

A world ruled by a system, Where power, status and rank determines one's fate. An Era where beasts and monsters roam between dystopian and high-tech towns. In such an era, to be one of the Awakened warriors is the reigning desire of one's heart. But such a world can only last in a balanced state for so long. Among the strife of the present, the fog of history and the chaos of the future, lies secrets that were best left unknown, danger that was never meant to be awoken, as well as a tapestry of fate that was never meant to be unraveled. The only question; is everything truly fated to work out the way it was planned... or are the strings of fate as fragile as the petal of a flower?

Search_for_life · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
15 Chs


[ The Path of Purity is passing judgement on you... ]

Quill forced himself to open his eyes, surveying the runes with fervor.

The area was now a blank space with darkness surrounding him. However, this time, there were millions of glimmering stars.

More importantly, the area was strangely comforting.

Quill smiled, as another string of runes showed up in front of him.

[ The Path of Purity has deemed you to be fit. ]

[ Congratulations, Torchbearer. ]

Quill's smile was suddenly wiped out of his face as he felt a sharp pain in his chest.

[ Starting Phase 1 Enkindling... ]

[ Please wait while memories are being restored... ]

[ Phase 1 started ]

Quill was doubled over in pain, as the stinging ache continued, only seeming to get worse with each second.

[ Please wait while physical condition is restored... ]

[ Phase 1 finished ]

[ Please rest easy in the ◼◼◼◼◼◼ While secondary judgement is being passed ]

Quill didn't even have time to blink as a sudden wave of exhaustion washed over him, forcing him into unconsciousness.


"...ty-nine of this batch so far. 59 of 150 so far. 478 of 3423 in total. However, there's really no need to lose hope just yet, these take up to 2 weeks in average and about a month at most."

"...Survey them all then. It should be even easier with the Path of Purity's help..."

"No, No, and No! Putting them through that is way too..."

"Then, use the firing scales. I've already sent a letter..."

Quill slowly blinked. His eyes were unbearable heavy.

His surroundings were hazy, colors blurring together, and snippets of passing conversation was all he could make sense of.

Head aching, Quill tried to sit up, only to be hit with an overwhelming wave of pain.

Sounds seemed to fade into the background as Quill propped himself up on his elbows.

A second later, he felt hands force him back into a lying position. There were noises next to his ears, and lights kept flashing in front of his eyes.

Quill's head hit the pillow, and the pain seemed to fade away.


When Quill woke up the next time, his vision was much clearer.

Not that it helped much, with how confusing the sight in front of him was.

White walls, and a huge space. Rows of beds lay next to each other as uniformed men and women drifted past, carrying bundles of things in their hands.

"...Hello, can you hear me? Hello?"

Quill turned his head, shaken out of his trance by a voice next to him.

A woman stood there, holding a clipboard with a tired face. Seeing him turn, she heaved out a relieved sigh.

"Good, most of your senses seemed to be working." She surveyed him critically, furrowing her brows for a second, before continuing.

"Do you know who you are? Where you are? What happened?" 

Quill blinked, his mind processing the questions slowly. 

"...My name is Quill. I have no idea what happened, nor where I am. "

The woman nodded. "As expected."

"Quill, how much do you know about the torchbearer's trial?"

"...Quite a lot. I'm sorry, do you mean to say I have gone through the trial?"

The woman gave him a pained smile.

"You won't remember it just yet. The Path of Purity is currently judging your memories. However, as soon as it's over, You'll get all the memories back."

Quill blinked. What was going on?

"Listen, Im not stupid. "

"You need to physically enter a Torchbearer's trial."

"You don't go there while sleeping."


Quill was still in shock. 

There was a bowl of soup in his hand, that frankly, tasted disgusting.

Quill still ate it, quietly sifting through his memories.

He had heard and seen a lot of strange things. This, however could easily take the crown.

After his sharp words, the lady had smiled, and just told him that 'you'll see'. At first Quill had watched her go with a stunned expression.

Then, there was a sharp, stinging pain in his chest. 

After that, his mood was alternating between sour and confused.

For one thing, he could recall his memories easily, which had always been a hard task with his memory disease.

Secondly, it was akin to a heart attack to look back on the memories of the trial.

His first question was about his own strength, both mental and physical.

His speed was extremely slow. Most of his decisions were rash, completely unlike his usual judgement. He seemed to be much weaker as well. Most of the moves he used were basic, and even his thinking seemed to be more...immature.

While it was undoubtedly him in the trial, it felt more like he was seeing a stranger in a game. 

No sooner had Quill formulated the questions, had he got his second nasty shock of the day.

'...What in...!?'

[ The Path of Purity's automated system has noticed you may be having some problems. ]

[ The system can help answer most simple questions, so feel free to ask away about any problems regarding the Enkindling ]

Quill had found himself at a loss for words, staring at the bright screen that popped up next to him, and the dark runes that ran across it's surface. 

"How...How am I reading this?!" Quill whispered, rubbing his eyes to make sure the letters actually weren't in Ekantirian.

[ The auto translation module has been installed into every core to make communication easy. ]

"...It applies to runes as well now? Previously, it was limited to modern languages only?"

[ That is a human developed module, which is efficient, but not completely effective. ]

[ The Path of Purity's module is integrated in the core, and has knowledge of every language to exist, as long as historical records are found ]

"...Very efficient. However,what is the core you refer to?"

[ The Core of Will. ]

[ Warning! Mental and spiritual state too weak to survey core. Still proceed? ]

"No." Quill wasn't in the mood to risk going anywhere he wasn't sure about. 

"Different question. There seems to be many noticeable differences between my current self and myself while taking the trial. Reason?"

[ Processing request... Many results have been found, so a summary has been made. ]

[ The Path of Purity believes in Equality and fairness, especially during a trial for power ]

[ So, every challenger will have to give the trial at their base capacity. Weapons from the outer world may be carried in, however there will be a certain restriction placed on them. ]

[ To prevent any loopholes, the rules of trial dictate that every challenger will be reverted to the mental and physical age in which they drew first blood. ]

[ Note: The first blood here refers to the first time challenger has drawn blood from any creature, human or not with killing intent or a wish to cause injury. ]

[ Note: In this reverted state, challenger will lose any skill gained after drawing blood. Their mindset will also not develop further past that time. Any challenger who has never drawn blood will retain their current state. ]

Quill stared at the panel in front of him, his expression growing more complicated as he read the long text.

'...First blood. No wonder.'

He was almost tempted to laugh at the absurdity of the age he had been in the trial.

"It's a miracle I survived. Wait, don't tell me it's the same for all trials-"

[ Only the first trial follows this rule, to ensure fair opportunity for growth. ]

Quill nodded. It was a fair rule, one that he could agree with.

Just then, the lady had come back, carrying the sloppy bowl of soup he was eating.