multiple times and each time has gained what he desired, even if there were some setbacks."
"No offense, Elder Koharu. But if what Lady Mito has revealed about the legend behind this Fuka is true. I doubt anyone would shed a tear should something happen to her."
Kiyomi nodded at his statement, before commenting, "True, but the same could be said about me. For good or bad for now Naruto feels responsible for her safety, which is why I believe he delivered her to me. Therefore, I will not let any harm come to her nor sanction any actions that might put her in danger. With the restrictions I've placed on her, she isn't a threat to herself or anyone else at present either."
"Why would she be a danger to herself," Ibiki wondered aloud.
"According to my grandmother, the jutsu that sealed Fuka's soul to her hair was canceled once the body she occupied was resurrected. She can't recast the jutsu so long as she is alive so she is effectively trapped in her current body leaving her susceptible to suggestions from Naruto and Kiyomi as well," Tsunade answered. "Currently though I find the fact that residing inside Sora is a new Bijuu to be the most pressing matter. If he did fall into Kabuto's hands then it's likely that he might be able to create more."
Kiyomi shook her head as she replied, "While it is worrisome, I don't think it is as big a threat as you fear."
"I find the idea with an army of Bijuu to be something to feel pretty threatened by," Tsunade retorted.
"True, if it was as simple as you seem to think," Kiyomi stated. "Keep in mind that with all the might of my freed siblings it took us a handful of moments to accelerate the growth of the piece of itself that the eight-tails sacrificed into the woman that became Urd. The piece of me which became this Black Nine-Tails took almost nineteen years, and that was only after it found a suitable vessel in which to grow."
"Yet there wasn't a suitable vessel in regards to Urd?" Koharu stated confused.
"Of course there was," Kiyomi responded. "The statue in which it was sealed is the original body of the Ten-Tails. There doesn't come a more suitable vessel then that. Besides, if Kabuto is serious about creating more Bijuu, he's going to have to free the Black Kyuubi from its current host, not something that most people do without taking massive precautions. He's then going to have to cut pieces of it off and find suitable vessels for them. He's not going to be able to just siphon off chakra from Sora."
"Why not," Ibiki asked.
"Because, while we were beings composed of chakra. The chakra we give off and the chakra that made up our bodies were of two different compositions. I believe the reason it took years for us to reform after the death of a host is due to it to how long it took to convert chakra into the denser kind required to sustain our physical existence. However, since Nel is the only one thus far to undergo this process it's impossible for me to say with certainty."
"But you are certain that this creation process can't be repeated without this Heavier Chakra that made up your original forms," Tsunade asked.
"Yes," Kiyomi stated. "The chakra we use in jutsu doesn't have the necessary elements to gather more of itself. Furthermore, even that heavier chakra is useless without a vessel to contain it in for it to receive the necessary energy to grow. As such, I find it highly unlikely that Sora was this Kazuma's child."
Tsunade nodded as she said, "That makes sense."
"Care to explain?" Koharu asked in interest.
Tsunade turned to the elder as she stated, "I'm surprised you would need me to clarify. You lived in the era of the Gold and Silver Brothers."
"True, but considering they were rumored to have gained their powers from digesting the flesh of Kiyomi's original form, you can understand why I'm a little confused at how you claim we should be worried."
Kiyomi shrugged as she said, "The reason is in the numbers. An untold number of fools who crossed me ended up in a similar situation as those brothers, but only they managed to survive. I imagine the rest died horribly as they tried to consume my chakra in a similar manner."
Tsunade concurred as she explained, "I've seen wounds given by Jinchuriki in chakra cloaks. Even the slightest scratch could damage cells long after the original wound was received. It has been known to give medics fits as they tried to heal the injuries. Most people who sustained major ones never stood a chance. Given that, the odds that Kazuma's son would be capable of benefiting from such chakra is laughably small."
"Still in creating a jinchuriki it doesn't seem to matter who a Bijuu is sealed in," Ibiki stated. "Wouldn't the process to select a capable host be just as difficult?"
"No, as you are looking for two separate end results," Kiyomi replied. "When creating a jinchuriki the seal protects the host from most of the harmful effects of our chakra. Primarily during the first few years only the bare minimum is allowed to escape. I suppose the closest analogy is a person building up immunity to poison by ingesting small amounts of it. This is why most jinchuriki are created at a young age, some like Mito might have survived becoming one as an adult, but I would attribute that to her vitality as an Uzumaki and the complexity of the seal she created. Even then she spent months bedridden with fever. However, the method to create a new Bijuu doesn't afford this initial phase of allowing the host to adjust to its chakra. It can't, because if one cuts of the Bijuu from the host that took it in, then the chakra will simply fade away. Much like the pieces of chakra that Kazuma didn't gather up, and what would have happened to the Tail that my brethren sealed in Killer B sacrificed to allow him to escape. If the chakra that comprised it had not been placed in the statue, it is likely that it would have withered just as the physical aspect of the tail that Yugito captured in the rescue attempt did."
"If what you say is true, then we may be able to get an accurate idea of Kazuma's movements after you were sealed away in Naruto," Ibiki said looking lost in thought. "He would need to make use of the chakra pieces he gathered quickly."
"Yes, while he could have sealed them in a scroll to preserve the chakra. His movements should still be discernable by sudden unexplained deaths that struck large population centers. He would need to be able to disassemble it to as many people as possible once it was unsealed," Kiyomi said in agreement. "If nothing else it should give us an idea of the early days of the One-King Movement. I doubt he would target areas associated with his cause so would steer clear of them."
"I'll look into it," Ibiki said, "Now back to the matter of the second bounty. The reason that it is concerning is because as opposed to the first it stipulated payment only for the delivery of Naruto's corpse."
Tsunade felt the tension that had eased as a result of learning that Sora was more of an anomaly then a weapon that could be massed produced reappear fully upon returning to the subject that her lover had a death mark placed on him. And while it could be said that it was similar to the danger he had faced when being targeted by Tobi's Akatsuki, this time it felt personal since someone was targeting Naruto and not the Bijuu that he had carried.
The Hokage knew she was hardly alone in that assessment as the other two women wore the same look she was certain appeared on her face. Focusing on Ibiki, she asked, "Do we know who placed it?"
"Not at present," Ibiki answered, "I've sent word to Yuugao to leave more people in a condition to be questioned. Still, the chances of us learning more are rather remote. The benefit of going through a bounty office is it allows those employing the bounty hunter's services to remain in the shadows. Even the money for payment is supplied to the office through a separate party to further obscure the chances that it is traced back to the person placing the request."
Tsunade inclined her head before dismissing Ibiki by saying, "I know if there's anything to find, you'll find it. Thank you for the information, I'm sorry if I was rather harsh in dealing with your staff."
Ibiki chuckled as he said, "Don't be. It's good for them to know what the consequences of not following up on a lead can be, especially when a part of those consequences are dealing with an enraged Hokage whose secret lover was placed in harm's way."
Tsunade smiled softly at the jest, but it faded as she moved behind her desk to stare out the window. She felt the heat of Kiyomi Hirashining back to her mansion even as the door closed as Koharu and Ibiki saw themselves out. Left alone with her fears, she prayed to whichever high power would listen that she wouldn't once more feel the pain of being unable save the man she loved.