
Luminous' Harem




As the meeting continued and Mammon gave us many insights, we laid out a good enough plan. After that, we decided to relax for a bit and drink some tea while chatting. Without a doubt I immediately went for the elephant in the room, at least for myself.

"So, Luminous. Now that the girls went to serve us some more tea. Why are they all so lovey-dovey with you?" I wondered with a smile.

"Do you really need to ask…" He groaned. "Can't you guess?"

"Aw, come on! Tell me!" I laughed.

"Ugh…" He facepalmed on his "humanoid" form, which resembled a very tall, muscular, white-scaled dragon-like lizardman. "Look, I am an adult male dragon. And sometimes, there are things I cannot… Well, resist. Instincts, you know? And those females were too eager, so I simply couldn't continue… resisting my instincts. I… let go of them and… well, that happened."

"My husband, we're back with sweets!" Odanth stepped in.