
Satan's Left Hand, Beleth


The elderly-looking demon slowly walked across the explosions, his Demonic Aura blocking all the magic that could reach him, he slowly made his way in front of the powerful Luminous.

"Hey, little lizard. Don't you think it's about time you let us pass?"

He asked gently, although that only made Luminous angrier… He couldn't believe a demon was asking him politely to let them pass so they could slaughter innocent people and steal their treasures.

"Your act of kindness won't get through me." Luminous said, suddenly summoning a gigantic sword of light. "I know your true colors, demons! I can sense it within you. That Aura of yours, it contains the agony and suffering of millions! How many innocent souls have you devoured?!"

"Hohoho, I don't think that matters now… So? Will you let me pass?" Asked the old man, glancing at Luminous by moving his head upwards.

"The answer remains the same." Luminous said, swinging his sword. "NO!"