
Chapter 12 The Beast Has Risen

Hey Erica wake your ass up now ain't no sleeping all day. So I said man Fuck you I'm tired shyt. So as I walked out what do you want? We having a meeting okay talk. So now we have have Nicole living with us also she got thrown out too.

Okay mother fucker you'll woke me up for this man you could of waited till I got up. So then I got dress brush my teeth in sat in the living room. So Jazz what's the plan we going to get some packages for us to have later okay bet.

So later own that day somebody knocks on the door is Lisa here yeah who asking? Her friend okay hold on slams door in her face. Man Lisa some girl at the door for you. Who is it it? I don't know bring your ass to the dam door.

So she came in screamed hey boo how you doing? I'm good come on so Lisa said you'll I'll be back some time later tomorrow. So we all yelled bye in closed the door and locked it. So you'll ready to get fucked up? Hell yeah she gone we can do whatever we please while she gone.

So that night we had a house full of people. Talking everybody in this bytch fucking in getting high at the same time. So the next morning we hear a bam at the door. Open my mother fucking door Lisa yells.

So before opening the door we put everything back where it was in did a quick clean before opening the door. So we all played like we was cleaning. Wtf was you'll doing it took you'll that long. So the company we put out the back door came round the front. We died laughing cause we knew what we was doing.

So she snapped wtf who are these people? They our friends we meet a while back. I'm lying my ass off to her. So she was like my house better be clean when I get back. So then I get a call I'm not coming back tonight. Okay see you tomorrow. So I told Jazz we was at it again me Jazz and Nicole was high as a bird.

So the next day I get a call I'll be home late okay. She ain't coming till later tonight. So me I called up our connection they came over with they home. So we all in the room smoking dirties and snorting up train lines. So we hear somebody knocking on the door.

So Jazz got up in went in said who is it. Its me open my mother fucking door. So Jazz ran back hurry up get that stuff up in hide it. So we did I went to the bath room to clean my nose. So she open the door they sitting on the chair. Who the Fuck is these niggas? Bae calm down it's nothing we just smoking weed. So as she was heading to the back me and Nicole ran in got in the car with the dudes.

So Jazz grab Lisa wtf bae chill out they are cool. So she told me and Nicole if we left with them that's our ass. So we left the house with them cause it didn't matter if we did or didn't she was gone Fuck us up. So we went got high as hell with them Nicole went an Fuck the home boy while I stayed in the living room getting high. I already knew the beast has risen at home so I was ready for the punishment.

So she slang the door open who first to get this ass whooping. So we look at each other like Fuck that we will stay outside until she cool off. So Nicole went in first I heard her hollering in there I already know she gone Fuck me up worse. So I got tired of standing outside in went in to take it. So what you want the spachler or the spoon? Pick one for I pick it for you. So I pick the spachler I wish I pick the spoon. Before I could say something Jazz had done already told on us.

So Lisa said speak before I beat your ass. So I told her what I went to do. Before I could finish I felt one hit I dropped in ran in the room. Don't run you gone make this ass whooping worse. So I tried to hide in the room with the covers. So I thought she went away. I was getting ready to bath in clean up from the day I had. Man I forgot it wasn't over I had on some shorts.

She snuck up on me you thought I forgot. No please is all I can say. You wasn't saying please no when you was putting that shyt up your nose was you. No ma'am well I don't want to hear it nie. Lisa went to beating me I'm crying like okay okay okay I'm sorry. That was not enough for her she beat me till she got tired.

So as I sat on the chair looking at my bruses on me I cried because I was so hurt. She said if I didn't love you I wouldn't beat you. You know Lisa wants what's best for you, you have a daughter to live for this shyt you doing going to stop. So after that night I slept good. So the next day Jazz said get up we bout to go get turned. So me Nicole and Jazz left didn't come home for days. Until we was sobber cause if we high ass whooping again.

So it didn't m as me a different she waited at the door with a belt this time. We all went in together so Nicole went first I ran in the room in lock the door then ran in the bathroom in lock it. But that didn't stop her she picked all both locks I tired to grab the bathroom door but it was too late. I tired to get out to the other door but she closed it.

Lets get it no no no no no with my hands out please all you heard was a whistle then it landed I hollered. I'm sorry I won't do it no more I won't do it no more so she kept beat until I went to sleep. So she woke me up with work to do. So as I clean my mama came over in told me I can't see my child unless I come back.

So I told her no I didn't want my child round when I was on coke. So I went back in cried Lisa came to the back what's going on nothing I don't want to live no more. So I pulled out a thing of pills and tried to take em but she took em in hide them from me. She beat my ass so bad she went and got a knife in put it to her wrist. She said you die I die.

So I told her no to put that away from her wrists in I put it on mines and she grabbed it an put it on both our wrist. So you ready no you not going yes I am if I go you go we both going. So I told her no I don't want to. So she beat me again for doing crazy shyt. So then she sent me to bed in made me pray before I lay in I did.

But after that day I became a whole new person I became a real drug addict because I begin spending everything on my habit. But this right here is the beginning of my mental break down.