
Talking With An Eldritch Goddess Avatar




Shub-Niggurath herself, or well, one of her Manifestations within the Limbo of the Gates of Hell spoke to me. Strangely enough, she wasn't aggressive, nor she said she wanted to stop us and challenge me to a fight or something.

In fact she acted very friendly! Why?! This is creepy!

Anyways, she said that we could go anytime we wanted, but she wanted to speak.

Speak? Why? And for what purpose?

She simply wanted to speak and talk, she said she felt bored here. Even though her real self is probably somewhere else, so I doubt it. but it was a good excuse to increase my curiosity.

I was curious about her origins or what she was, but I didn't wanted to get myself involved in any more problems than we already were. There was enough trouble in my path to get into even more.