
Epic Of The Clonemancer

I opened my eyes, expecting the after life, but I instead find myself 3 years in the past, on the day the apocalypse started. Horridly mutated humans and animals roam, normal humans consumed by greed, and something bigger, bigger than you and me. But, all of this, for me, is a chance to get a better class, a chance to live longer... A chance to fix the world

Movribs · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Heading out


"There, I think I got it, my hand still feels stiff, but at least it functions properly" Jayden says, I hand him the textbook, "I think you should hold onto that, and maybe memorize the way muscles are held" I say to him.

"Ok my skill now," I say.

'<Self Cloning>' I think and almost instantly my entire body loses its color and all the remains is a blue outline that outlines my clothes and body, the lines turn purple before starting to split, into blue and red.

Causing a almost glitch like effect, the lines keep splitting and I start seeing out of two different points of view, my body returns to looking normal "Jesus dude! That looked cool, did it hurt?" Jayden asks.

I turn what I think is my main body towards the body of the clone and it turns towards me, it looks pretty much identical but has a sort of glitch effect, that flickers constantly. "This is so weird, It didn't hurt though, I can see myself, but whatever I do is reflected on the clone..." I say and the clone says what I say at the exact same time.

"Ah, I have to use my other skill" I say and activate it, my thoughts start moving faster, and I feel like two people, I try to move my clone individually and it does so, I then try to move myself and the clone and it works.

"This feels even weirder, I can have two different separate trains of thought thought" I say with my main body, "Apparently I can die with one of these bodies and as long as another exists it becomes my main." I say and Jayden nods.

"Damn, you pretty much have extra lives, but what are we going to do now?" He asks.

"Well, my skill name is self cloning, so I might get one that lets me do it to other things, but anyway, we should first get ourselves some sort of weapon." I say and sit down.

"Then we should leave this classroom, and gather food, and maybe, just maybe kill some monsters, we have a level and stats, so getting stronger is a must, even if we can die." I say and look out the window.

Jayden nods at my reasoning before responding, "Yeah, we never know when we find some really strong abomination thingy and die even when hiding, so getting stronger is probably the best choice."

"But I dont see us killing anything with our lack of fighting experience and strength, our skill will certainly make it easier but we are probably going to die..." Jayden says with a total lack of fear.

"Yeah, but its either we hide until we get killed, or try and get stronger with the risk of dying, but we should get a move on, we are on a higher floor, but it wont be long before those abominations find their way up here." Jayden nods before standing.

I stand aswell and start controlling my clone, it still feels unnatural to control two bodies at the same time, I am walking twice at the same time, I still cant even do it properly even when I have <Parallel Thinking> active.

I overturn a chair, and hold it down with my clone body, Jayden then comes over with the heaviest thing he has which is another chair, I hold on of the metal chair legs and hold it in place, as Jayden starts bashing the wood that connects the leg to the rest of the chair.

After alot of hits it comes loose and breaks off, I then start prying the rest of the wood still stuck on it, and after doing so I have a straight metal bar. We then do the same thing a couple of times until we have 6 bars.

By the way, have you tried your flesh creation skill?" I ask, while storing all our extra bars into the backpack that my other body is wearing,

"Ah, It wont be very useful right now, the things I create wont have bones and I dont know how muscles work together, so I have to practice when I have the chance, I will actually have to figure out how to get a creation to work without bones" He responds while throwing his backpack on.

He then picks up his bar, and both my bodies do the same, I nod and then ask, "You ready?" Jayden nods and I use my bodies to remove the barricade.

I slowly walk out using my clone body, and after I make sure nothing is nearby, my main follows then Jayden, "We should head to the school kitchen, there should be no people there at this time" Jayden whispers to me.

I nod and we start walking down hallway, we take careful steps and I walk backwards using C1(That's how I will address clones), this is so we can see behind us at all times so we dont get jumped.

We arrive at a staircase, I look at Jayden and he looks at me, I go down first since my other 'life' is up there. I carefully walk down step by step, with Jayden and C1 close behind.

Bar in hand ready to wack the shit out of anything that tries me, I step down the final step and we are now on the second floor, I look over to Jayden and he nods taking the lead.

But not by much, we are in a more open corridor now so we can get jumped at anytime, and I have to be there to take a hit if he gets attacked. We drown out the screams of people getting eaten that are still going on outside.

I look out the window using C1 and spot some people running into one of the gym, there are quite a few, some teachers, alot of students, some people I actually know too.

Shaking C1's head, I focus on walking backwards, and looking out for abominations, we all stop and quickly lean against a wall, and just as we do the most grotesque abominations I have seen up until now smashes through the door we were just walking past.

I look at Jayden and notice a huge grin on his face, he looks at me and I can't help but smile, we nod at each other and get ready, the abomination looks at us, and we look back.
