
The Little Girls Don't want to Leave their Mama & Rising Conflict...




"Buaaaah! Mommy, don't leave meeeeeee!"

"Mooommyyyy…! Let me go with youuu…! Gueeeehh!"


The moment I said that I wasn't going to go with my children, Ailine and Vudia exploded in years… My little girls, seeing them so sad is breaking my heart…

"M-My little princesses don't cry! Mommy will be back in a couple of days!"

"B-But I don't wanna! I wanna go with mommy!"

"Nooooo! Don't leave meeeeee!"

Not only I would go, but their mothers, Rimuru and Brontes, would accompany me…

I grabbed the two of them with my arms as they tightly hugged me with their thin little arms, Ailine's rainbow-colored eyes shined even brighter when she cried, her tears moistening my entire dress. On the other side, Vudia's golden-colored eye cried a long and thick river of tears, already leaving a small puddle on the floor.

"Gueeeeeh! Noo! Nooo"

"Mommy, don't go, okay? Snif"