
Poseidon And The Mysterious Visitor


Within the various Realms of Genesis, while Hel and the other Supreme Gods were about to continue their war, things were happening. The world of Genesis was not just all about Hel's war, the entire world was undergoing tremendous changes, as portals to other Planes opened constantly. And a certain race of beings from another Plane, another dimension… were already on the move. Some had allied Odin and his family of Aesir. But others… had decided to go against them.

Poseidon was one of those contacted by such a strange, otherworldly entity. Within the Realm of Atlantis, an entity that can only be described as transcendentally beautiful emerged. A being made entirely out of pure spiritual liquid, but that was not at all like Rimuru… However, it took the slight shape of a woman. The strange entity seemed to come from another plane, the Spiritual Plane.