
Epic Of The Clonemancer

I opened my eyes, expecting the after life, but I instead find myself 3 years in the past, on the day the apocalypse started. Horridly mutated humans and animals roam, normal humans consumed by greed, and something bigger, bigger than you and me. But, all of this, for me, is a chance to get a better class, a chance to live longer... A chance to fix the world

Movribs · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Main characters


Name: Leonardo Hendricks(MC)

Class: Clonemancer ✰✰✰✰

Age: 21

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Name: Jayden Pugh(Secondary MC)

Class: Fleshmancer ✰✰✰✰

Age: 21

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Name: Luna Williams(FL)

Class: Starlord ✰✰✰✰✰

Age: 20

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Name: Edgar stone(Third MC)

Class: Artificer ✰✰✰

Age: 20

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