
Epic of Leviathan [REBOOT]

This is a Complete Re-Write of my original The Epic of Leviathan. You don't need to read the original one to read this. However, the story is going to be extremely different from the OG one. MC will have a different background and different powers. The CoverArt is provided by LordValmar and I really appreciate his help. This is a Fanfic... I don't own anything!!! All the characters except the MC and all the Worlds belong to their original owners ------------------------------------------------- A/N: First of all I want to declare that English is not my first language, so if you cannot overlook a few mistakes then this fanfic is not for you. I would have used the Neutral Evil tag if it was available, but it isn't. So, a fair warning, the MC will do pretty evil or Dark stuff. Don't complain in the Future. Last warning, in this fanfic some characters will have a different attitude from the canon or the original version so please note this warning before jumping into this. And finally, this is going to be a World Travel Fic... 1st World: My Hero Academia 2nd World: Yet to be Decided 3rd World: Yet to be Decided ------------------------------------------------- Thrust into a Fictional World, with no parents to support him. With enemies all around him, will he be able to survive, or will he be swept away? Will he be able to make a name for himself? Carve a place for himself in the cruel world or will he be remembered as nothing but a footnote in history? ------------------------------------------------- Discord Channel- https://discord.gg/zdUqAGKrkm

InGlorious · Anime et bandes dessinées
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38 Chs

Is That A Dragon? (I)

My whole body was covered in black scales… The scales looked metallic, but I wasn't sure how tough they were. I could feel the fire burning inside me, but this time, my body wasn't on fire. I no longer had any clothes on my body, so I couldn't tell how hot my body was. Thankfully, my crotch was covered by a large scale or I would have to worry about my family jewels dangling around every time I transformed.

Feeling somewhat relieved, I started to inspect the rest of my body. I was much bigger than my usual self right now, so my clothes were ripped to shreds when I transformed. I looked at my hands, but they looked more like claws rather than hands right now and it was the same case with my feet. I looked around to check my back and saw that I had grown spikes along my spine.

Thankfully, I didn't grow a tail, or if this is really the power I am thinking about then I needed to tap more into my Quirk before I grew a tail…

"Reo-kun, how are you feeling? Are you in control?" Dr. Akunji finally spoke up, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, I feel fine" I answered. My voice was much deeper and bestial than before which was expected, considering my current form. "Wow. My voice is really deep!" I exclaimed, feeling excited. I always wanted to sound like an alpha male giga-chad. 

"Good. Good" Dr. Akunji nodded his head. "Do you want to see yourself?" The doctor asked me and it was a question he didn't even need to ask. Fuck yeah, I wanted to see myself so I nodded my head excitedly. The doctor pressed a button and one of the walls opened up to reveal a screen. I could see myself in the mirror and I was looking like The Lizard from The Amazing Spider-Man movie, but with black metallic scales all over the body.

I was expecting to look a lot more draconic, considering if I was right about my power… A minor disappointment in my books, but still a disappointment…

"Alright, Reo-kun, shall we continue with the tests?" The doctor asked, breaking me out of my musings. After getting a nod from me, he pressed a few more buttons and the ceiling opened up to reveal some sort of machine. "Now Reo-kun, there is no need to worry. I am simply going to run some scans, but you need to keep standing there" The doctor explained softly. 

Moments later, the machine started to make some whirring noises and after a minute, it finally stopped. The doctor made some notes while looking at the computer screen before he finally turned toward me… "Some of your emotions are elevated right now, especially anger. I believe anger is your trigger, right?" The doctor asked and at first, I wasn't sure if I should admit it or not, but after thinking for a bit, I nodded my head in agreement.

I realized that he already had the test results, so there was no point in lying… "I see. Are you feeling any different?" The doctor asked in a careful tone.

"Not really. Yes, I am feeling angry, but I am not having any urge to attack anyone or break anything" I answered with a shrug. I realized that he was probably trying to make a psyche profile since he wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to snap if I transformed.

"I see… I see…" The doctor mumbled as he continued to note down on his notepad. "Now, all of the boring stuff out of the way, let me tell you things I discovered about your Quirk" The doctor returned to his usual cheerful self and explained happily. "Your scales might look metallic, but they aren't metallic. They seem to be organic, but I wasn't able to get any concrete results from the scan, but I do know that they are strong enough to stop bullets" The doctor explained happily.

"Your temperatures are a lot higher than usual, but I wasn't able to find any flames on the scans" The doctor took another look at the computer screen and explained.

Instead of saying anything, I took a deep breath and moments later, flames spewed out of my mouth. "...That explains quite a lot. Reo-kun, do you know how hot your flames really are?" The doctor asked, even though he already knew the answer.

I knew that my flames were really hot, but I didn't know exactly how hot so I shook my head in denial. He pressed another button on the console. The floor opened up and a silver orb came out of the ground. "Now, use your fire to attack that orb" The doctor instructed.

I took another deep breath and breathed out… The orb was engulfed in flames and when the flames finally stopped coming out of my mouth, the orb was glowing brightly. "1700° C. Those flames are quite hot, young man, you need to be careful with them" The doctor breathed out, looking impressed. I grinned internally, feeling really smug. Yes, keep the compliments coming, doctor.

"There are a few more tests we would need to conduct, but before that, I need you to feel more angry. Think of anything that makes you angry. We need to see if anger somehow enhances your Quirk or not" The doctor suggested and I was happy to follow his instructions since I needed to check that out myself. I needed to see if I was right about my Quirk or not.

"Alright" I called out and decided to feed my anger and I immediately started to feel the changes. I started to grow bigger and my features started to become more draconic… I finally stopped feeding my anger when I felt the ceiling getting closer… "Wow… You have grown quite big, haven't you?" The doctor asked, looking impressed.

"Can I-" I stopped myself from speaking anymore. My voice boomed inside the closed room and for a moment I felt that I might break the glass separating this room from the observation room. "Can I test my flames?" This time I whispered and even though my voice boomed again, it was much bearable this time.

"Sure, young man, give it a try" The doctor happily obliged.

I took a deep breath and breathed out… However, I could immediately feel the changes. This time my flames were much hotter than before… The orb didn't even last a second and started to melt. Even the machine on the ceiling caught fire and the room was immediately filled with the fire extinguisher gas, but I wasn't bothered by any of that as I was busy laughing like a loon. 

I was right… I had Lung's power, but better…