
ero stories

just some anime sex stories

EroChanger911 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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29 Chs

new kind of bet 2

Then again, she had said that she wouldn't make this offer to just anyone. And she was the one pressuring him, making it very hard to say no to her gamble. Was it really taking advantage of her if she was the one trying to make him take advantage of her? Thinking about this was giving him a headache.

She took three cards from her hand and exchanged them, making Ryouta wonder what type of hand she was going for. He looked at his own hand and wondered if, perhaps, he should just lose on purpose and put an end to this craziness. But he dismissed this almost right away. Yumeko hated it when there were no stakes in a gamble, whether that made it that there was absolutely no chance of winning, or if there was absolutely no chance of losing. Both circumstances were equally as sinful to her.

She didn't mind it when games were rigged to give her opponent an advantage, not as long as there was still a chance of winning, even if those chances were less than one percent. In fact, she utterly relished in the chance of beating the odds when they were stacked against her so greatly; it made the victory that much sweeter when she figured out and beat the cheat.

To take that away from her was quite consequential. Ryouta still remembered what happened with Midari Ikishima. The crazed, masochistic, suicidal girl had attempted to design a game that would absolutely guarantee that she would lose, and in doing so would force Yumeko to kill her. However, Yumeko had somehow figured out a way around this rigging when she realized what was going on. As a result of this, Midari had earned Yumeko's hatred for her actions. And upon ruining yet another high-stakes game, one where the participants risked having a finger severed from their hand, Yumeko no longer acknowledged her existence, which was even worse for Midari than having Yumeko hate her.

No, Ryouta definitely didn't want to earn Yumeko's hatred or indifference. True, he could probably throw the game and get away with it, so long as she didn't check the card pile afterwards and figure out he could have had a winning hand, but for some reason, he just couldn't bring himself to do it. For some reason, it felt like he would somehow be doing her a great disservice by taking this away from her, and that would somehow be even worse than taking advantage of her. Or were these thoughts just his hormones talking, trying to justify his chance of getting to sleep with her?

Gulping, he decided to go for the Straight. And so he exchanged the two useless cards for two more. He hesitated before looking at his new hand, not sure if he wanted to win or not. Or, to be more precise, not sure if he should win.

His heart began pounding rapidly in his chest when he saw the Six and the Eight he now held. He couldn't believe it; he'd pulled off the Straight! Nervous sweat began pouring down his face as he began to wonder if he had done the right thing. Slowly, his gaze rose to meet Yumeko's. Her neutral face was back in place, but the gambling hunger still burned in her eyes.

Her gaze soon came up to meet his, and the small smile on her face grew larger. "Ready? How about you show your hand first."

His throat suddenly going dry, he swallowed once more before showing his hand. "S-Straight. Four through Eight."

Yumeko's smile widened further, here eyes dancing with merriment as she revealed her hand. "Full House."

A strange type of laugh escaped Ryouta. He lost. Despite pulling off the Straight, he still lost. A mixture of emotions ran through him, and there was a strange feeling of both relief and disappointment. He was just glad it was over; this had been a very uncomfortable situation to be in.

"I guess you win," he told her with a somewhat forced smile.

"I guess so," she said cheerfully. "But you had a pretty good hand too. I wasn't sure I'd be able to win, but I had a lot of fun."

He raised an eyebrow at this. "You mean, you weren't going for the Full House?"

She shook her head. "Oh, no." She motioned to her cards, consisting of two Sevens and three Tens. "Initially, I had nothing. I decided to hang onto the Seven and the Ten on a whim. I was actually quite surprised when I got another Seven and two more Tens. I mean, what are the odds?"

He sweat-dropped. "Y-Yeah, what are the odds?" Suddenly, he realized something he hadn't thought of before, having been distracted by other thoughts. "Hey, wait, Yumeko, you said that if I won that I would be able to…" he blushed, "d-do whatever I wanted to you. But you didn't say what would happen if you won."

Still smiling cheerfully, she cocked her head to the side. "Hmm? You mean you don't know?"

