
Newly Evolved Cosmic Maxima Ego Souls




I summoned Aquamarine to my side, and lo and behold, he emerged brand-new, separating from the endless sea-looking soul I now had, which resembled some sort of swirling ocean of liquid chaos of black, purple, red, and blue colors with lots of starts, the mass of soul quickly materialized into his usual form.

No, actually he changed quite a lot, the necklace had gone from blue and gold colors with blue jewels to a larger, even more majestic necklace with silver and black colors, red, purple, and blue jewels, and a small ornament above the main blue and red jewel at the center resembling a roaring tiger made of silver and black metal.

"Amazing, Aquamarine! I'm relived you're alright. Did you sleep well?"



Aquamarine's necklace form instantly transformed, becoming a huge tiger made of the same liquid-like substance that my soul resembled.