
Equipped: Armory of Legends

Park Jae Sung a prodigy of effort and care for the people he loved the most. But, he still lost everything. After 10 years of hard work, he manage to rise up from he ashes. With his self created companion by his side anything can be accomplished. Still, fate is not always as it seems. "Huh? A gift? Armory of Legends?" [Yes. Master will be able to summon legendary weapons from Earth to Etterra, enhance by the world energy.] [Excalibur, Ruyi Jingu Bang, Mjolnir, Poseidon's trident and many more. Master can equip them.] Join in the journey through the world of Etterra and see what happens when a prodigy and his companion crushes through it all.

IPNH · Fantaisie
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64 Chs

Chapter 40: Genius of Ancient Times

The arrival of the Black family, made the Cross family county more lively. The sound of Marylyn laughing cheerfully being chased and tickled by Erika, magic explosions from Oscar's demonstration, a quake form Grandma Gwen's 'punishment' and cheers from playing Cross Catch in the winter.

After dinner, Adrian proposed playing 'guess the drawing'. Eight people divide into 4 teams of two. Adrian conjures 6x6 meter stone slab and shape a piece of charcoal to make it easier to draw. He didn't want to waste paper just for a game. Luckily there is magic.

The whole family had a merry night. Laughs, cheers and groans sounded around the fireplace in the lounge room. The first night spend with Black family close of with everybody smiling and everybody return to their rooms.

"It's time again." Cassie's reminder sounded in Adrian's head just after Adrian entered his room.

"Of course." Adrian nodded and picked up the guitar that he ordered from Rupert after he came back from the capital. The strings he ordered it from a local blacksmith.

Blacksmith profession is available in Etterra but they didn't make weapons. They just make pots, pans and other things that needed smelting. What is the use of normal weapons if this world people can conjure their own spirit weapon and cast magic.

Adrian opens the window in his room to let the fresh cold winter air inside and the moonlight directly shone inside. He takes the chair from his desk and place it under the shining moonlight. He sits down and put the guitar on his lap and start to sing.

What song is it? It's up to your imagination.

Beautiful voice and melodic tune of the guitar sounded inside the room. A visage of a beautiful lady with long blue hair in white dress danced around the room, enjoying herself but not making a noise disturbing the song. Adrian had done this every day since he had Cassiopeia become his spiritual lifeform.

It also helps him to practice a musical instrument as instructed from the manual for music he bought 5 years ago. He suddenly stops singing and his fingers from plucking the guitar after hearing Aria's notification.

[Notice. 10 familiar presences detected behind the door.]

"As always, it must be the family and the maids. Just let them be as long as they did not barge in, everything is okay. Sorry for stopping Cassie. I got distracted like always. Performing in front of a crowd makes me nervous." Adrian still not getting use to the eavesdroppers behind the doors.

"You should just say the word, I will bring forth a tidal wave to swept them out." Cassie says the sentence like a threat but it was in a sweet tone.

"Don't do that and just enjoy yourself." Adrian rejects the idea and keep playing until midnight then go to sleep just to wake up early morning to train with Ralph as always. Both of them navigate themselves through the mansion as quietly as possible and avoids passing through the Black family's guest rooms.

The joy they had last for 4 days. Adrian keeps showing up new ideas for them to spend time together even in the winter atmosphere. Every day is full of smiles for them. Their bonds between them get closer and become 1 family. Except for the relationship between Oscar and Malcom of course, it's still the same.

Oscar tries his best to made up for Adrian and Marylyn. Adrian actually had no problems with Oscar but Marylyn can now call him grandpa but still being cautious around him because of the stories she heard about Oscar when she is a baby. Oscar starts to feel the bad taste in his mouth again remembering 5 years ago.

On the 5th and final day of the Black family stay, Oscar wants to see Adrian's comprehension of magic and battle so he brings him to the family's training ground to test him out that evening. Adrian is fine with it and went along with it but the others are worried especially Grandma Gwen.

Malcom and Amanda are worried if Adrian summoned his spirit weapon in desperation. The three witnesses had sworn to each other they won't reveal Adrian's capabilities to protect him. So, everybody joins in to watch including Ralph. Adrian knows he is no match for Oscar because obvious reasons.