She stood up, and her demeanor changed again, going from the playful happy girl she usually was to the reward-hungry predator eager to claim her prize. Slowly, she walked around the table and headed straight for him, her body language sure and confident.

"I would have thought it was obvious. If you won, you would have gotten to take advantage of me. But since I won," she reached out, grasping his tie, and used it to pull his face close to hers as she placed a finger under his chin to tilt his head up to her, "I get to take advantage of you."

Being this close to her, his brain was going a little fuzzy, and so it took him a few seconds to comprehend what she meant. He took in the way she looked, from the delighted smile she wore with her lips slightly parted, to her flushed cheeks, to the hungry look in her eyes as she gazed at him. Suddenly, what she said sank in, and his own flushed cheeks turned a darker shade of red as his eyes widened.

"Wha-Wha-Wha…?" he stammered. "Y-Yumeko, you mean that…?"

She giggled in amusement. "I did say that I had other interests besides gambling. And now that I've won something that I want, I'm going to collect."

Yanking on his tie, she pulled him closer and pressed her lips to his. Ryouta's eyes bulged as the girl he was crushing on kissed him hard. He felt something wet and warm press against his lips and slip into his mouth. He realized it was her tongue as it began to tangle with his.

A surprised yet delightful mumble escaped him. This was his first kiss, and boy was it a kiss! Part of his inexperience was due to him being stuck as a house pet for so long, but as far as first kisses went, this exceeded his expectations. Yumeko completely took charge of it as she assaulted his lips, her tongue massaging his own in his mouth. She'd said that she had no experience, but was that only for the actual deed, or did that include making out as well? Based on the way she kissed him, he would have thought that she was well experienced; not that he had any examples to compare it to. Then again, she was very talented at pretty much everything she did, and was able to pick up on how things worked almost instantly and made them her own.

Perhaps it was the result of the kiss, but he was beginning to feel dizzy. The need for air had begun to affect him, but he didn't want to break the kiss. Yet it seemed that the need to take a breath had become too much for Yumeko as well, and she pulled away. She kept their faces close though, both of them panting heavily. Yumeko rested her forehead against his as she stared into his eyes, her own filled with want and desire.

A realization suddenly hit Ryouta. She'd planned this from the very beginning! From the moment she suggested the bet, possibly since she even suggested the game, her goal had been to get them here. Whether it would be her taking charge or him, that had been what the bet was about, but the outcome would have been the same either way.

"Yumeko…" he panted. "Did you—"

She cut him off by placing a finger to his lips, and an amused giggle escaped her. "Shh. No need to worry about the details too much. We made a bet, and I won." She brought her face even closer to his so their noses were touching, her lips grazing his as she whispered in a very suggestive manner. "Now then, my Ryouta, which shall it be? My room, or yours?"


Ryouta hadn't been able to answer fast enough for Yumeko, so she had decided for him. As the one who won their bet, it was her right to choose anyway. And so, she had pulled him along by his tie to her room, ignoring the stares of the students they passed. And upon reaching her room, she pulled him inside, closing and locking the door behind them.

That was how Ryouta found himself sitting on Yumeko's bed with her standing in front of him. She had an amused smile on her face, as if she found his unease to be cute as she fiddled with his shirt.

"Yumeko," he said, trying to keep how nervous he was out of his voice, "are you sure about this?"

She giggled as she hooked a finger into the knot of his tie and began pulling on it to loosen it. "Of course I'm sure. I wouldn't have suggested it otherwise."

He swallowed, his throat feeling very dry. "But you said you were a… a…"

"Yes," she confirmed, giving his tie one last yank to pull it off. "But everyone loses theirs at some point." She pouted slightly, but still playfully as she reached up with one hand to cup his cheeks. "What's wrong, Ryouta? Don't you want me?"

He diverted his eyes; it was hard to think straight with here so close. "It's… not that. It's just… do you really want to lose it to a bet?"

She smiled again as she ran her hands up to his shoulders and pushed his jacket off. "It's sweet of you to think about me like that, Ryouta, but you don't have to worry. Bet or not, it was still my choice of when and who I do it with. The bet was more of a how, an incentive if you will, and a fun one at that. And since I won, I'm taking charge. If you had any reservations, you should have spoken up sooner."

Ryouta realized that he could always point out that he never technically agreed to the bet. But then again, he kind of did, nonverbally anyway, when he proceeded to play without objecting.

"But… I'm…" he trailed off, too embarrassed to say it.

"Hmm?" she asked with genuine interest. "You're… what?"

He remained silent, and his cheeks burned a brighter shade of red. Yumeko studied him for a few moments before her eyes widened slightly and her smirk widened.

"Why, Ryouta," she said in a seductive voice as she walked her fingers up his chest, then began undoing the buttons of his shirt as she went back down. "Are you trying to tell me that you're a virgin too?"

Again, he didn't answer, but let out a small grumble in confirmation. Yumeko's eyes danced merrily at his response. "Then my prize is even more special than I thought." Undoing his last button, she ran her hands up the exposed skin of his chest, pushing his shirt off and completely exposing his upper body to her touch and gaze. "Just relax and let me take care of everything. I want us both to enjoy this."

She was certainly confident and sure of herself for someone without any experience, and a humorous chuckle escaped him. "I almost feel like a house pet again, but in a good way."

He hadn't realized he'd said this out loud until Yumeko pressed her body close to his and cupped his cheeks in her soft hands. "Don't be silly. Even though I won our bet, you're not my house pet. You're simply… my Ryouta."

She pressed a kiss to his lips again, gentler this time than in the library. When she broke the kiss, she moved her hands down to his waist and began to undo his belt. Ryouta felt his cheeks heat up even more, and she giggled at the nervous yet wanting look on his face.

Once she had undone his belt, popped out the button of his pants, and unzipped him, she hooked her fingers into his pants and underwear. In a much more aggressive action, she yanked both his pants and boxers down and pulled them off.

Now completely exposed, Ryouta's face burned hotter than ever, and he placed his hands over his private region to hide his very obvious erection.

"Ah, ah, ah," Yumeko scolded him teasingly. "No covering up. I want to see my prize. Come on, move your hands."

Ryouta had thought that he'd reached the pinnacle of embarrassment when she stripped him, but as he moved his hands to his sides, he felt his face heat up even more. Was it normal to be this nervous for your first time, or was he just extra anxious because it was his crush? He wanted to be able to please her as a lover, but only knew what to do from what he'd heard others say and from what he'd seen in dirty movies.

So far, it seemed that Yumeko was enjoying herself, and they hadn't actually done anything yet. She was definitely having fun teasing him, that much was obvious, her eyes dancing with amusement as she watched his reaction before she moved down his body to his lower region and a giggle escaped her. "Aww, look at Ryouta Jr. He looks so cute. And such a big boy."


"Hush now," she told him as she reached down and removed his shoes and socks. "It's my turn to have some fun right now."

Her hands ran up his legs, moving ever closer to the evidence of his arousal. She gently ran the nail of her index finger along his inner thigh before finally reaching his length. It twitched when she touched it, making her giggle again, before she finally took him in her hand. He jerked in response, a light gasp escaping him.

She smiled at his reaction as she ran her hand up and down his length. "You like that, do you? Well, you'll like this even more."

She slowly began to lower her head, her long black hair brushing against his legs. Ryouta's eyes widened. Was she really going to…?

Yes, she was. Ryouta's fists grabbed at the bed sheets as he felt the wet warmth of her mouth slide over his length. He squeezed his eyes shut tightly as she bobbed her head up and down on him, and he bit his bottom lip to prevent the grunts that threatened to escape him.

"Yumeko!" he cried out, his hands moving to grasp her head.

She ran her hands up his body and began rubbing his chest as she continued her ministrations on him. He hissed as she swirled her tongue over his head, wondering where she had learned to do that. If she really didn't have any experience and was simply improvising, then she was doing a damn good job of it.

A strangled noise slipped past his lips as she took him as deep as she could. She held him there for several long moments, humming in the back of her throat, before finally pulling back and releasing him.