[Name: Oscar Black] [Age: 61] [Level: 3 Sun Power]

[STR: 645] [AGI: 520] [END: 595] [INT: 555] [Mana: 33200]

[Affinity: Water, Lightning]

"Not much difference since the last 5 years. About 30-40 increase in each attribute. His mana capacity did increase moderately. Is the Sun stage really difficult to increase?" Adrian made his conclusion after differentiating Oscar's stats since the last 5 years.

[Responding. The Sun stage is difficult to increase because the individual need to meta morph their souls by using mana to transcend from mortal limits. According to records only Primordials had manage to transcend past mortal limit. By transcending mortal limits, the individual will live a longer life surpassing their supposed life span.]

"That sounds sick. That means ancestor Adam must have manage to live for thousands of years." Adrian begun to imagine the power beyond Sun stage powerhouse.

"Who is this 'Adam'?" Cassie curiously asked joining in the conversation. Adrian kindly explains to Cassie about one of the human Primordial.

"Okay boy. Show me what you have lea…" Oscar was just about to finish his sentence, a mana fill punch went straight to his face.


The impact made quite a deafening sound. Oscar manages to catch the fist but he felt a weird sensation on his palm when catching the punch. Then he felt it, his entire right arm went numb and the blood on his arm is flowing in reverse.

Danger. Oscar quickly cast 'Earth Displacement'. Like a chess piece sliding across the board, Oscar slid across the training ground and stop 5 meters away from Adrian. His eye widens with shock. The crowds in the stand are also in shock especially grandma Gwen who is squinting her eyes observing Adrian carefully. Adrian manages to repel Oscar away with a punch. Unbelievable.

"My god, boy. What was that?" Oscar exclaimed in shock.

"It's called 'martial arts'. Dad bought it for me." Adrian replied honestly.

Oscar looked at the stand and glares at Malcom like he wants to kill him while Gwen asked Malcom if it was true that he bought a martial arts manual for Adrian. Of course, Malcom told her the full story that occur 5 years ago. Then, Malcom excuses himself and leaves, taking Ralph with him. Where he is going no one knows.

"Umm… Just show me basic magic. You can do that can you. We don't need to spar anymore… Ahem." Oscar admits it that Adrian is a monster with martial arts but he doesn't want to go all out sparring with Adrian after he just made up with him. He can't let excitement get the better of him and stick to his main purpose. His arm is still numb but he directed his mana to repair his blood flow or else his right arm will explode.

Adrian nodded in understanding. Using 'Fist of Adam' as a sneak attack to his own grandpa is a bit over the top but he felt kind of satisfy and he don't know why.

Adrian shows his magic to Oscar and the now 5 people at the stand. His magic is cast smoothly and successfully. He did not show his improvise version of each element because it takes too much more mana. He needs to be a 1 Star stage mage in front of them. Luckily, he had Aria to remind him of the capacity he should use.

"That is very good. It was casted smoothly. Kids your age shouldn't be able to cast all basic spells yet but you already manage to do it only after 4 months of awakening. Do you face any difficulties when learning magic circles?" Oscar feels surprise of Adrian's magic talent and what to hear Adrian opinion when learning magic circles.

"Only at the first 10 to 15 minutes after that there is no problem." Adrian lied amazingly. He had Aria, he can cast the spell in the next second.

Oscar and the whole Black family is in shock hearing Adrian 'only' had problem on the first 10-15 minutes. He signals Erika to come down.

"Boy, do you know how long on average one can finally understand a spell?" Oscar asks Adrian while Erika jumps down from the crowd stand to the field.

"Not sure." Adrian replies to Oscar's question.

"Erika, tell him." Oscar wants to do a reality check for Adrian.

"An average time a mage spent to learn a spell is varied based on the power of the spell. As for basic spells, it's an average of 3.6 months. If you can understand a spell in minutes that only means you are a monstrous genius as the ones in the ancient past." Erika explains and gulps down her saliva announcing the results of her research on ancient beings.