Ryouta began panting heavily as he opened his eyes and looked down at her. She was watching him with interest, a smile plastered on her face. Keeping her eyes locked on his, she slowly stood up and took a few steps back. Reaching up, she slipped her jacket off her shoulders and let it slide down her arms and drop to the floor, not taking her eyes off his.

She giggled at the look on his face as she reached for the bottom of her shirt. "Should I take this off?"

She waited a few moments for him to answer. Instead, he diverted his eyes in embarrassment, his blush returning with a vengeance. She continued to look at him expectantly, leaning forward as her hands slid up to the top of her shirt and undid the first button, then the next.

"Ryouta, I need an answer." She undid another, exposing more of her chest to his gaze. "Do you want me to take it off?"

She was enjoying teasing him, and he knew it. Closing his eyes, he gave a nod. Her smile widened as she found his shyness adorable. Standing up straight, she slowly opened her shirt the rest of the way, one button at a time. Then, just like her jacket, she let it slide off her shoulders and down her arms in an erotic fashion, leaving her in only a black lacey bra.

"And this?" she asked, her hands going to her skirt. "Should I take this off as well?"

Ryouta didn't think his face could get any redder. "Yumeko, stop teasing me!"

She openly laughed at that. "But you're so cute! It's fun to tease you."

She decided to give him a bit of a reprieve though. Sliding her hands down her body, she bent over until she reached her shoes. She removed one, then the other, and then pulled off her stockings. Returning her hands to her skirt, she slid it down her body as she stood up straight, leaving her in only her bra and matching panties.

Stepping out of her skirt, she approached the bed until she was standing right in front of him in nothing but her undergarments, and Ryouta didn't think he'd ever seen a more erotic sight. Reaching out, she placed her hands on his shoulders as she moved to sit onto his lap, trapping his erection between them. Wrapping her arms around him, she kissed him deeply. Ryouta slowly began to kiss her back, his hands hesitantly coming up to grasp her hips.

Sensing his hesitation, she broke the kiss. Smiling at him, she ran her finger over his face, stopping at his mouth. "Relax, Ryouta. You're thinking too much. Just do what feels natural. This is supposed to be enjoyable for us."

Ryouta was most definitely enjoying himself, but he was also, as Yumeko said, thinking too much, wondering what he should do with his hands, how to touch her, what she wanted him to do, not sure what would be ok to do. "Sorry, I just… I want you to enjoy this."

She smiled at him and traced his lips with her finger. "Believe me, Ryouta, I am. Just do what feels right. Remember, this is my first time too. Lets just learn and have fun together."

Sitting astride him, she ran her hands down his chest and stomach until she reached her legs on either side of him, then slid them seductively up her body until she reached her breasts. Reaching behind her back, she undid her bra before moving her hands to cup her breasts as the straps began to slide down her shoulders. She shifted above him slightly so they fell even more, then slowly moved her hands away, taking her bra with her and completely exposing her upper body to him for the first time.

She smiled as his eyes widened at the sight of her bare chest. She knew she was attractive, and was not shy about her body, despite her inexperience, and Ryouta's hungry lustful gaze made her feel even sexier. Holding up her bra in one hand, she dangled it in front of his face for a few moments before holding it out to the side, showing off her chest even more, before dropping the garment onto the floor.

Ryouta couldn't tear his eyes away from her breasts as he took in everything from their size and shape to their rosy beaded nipples, and he was overcome with the urge to touch and taste them. Yumeko seemed to realize what he wanted and took one of his hands, bringing it up to one of her breasts and pressing it against her.

"It's ok, Ryouta," she told him encouragingly. "You can touch. Part of sex is exploring your partner's body and seeing what they like. Trust me, it feels good. I'm enjoying your touch very much."

She kept his hand pressed to her chest, her nipple pushing into his palm. At her encouragement, he seemed to become more confident, and began to knead her breast. Yumeko made a sound of pleasure in response, her own blush deepening, and his confidence grew even more. He brought up his other hand to grip her other breast as he caressed and rubbed them, feeling their weight in his hands and tweaking her nipples.

Yumeko's breath had become labored as more pleased sounds escaped her, and she closed her eyes as she enjoyed his touch. "That's good, Ryouta," she encouraged. "You see, there's no need to be so tense. Just let go and enjoy yourself."

Growing bolder, he sat up and took a nipple into his mouth. Yumeko let out a delighted squeal as he licked and sucked at one breast, then the other, his hand taking over where his mouth left off. Yumeko panted as her hands came up to press his head closer to her chest as she began grinding against him. Her legs squeezed his lower body as the thin piece of material separating their nether regions prevented them from touching where she really wanted to be touched.

Grasping his head, she reluctantly eased him away from her chest and looked at him with passion-filled eyes. "See, you're a natural. Now, lets move on to the next part."

She gently pushed him onto his back again. Leaning over him, she placed a light kiss to his lips before sliding down his body, making sure her breasts dragged against his chest. She lifted her backside into the air as she reached his private area once more. She took him in her hand and began kissing and licking his length as her other hand went to her damp panties and began to push them down and off, leaving her just as bare as he was.

She began to kiss and lick her way back up his body, pausing when she reached his chest to tease his nipple with her mouth and tongue the way he had to her earlier before kissing her way back up to his face again. She kissed him, pressing their chests together, her breasts squashed against him as their lower bodies rubbed against each other, eliciting pleasurable moans from both of them at the intimate contact. Ryouta kissed her back, seemingly getting over his shyness as his tongue tangled with hers, and he placed his hands on her rear, gripping her cheeks as he grinded their groins together.

Yumeko gasped in pleasure, breaking the kiss as she lifted her head from him, but kept their bodies pressed together. Her eyes were closed in bliss as she panted, her cheeks glowing red as she slid over him. Opening her eyes, she stared down at him hungrily, an eager smile on her face.

Slowly, she rolled off him and onto her back, sliding further up the bed. She laid back, her body displayed to him, and Ryouta sat up to look at her. She was easily the most gorgeous thing he'd ever seen, and he gave a silent prayer of thanks to whatever god of fortune had decided to lead him here.

Smiling, she reached out to him. "It's your turn now, Ryouta. Time to return the favor."

Catching onto her meaning, he sat up and moved on top of her. Yumeko smiled as he hovered over her before he leaned down and kissed her. She kissed him back, her hands wrapping around his shoulders. He then began kissing his way down her body, just as she had done to him, pausing to spend a little time on each breast before making his way down lower.

He came to a stop between her legs, and got his first close up view of a woman's most private area. Not a picture in a magazine or a video on the computer or TV, but the real thing. His heart pounded in both nervousness and excitement for what he was about to do. He'd seen clips of it online and had an idea of how to go about it, but actually doing it was another matter entirely.

"Ryouta…" she cooed, "I'm waiting."

He gulped nervously before bringing his mouth closer to her slit. He gave it an experimental lick, and Yumeko let out a delightful squeal, all but leaping off the bed. She definitely seemed to like that, so he did it again, receiving a similar response.

Feeling more confident, he began licking and stroking her with his tongue. Yumeko proceeded to let out delighted sounds as he worked on her. Her bottom lip trembled, and she bit it to keep from crying out, but Ryouta wanted to hear the sounds she made, and worked her even faster. She gasped loudly, one hand flying to her mouth while her other one came down to tangle in his hair, massaging his scalp as he proceeded to lick at her wet opening.

When he added a finger, slipping it inside her, she let out a particularly loud cry of pleasure as she practically leapt off the bed. Encouraged, he began thrusting and curling his finger inside her, and Yumeko began thrashing about on the bed, turning her head side to side in bliss as her wetness flowed out of her.

"Ryouta!" she squealed as her hips bucked against him. "Ryouta!"

Her legs clamped around his head almost painfully, burying his nose in her pubic hair as she thrashed about. From what Ryouta knew of the act of cunnilingus, her reaction was a good thing, and her sounds of pleasure encouraged him further. He gripped her hips to keep her still as he stuck his tongue inside her slit, paying special attention to the small nub of flesh at the top. Yumeko's hands grasped the bed sheet, gripping them tightly as her back bowed off the bed, her eyes squeezed shut tightly.

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